Slovene-English Dual Text: Znamo Stopiti Skupaj

By , 02 Oct 2019, 18:19 PM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pri Krisu ni bilo vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti

For Chris, it wasn't a question of helping, but of how to do it

»Še vedno ne dojamem, kaj se je zgodilo,« pravi Ana Jerak, mama devetnajstmesečnega Krisa s prirojeno mišično boleznijo.

"I still don't understand what happened," says Ana Jerak, the mother of nineteen-month-old Kris with a congenital muscular disease.

Družini je v manj kot petih dneh uspelo zbrati veliko denarja. Celo več, kot ga potrebujejo za zelo drago zdravilo, ki lahko dečku reši življenje.

The family managed to raise a lot of money in less than five days. Even more than they need for a very expensive drug that can save the boy's life.

To ne bi bilo mogoče brez pomoči številnih po vsej Sloveniji, ki so pomagali zbirati denar.

This would not have been possible without the help of many around Slovenia who helped raise money.

Eden od prvih, ki je izvedel za Krisovo zgodbo, je bil televizijski voditelj Edi Pucer. Zanjo mu je povedal Krisov nono. Sočasno so se Krisovi starši obrnili tudi na druge medije.

One of the first to find out about Kris' story was television presenter Edi Pucer. He was told by Kris's grandfather. At the same time, Kris's parents also turned to other media.

Ko so številni Slovenci izvedeli, da Kris potrebuje njihovo pomoč in da bi lahko, če bi vsi stopili skupaj in prispevali vsak en evro, dečku pomagali do zdravila, ki ga potrebuje, se je snežna kepa začela kotaliