Ljubljana related

14 Dec 2019, 16:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Romana Dobnikar Seruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Brexit, misija nemogoče?

Brexit, mission impossible?

Z brexitom bomo hitro opravili, je pred volitvami obljubljal Boris Johnson, premier in vodja britanskih torijcev.

Brexit will be done quickly, Boris Johnson promised before the election, the Prime Minister and leader of the British Tories.

Vodja laburistov in opozicije v parlamentu Jeremy Corbyn pa je napovedoval, da bo njegova vlada dosegla nov sporazum o brexitu, ki ga bodo nato državljani potrdili ali zavrnili na referendumu. 

Labour and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, however, has announced that his government will reach a new Brexit agreement, which citizens will then either confirm or reject in a referendum.

V Veliki Britaniji danes volijo nove poslance in novo vlado. Zmagovalca čaka težka naloga, saj je vprašanje brexita oziroma izstopa Velike Britanije iz Evropske unije (EU) med državljane vneslo velik razdor. Eni so prepričani, da bi bilo življenje boljše brez EU, drugi menijo ravno nasprotno.

In Britain today, new MPs and a new government are being elected. The winner will have a difficult task as the issue of Brexit, or the UK's exit from the European Union (EU), has caused great disagreement among citizens. Some believe that life would be better without the EU, others think the opposite.

Negotov je položaj državljanov EU, ki živijo v Veliki Britaniji, in položaj Britancev, ki živijo v drugih državah EU. Nerešeno pa je tudi vprašanje meje z Irsko – ta bo po brexitu edina kopenska meja med Veliko Britanijo in EU.

The situation of EU citizens living in the UK and the situation of Britons living in other EU countries is uncertain. The issue of the border with Ireland is also unresolved - it will be the only land border between the UK and the EU after Brexit.

Uresničitev brexita se je v zadnjih treh letih izkazala za misijo nemogoče. Politiki so razdeljeni: eni se zavzemajo za čim hitrejši izstop iz EU, drugi bi radi nov referendum, tretji pa bi nanj najraje pozabili.

The realisation of Brexit has proven impossible for the past three years. Politicians are divided: one group is in favour of leaving the EU as soon as possible, the other would like a new referendum and the third would rather forget it.

V parlamentu niso hoteli potrditi še nobenega predloga sporazuma »o ločitvi«, zato je bil rok za brexit že trikrat prestavljen. 

They did not want to approve any proposal for a "divorce agreement" in Parliament, so the Brexit deadline had already been postponed three times.

Zaradi tega je konservativna premierka Theresa May julija letos odstopila. Nasledil jo je Boris Johnson, ki prav tako ni dobil zadostne podpore v parlamentu.

As a result, Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May resigned in July this year. She was succeeded by Boris Johnson, who also did not receive sufficient support in Parliament.

Predlagal je nove volitve, saj je računal na to, da bo v novem parlamentu več konservativnih poslancev.

He called a new election, as he hoped there would be more Conservative MPs in the new Parliament.

Kako bodo odločili volivci, se bo pokazalo danes.

How voters will decide will be revealed today.

Zadnja novica

Latest news

Na volitvah v Veliki Britaniji so prepričljivo zmagali konservativci Borisa Johnsona.

In the UK election, the Conservative Boris Johnson won.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

07 Nov 2019, 17:32 PM

Regular readers of TSN will probably know we run a weekly dual text, in English and Slovene, to encourage you to read more of the language. This text comes from Časoris, a Slovenian news website for children. Since the website won an award last week, as detailed below, we thought it’d be a good time to share more about the project, and so sent some questions to one of the people behind it, Sonja Merljak Zdovc, and she was kind enough to reply.

Sonja on a swing.jpg

Source and subject, Sonja Merljak Zdovc

How did you come to start Časoris?

It was created in April of 2015 – in the aftermath of January’s terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. At the time, many parents were wondering how to explain what happened to their children. An article about how a French newspaper for children did just that landed in my Facebook feed, and it reminded me that we have no such medium for children and their parents in Slovenia. That’s how it occurred to me that I could create it.

I strongly believe that children can and want to understand the news if it is put in context for them, and presented in kid-friendly language. With Časoris I am trying to help them to understand the news, to think critically about what they’re reading, and to apply their knowledge to the real world.

More personally, I love being a journalist. I believe this is the most beautiful profession in the world. At the time when I became one, we would say that we became journalists because we wanted to bring peace to the world. Just like the women in Miss World!.

However, in the last decade journalism became a failing profession. And the media, so crucial to democracy, began to lose readers, listeners, and viewers. Children growing up today live in the world of Snapchat, Instagram and You Tube, and do not see their parents read newspapers or watch the news as we did.

With a generation of readers already lost, I began to think if I could do anything to help save the profession I love so much. I came up with an idea: an online newspaper for children.

Online, because children are on the web, and a newspaper because I wanted them to read serious news, not just the fun staff.

Časoris is aimed at young children, those who won’t read the news on their own. But they are trusting souls and if the adults they respect, their teachers and parents, tell them it is good to read the newspaper, they will listen.

This way we hope that when they become teenagers they will develop a habit of reading reliable sources of information. And when a popular You Tuber suggest that a EU directive will ban memes, they will know where to double check their facts.

Who produces it, and who is it aimed at?

It is produced mostly by me together with a team of dedicated writers who contribute as much and as often they can. It is aimed at children aged 6 to 12 but we hear and are happy because of that that also older children read it and find it interesting.

Casoris screenshot for sonja story jkhfsj.JPG

Our readers like Časoris  because it has short, interesting stories using relatively simple Slovene. Do you know if it’s used to teach Slovene as a foreign language?

I don’t know about that, but I have heard that some English language teachers use Časoris in their English classes. And I also know that some teachers from the States find it useful as it brings them the news from other part of the world. They value its different perspective on current affairs.

And of course, it’s read in some Slovene schools during classes.

Časoris  recently won an award in Austria – what was that all about?

The project Stories of Children from around the World won the Intercultural Achievement Award in the media category. The aim of the project is to give a  voice to the voiceless, in our case to children from other countries living in Slovenia and going to Slovenian schools.

The award means a lot, because our work has been recognized internationally. For a small media operation, which Časoris still is, this is really huge.

The award is financial, too, so it will be easier to start next year. Časoris does not have any systematic funding and we can never be sure if we’ll have enough support.

We respond to tenders and if we are successful we get funding for a project. Stories of Children from around the World, for example, was co-financed by Government Communication Office as part of the efforts to respect and welcome members of different ethnic groups, refugees and migrants.

You used to work at Delo. What have been the biggest changes in the Slovenian print media over your career?

Hm, that’s a difficult question. In Slovenia we could add political pressures to the digital revolution. In the past we had seen examples of politicians wanting to control the media. One of the biggest drops in subscriptions was directly related to that. The readers that left did not subscribe to other newspapers, they were lost for good.

The idea that the media must bring in a double digit revenue was also not helping. A media owner should have other interests at heart, not profit. A wise media owner’s interest is the public good through credible journalism. An example of such an owner is the The Guardian’s Scott Trust.

Finally, the internet caused a disruption that we are all still struggling with. Nobody has come up with a good business model for the digital online world, at least not a model that could be used widely. There may be some exceptions, but in general the majority of the media all around the world are under pressure.

I’m still waiting for a Netflix or Deezer for news, a solution that will allow me to pay a certain amount of euros per month and then access the stories I want to read across different media and platforms – behind a paywall or not. If there’s no paywall I still want to make a donation, but I do not want the hassle of making a donation or paying every time I want to read something. I believe that there are other people out there who feel the same, so I hope someday will have a technology that will enable this.

Are there any reasons to be optimistic about the future of the media in Slovenia?

I am not sure that the future of the media in Slovenia is very different to the future of the media in other countries, but for the peculiarity of our language, of course.

I definitely believe that as citizens we need quality media and good journalism, and I only hope that more of us will recognize the important role the media plays in democracy. If we want to keep the media, we need to be willing to spend the price of a cup of coffee a day on the media of our choice – online or offline, as a subscription or a donation.

It seems easy to say, oh, I do not need the media, I get my information on Google and Facebook. But how do you know which information you are getting and why if you don’t have something to compare it to?

When something happens and the media doesn’t report it, people say, oh where were the journalists, why did they not report it? What they don’t seem to understand is that journalists are professionals who need to pay the bills, just like doctors, teachers or lawyers. They cannot do their job for free. Somebody has to pay for their service. It is either us, the readers, or advertisers, foundations or the state through various subsidies.

We can say that everybody whose paying an electricity bill is already paying for the news on public broadcasters. But if only the public broadcasters remain, it means we have only one perspective. And sometimes that’s not enough. Then there is no media pluralism.

In the States, half of the journalism jobs were cut in the last 10 to 20 years. It’s no wonder so much stuff is left unreported.

You can learn more about Časoris on the site itself, and see our collection of dual texts here. Meanwhile, if there's a project in Slovenia that you think deserves some attention in the English-language media, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or find me on Facebook

30 Oct 2019, 16:01 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Divali, praznik svetlobe

Divali, a festival of light

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dnevi postajajo vse krajši in odkar smo spet premaknili uro, se zdi, da nas večji del dneva obdaja tema.

The days are getting shorter, and since we’ve moved the clock again, most of the day seems to be in darkness.

Prav zato so v teh dneh še toliko bolj pomembni prazniki, ki slavijo svetlobo.

That's why holidays celebrating the light are all the more important these days.

Eden takih je tudi indijski praznik luči divali.

One such is the Indian festival of light Divali.

Traja pet dni in v tem času se Indijci podajo na ulice, da bi s procesijami počastili duhovno zmago svetlobe nad temo, dobrega nad zlom, znanja nad nevednostjo in upanja nad obupom.

It lasts for five days, during which time Indians take to the streets for parades to mark the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.

Med festivalom svetlobe domačini očistijo domove ter jih okrasijo z oljenkami in svečami in se tako poklonijo boginji Lakšmi.

During the festival of light, the locals clean their homes and decorate them with lamps and candles to pay homage to the goddess Lakshmi.

V številnih mestih v tem času pripravijo razkošne ognjemete. Ti dodatno onesnažujejo že tako umazan zrak v tej državi, zato od lani namesto običajnih pirotehničnih sredstev uporabljajo taka, ki so bolj prijazna okolju.

Magnificent firework displays are put on in many cities during this time. They add pollution to the already dirty air in this country, so since last year they use environmentally friendly ones instead of the usual pyrotechnics.

Posebnost divalija je tudi rangoli: slikovite in pisane umetnine iz različnih pisanih naravnih materialov, kot so na primer cvetni listi, pesek, moka in riž.

A specialty of Divali are Rangoli: colourful artworks made of various colourful natural materials, such as petals, sand, flour and rice.

Divali, ki se je letos začel 25. in končal 29. oktobra, je eden od najbolj radoživih in priljubljenih praznikov na hindujskem koledarju. Datum njegovega začetka ni vsako leto enak. Povezan je s koncem žetve in mlado luno.

Divali, which began this year on the 25th and ended on the 29th of October, is one of the most joyous and popular holidays in the Hindu calendar. Its start date is not the same every year. It is associated with the end of the harvest and the young moon.

Kot državni praznik ga obeležujejo v mnogih državah, poleg Indije še v Maleziji, Singapurju, Nepalu in na Šrilanki.

It is celebrated as a national holiday in many countries, and other than India in Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

29 Oct 2019, 15:33 PM

STA, 29 October 2019 - A project presenting stories of refugee and migrant children in Slovenia carried out by the Časoris on-line magazine for children has been awarded this year's Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) in the media category, conferred by the Austrian government.

Representatives of Zavod Časoris, the publisher of the magazine, received the award from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs at a ceremony in Vienna on Monday.

The award supporting intercultural projects related to education, youth, women, media, migration and integration went to the magazine for its project Stories of Children of the World among more than 200 competing projects from 31 countries.

Announcing the news, the publisher said that it was the first project from Slovenia to receive the award.

As part of the project, the on-line magazine has presented since 2017 a total of 17 stories of children from various countries; their customs, culture and tradition.

This year, seven of these children were revisited to see how they have integrated in the new environment in Slovenia and what helps them the most in the integration.

The creator of the project, journalist and editor Sonja Merljak Zdovc, said on the occasion that the project wanted to give a voice to those who were otherwise not heard.

"These are children who came to Slovenia from other countries - unaccompanied, as refugees or migrants, who were fleeing from war or poverty, and dreaming about a better, safer and more decent life," she added.

You can see examples of stories from Časoris, in both Slovene and English, here

02 Oct 2019, 18:19 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pri Krisu ni bilo vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti

For Chris, it wasn't a question of helping, but of how to do it

»Še vedno ne dojamem, kaj se je zgodilo,« pravi Ana Jerak, mama devetnajstmesečnega Krisa s prirojeno mišično boleznijo.

"I still don't understand what happened," says Ana Jerak, the mother of nineteen-month-old Kris with a congenital muscular disease.

Družini je v manj kot petih dneh uspelo zbrati veliko denarja. Celo več, kot ga potrebujejo za zelo drago zdravilo, ki lahko dečku reši življenje.

The family managed to raise a lot of money in less than five days. Even more than they need for a very expensive drug that can save the boy's life.

To ne bi bilo mogoče brez pomoči številnih po vsej Sloveniji, ki so pomagali zbirati denar.

This would not have been possible without the help of many around Slovenia who helped raise money.

Eden od prvih, ki je izvedel za Krisovo zgodbo, je bil televizijski voditelj Edi Pucer. Zanjo mu je povedal Krisov nono. Sočasno so se Krisovi starši obrnili tudi na druge medije.

One of the first to find out about Kris' story was television presenter Edi Pucer. He was told by Kris's grandfather. At the same time, Kris's parents also turned to other media.

Ko so številni Slovenci izvedeli, da Kris potrebuje njihovo pomoč in da bi lahko, če bi vsi stopili skupaj in prispevali vsak en evro, dečku pomagali do zdravila, ki ga potrebuje, se je snežna kepa začela kotaliti.

When many Slovenes learned that Kris needed their help and that if they all came together and contributed one euro each, they could help the boy with the medicine he needed, the snowball began to roll.

»Čar te akcije zbiranja denarja je bil, da nikogar ni bilo treba prositi za pomoč. Mediji smo Krisovo zgodbo objavili, vsak, ki je slišal zanjo, pa je takoj hotel pomagati po svojih močeh. In tako smo skupaj dosegli nemogoče,« pravi Edi Pucer.

“The charm of this money-raising campaign was that no one had to ask for help. We released Kris's story to the media, and everyone who heard about it immediately wanted to help. And so together we have achieved the impossible, ” says Edi Pucer.

Pomagali so tudi otroci. Mnogi so rekli, da bodo prispevali svoje denarčke. Osemletni Jaka, ki ima tudi sam hude zdravstvene težave, saj ima cerebralno paralizo, pa je Krisu podaril svojo hokejsko palico Anžeta Kopitarja.

Children also helped. Many said they would contribute their own money. Eight-year-old Jaka, who also has serious health problems because of cerebral palsy, donated his hockey stick from Anz Kopitar for Chris.

Ko so ljudje izvedeli za Krisovo zgodbo, za mnoge ni bilo več vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti.

When people found out about Kris's story, for many, it was no longer a question of helping, but of how to do it.

Mnogi tako sedaj poznajo Krisovo bolezen in druge redke bolezni, ki jih lahko imajo otroci.

Many now know about Kris’s disease and other rare diseases that children may have.

Slovenija je majhna država, vendar včasih je to njena prednost. Zaradi svoje majhnosti se mnogi med sabo poznajo. In potem beseda da besedo in lahko se zgodijo čudovite stvari.

Slovenia is a small country, but sometimes it is an advantage. Because of its small size, many people know each other. And then word spreads and wonderful things can happen.

Ponosni smo lahko, da znamo tudi stopiti skupaj. 

We can be proud that we are able to pull together.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

18 Sep 2019, 12:00 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Gliste iz pradavnine

Ancient worms

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

V fosiliziranem iztrebku pume, starem približno 17 tisoč let, so paleontologi odkrili ostanke najstarejšega parazita do sedaj.

In the fossilized excrement of a puma about 17,000 years old, palaeontologists have discovered the remains of the oldest parasite known to date.

Glista, katere jajčeca so našli, je danes zelo pogosta pri mačkah, psih in lisicah.

The worms, the eggs of which were found, are very common in cats, dogs and foxes today.

Dolgo so mislili, da se je na divje živali razširila z domačih, vendar to odkritje kaže, da morda ni bilo tako. V času, ko je puma izločila svoj iztrebek z jajčecami gliste, na tistem območju namreč še ni bilo ljudi, torej tudi domačih živali ne.

It has long been thought that the worms spread to wildlife from domestic animals, but this finding suggests that may not have been the case. At the time when the puma passed its faeces with the worm eggs there were no humans in the area, so no domestic animals.

Fosilizirani iztrebki se imenujejo korpoliti in ne smrdijo.

Fossilized faeces are called corpolites and do not stink.

Na prvi pogled so zelo podobni kamnu. Za znanstvenike so pomembni, ker vsebujejo molekule DNK, ki so prava zakladnica informacij.

At first look they are very similar to stone. They are important to scientists because they contain DNA molecules that are a real treasure trove of information.

Iz njih lahko razberejo veliko različnih podatkov o življenju živali in ljudi v davni preteklosti.

From them we can take a lot of different information about the lives of animals and humans in the ancient past.

Tako danes bolje razumemo, s čim se je prehranjeval tiranozaver ali kaj so imeli na jedilniku ljudje v mlajši kameni dobi v Turčiji.

Thus, today we better understand what a tyrannosaur ate or what people in the Early Stone Age in Turkey had on the menu.

Najstarejše zaporedje DNK so znanstveniki sicer izolirali iz konjske kosti, ki se je ohranila v permafrostu v zahodni Kanadi. Pripadala je vrsti divjih konj, ki so živeli pred 700 tisoč leti.

Scientists have isolated the oldest DNA sequences from horse bone preserved in permafrost in western Canada. It belonged to a kind of wild horse that lived 700,000 years ago.

DNK prvih Skandinavcev, ki so skandinavski polotok naselili pred približno 10 tisoč leti, pa so našli kar v prazgodovinski različici žvečilnih gumijev iz brezovega lubja.

The DNA of the first Scandinavians, who settled the Scandinavian peninsula about 10,000 years ago, was found in a prehistoric version of birch bark gum.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

03 Sep 2019, 11:01 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako ukrotiti svoje učitelje

How to tame your teachers

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

V življenju boste srečali mnogo učiteljev.

You will meet many teachers in your life.

Nekatere boste oboževali: ti vas bodo navdihnili, povzdignili, veliko naučili, mogoče bodo celo vplivali na to, kaj boste postali, usedli se bodo v vaša srca.

Some you will adore: they will inspire you, elevate you, teach you a lot, they may even influence what you become, they will settle into your hearts.

Druge boste želeli poslati iz razreda: ti vas bodo naučili, kako se postaviti zase, kako krotiti jezo, kako se dokazati ali kako sprejeti nekoga, ki vam gre na živce.

You will want to send others out of the class: they will teach you how to stand up for yourself, how to temper your anger, how to prove yourself, or how to accept someone who gets on your nerves.

Naleteli boste tudi na dolgočasne, organizirane, zaskrbljene, materinske, hiperaktivne, z zdravjem obsedene učitelje in še mnoge, mnoge druge.

You will also come across boring, organised, anxious, maternal, hyperactive, health-obsessed teachers, and many, many more.

Mogoče vas bodo učili tudi taki učitelji, ki se jih kasneje sploh ne boste več spomnili.

You may also be taught by some teachers that you won’t remember at all.

Ljudje smo različni. In tako kot boste v življenju srečevali takšne in drugačne ljudi, takšne in drugačne prijatelje, sorodnike, šefe, tako boste srečali tudi takšne in drugačne učitelje. Ampak od vsakega se boste kaj naučili.

We humans are different. And just as you will meet many different people in your life, like different friends, relatives, bosses, so will you meet various teachers. But you will learn something from each.

Napotki, kako ukrotiti svojega učitelja

How to tame your teacher

Ko prideš v šolo, ga pozdravi. Majhna stvar, ki pomeni ogromno.

When you get to school, greet him. A small thing that means a lot.

Sem in tja ga malo pohvali. Takrat, ko si zasluži.

Praise him a little here and there. Just when he deserves it.

Delaj domačo nalogo. Preprosta matematika pravi: brez domače naloge = siten učitelj in dolgo predavanje o tem, kako vam domača naloga koristi, da je ne delate zanj in …; z domačo nalogo = srečen učitelj, brez predavanja.

Do your homework. Simple math says: no homework = annoying teacher and a long lecture about how your homework benefits you from working for it and…; homework = happy teacher, no lecture.

Bodi vljuden, učitelja spoštuj. Učitelj je vaš učitelj. Je nekdo, ki vas hoče nekaj naučiti, nekdo, ki vam hoče dobro, nekdo, ki vas ima rad. Če učitelj spoštuje vas, tudi vi spoštujte učitelja.

Be polite, respect the teacher. The teacher is your teacher. He is someone who wants to teach you something, someone who wants you well, someone who loves you. If the teacher respects you, you also respect the teacher.

Pogovarjaj se z učiteljem. Učitelji se radi pogovarjamo s svojimi učenci. Če česa ne razumeš, mu povej.

Talk to your teacher. Teachers like to talk to our students. If you don't understand something, tell him.

Pomagaj sošolcem. Pri učenju, pri pospravljanju, pri pridobivanju prijateljev, v žalostnih dneh … Tako boste postali pravi junaki. Meni se zdi to veliko bolj pomembno kot najboljši uspeh.

Help your classmates. When you study, when you get dressed, when you make friends, on sad days ... You will become a real hero. I find this much more important than the greatest success.

Tako, dragi moji, boste odlično začeli svoje leto. Vse je lažje, če se razumete z učiteljem. Če mu zaupate, če ga spoštujete. In če boste vi spoštovali učitelja, bo tudi on spoštoval vas.

So, my dear, you will have a great start to your year. It's easier to get along with your teacher. If you trust him, if you respect him. And if you respect the teacher, he will respect you too.

In veste kaj?

And you know what?

Učitelj bo ukročen.

The teacher will be tamed.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Aug 2019, 19:25 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Janja Garnbret Prva Plezalka S Petimi Zlatimi Medaljami

Janja Garnbret First Climber With Five Gold Medals

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

»Nepredstavljivo je, kaj mi je uspelo v tej sezoni,« je dejala Janja Garnbret.

“It is inconceivable what I have achieved this season,” said Janja Garnbret.

Svetovna prvakinja je postala še v težavnostnem plezanju.

The World Champion became even more confident in climbing.

Uspešna je bila tudi Mia Krampl, ki je dosegla drugo mesto.

Mia Krampl was also successful, finishing second.

Že dva dni prej je Janja Garnbret navijače razveselila z osvojitvijo zlate kolajne v balvanskem plezanju.

Two days earlier, Janja Garnbret had already been cheered by fans for the gold medal in bouldering.

V tej disciplini je kot prva športnica na svetu drugič zapored ubranila naslov svetovne prvakinje.

In this discipline, she is the first athlete in the world to defend the title of world champions for the second time.

»Oba naslova mi res veliko, veliko pomenita in res sem vesela, da sem obdržala mirno glavo,« je po osvojitvi naslova dejala plezalka.

"Both titles really mean a lot to me, and I'm really happy to keep my head calm," said the climber after winning the title.

»Jaz samo uživam in plezam tako, kot znam,« je po osvojitvi dveh zlatih medalj na Japonskem dejala mlada Korošica.

"I just enjoy the climb as I know it," said the young girl from Korošica after winning two gold medals in Japan.

Jutri se bo potegovala še za tretje odličje na tem prvenstvu.

Tomorrow she will compete for a third in this championship.

V nedeljo se je že uvrstila tudi na olimpijske igre, ki bodo prihodnje leto v Tokiu.

On Sunday she also made it to the Olympics, which will be in Tokyo next year

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

13 Aug 2019, 09:17 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mladost naj bi bila norost, a tudi mladi imajo svoje skrbi

Youth is supposed to be madness, but young people also have their concerns

Kolikokrat si zaželiš, da bi že enkrat odrasla? Takrat lahko sama odločaš, kdaj se boš učila, jedla čokolado ali igrala video igre.

How many times have you wished you could grow at once? You could then decide when to study, eat chocolate or play video games.

Fino, kajne?

Fine, right?

Vendar svet dobrih 300,000 mladih, ki pri nas vstopajo v svet odraslih, ni vedno rožnat. Na to ob današnjem mednarodnem dnevu mladih opozarjajo mladinske organizacije.

However, the world of over 300,000 young people entering the adult world is not always rosy. Youth organizations are drawing attention to this on today's International Youth Day.

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»Največji izziv današnjih mladih je zagotovo ustrezna rešitev stanovanjskega vprašanja,« pravi Jasmina Opec Vöröš, vodja zagovorništva pri Mladinskem svetu Slovenije (MSS).

"The biggest challenge for today's youth is certainly the proper solution to the housing problem," says Jasmina Opec Vöröš, head of advocacy at the Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS).

Mladi, ki želijo zapustiti dom, v katerem so živeli kot otroci, težko najamejo, kaj šele kupijo stanovanje. Teh primanjkuje oziroma so tako draga, da si jih mladi nikakor ne morejo privoščiti, dodaja Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

Young people who want to leave the home they lived in as children find it difficult to rent, let alone buy, an apartment. They are scarce or so expensive that young people cannot afford them at all, adds Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

Brezposelnost med mladimi se je v zadnjih letih sicer zmanjšala, a mnogi še vedno ne zaslužijo dovolj.

Although youth unemployment has decreased in recent years, many still do not earn enough.

Njihova plača ne zadošča za najemnino, banke pa tistim brez rednih prihodkov ne želijo posoditi denarja.

Their pay is not enough for rent, and banks do not want to lend money to those without regular income.

»To vpliva na osamosvajanje mladih, saj si težko ustvarijo družino,« poudarja sogovornica.

"This affects the independence of young people, because they have a difficult time starting a family," said one interviewee.

Dan mladih od leta 1999 obeležujemo na pobudo generalne skupščine Organizacije združenih narodov (OZN).

Youth Day has been celebrated since 1999 at the initiative of the United Nations General Assembly.

Tema letošnjega je preoblikovanje izobraževanj. OZN si želi, da bi izobraževanje postalo dostopno za vse mlade.

The theme of this year is the transformation of education. The UN wants education to be accessible to all young people.

»Velik izziv je tudi zagotavljanje delovnih mest za visoko izobražene mlade, predvsem v krajih, ki niso večja mestna središča,« še opozarja Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

"It is also a great challenge to provide jobs for highly educated young people, especially in places other than major urban centres," points out Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

05 Aug 2019, 10:46 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Fortnite je zelo drugačen od resničnega življenja

Fortnite is very different from real life

Blaž Lešnik je edini Slovenec, ki se mu je uspelo uvrstiti na največji turnir v igranju videoigre Fortnite.

Blaž Lešnik is the only Slovenian who has managed to qualify for the biggest Fortnite video game tournament.

V kvalifikacijah za nastop na zaključnem turnirju je prek spleta sodelovalo okoli 40 milijonov igralcev z vsega sveta.

About 40 million players from around the world participated online in the qualifications for the final tournament.

Brez trdega dela tudi pri igranju videoigric ni uspeha, pravi šestnajstletni srednješolec, ki ga soigralci poznajo pod vzdevkom K1nzell in ki nastopa za Team Atlantis.

Without the hard work of playing video games, there is no success, says the sixteen-year-old high school student, known by teammates under the alias K1nzell, who plays for Team Atlantis.

V finale na teniškem stadionu v New Yorku se jih je uvrstilo sto, med njimi tudi Blaž, ki je zasedel 30. mesto. Za nagrado si je prislužil 45 tisoč evrov.

One hundred made it to the finals at the New York Tennis Stadium, including Blaž, who finished 30th. He won a prize of €45,000.

Kako je potekal turnir?

How did the tournament go?

V New York smo odpotovali približno teden dni pred turnirjem. Tam smo potem večino časa trenirali, da smo se privadili igranju v drugačnem okolju.

We travelled to New York about a week before the tournament. We then trained there most of the time to get used to playing in a different environment.

V nedeljo smo odšli na stadion okoli štiri ure pred začetkom tekmovanja. Približno ob enih popoldan so organizatorji poskrbeli za koncert DJ-ja Marshmella.

On Sunday, we went to the stadium about four hours before the start of the competition. At about one in the afternoon, the organisers arranged for a concert by DJ Marshmello.

Takoj po koncu se je začel turnir.

Immediately after this finished the tournament began.

Potekal je odlično, saj sem po četrti igri zasedel 5. mesto. Zaradi nesreče in povečanega števila igralcev v mojem izbranem »landing stepu« Sunny Steps pa potem ni več potekalo vse po načrtih.

It went great as I finished 5th after the fourth game. This was by chance and due to the increased number of players in my chosen "landing step", Sunny Steps, then everything went as planned.

Kako so potekale priprave na tekmovanje?

How did the preparations for the competition go?

Fortnite igram že približno dve leti, torej odkar obstaja.

I've been playing Fortnite for about two years now, so they were happening all that time.

Vsak dan sem v igranje vložil veliko ur, kar se je na koncu tudi izplačalo.

Every day I played for many hours, which eventually paid off.

Fortnite je igra, ki združuje bojevanje, raziskovanje in gradnjo virtualnega sveta. Kaj je tebi pri igri še posebno všeč?

Fortnite is a game that combines fighting, exploring and building a virtual world. What do you particularly like about the game?

Fortnite je edinstvena videoigra. Takoj me je zelo pritegnila, saj je bila edina, ki vsebuje grajenje.

Fortnite is a unique video game. It immediately caught my attention as it was the only one which includes creativity.

V kakšnem smislu?

In what sense?

Všeč mi je, kako je lahko vsak posamezen igralec oziroma njegov način igranja drugačen od ostalih.

I like how each individual player or their way of playing can be different from the others.

V Fortnitu si lahko zelo kreativen, zaradi česar si lahko boljši od večine.

You can be very creative in Fortnite, and this can make you better than most.

V igri je tudi kar nekaj nasilja. Kako to razumeš?

There is also quite a bit of violence in the game. How do you understand that?

Na to ne gledam kot na nasilje, saj je igra zelo različna od resničnega življenja.

I do not view this as violence, as the game is very different from real life.

Koliko časa na dan posvetiš Fortnitu?

How much time a day do you dedicate to Fortnite?

Več ur, da lahko ostanem na tako visokem nivoju, kar je pa tudi zelo težko.

Many hours to stay at such a high level, which is also very difficult.

Kaj še počneš v prostem času?

What else do you do in your spare time?

Veliko časa mi vzame šola, zato večino prostega časa posvetim igranju oziroma treniranju Fortnita.

A lot of the time I have school, so I spend most of my free time playing or coaching Fortnite.

Kaj si še želiš doseči?

What else do you want to achieve?

V prihodnosti se ob igranju želim posvetiti še snemanju videov in predvajanju igranja v živo na Twitchu oziroma YouTubu.

In the future, when I play I want to focus on video recording and live streaming on Twitch or YouTube.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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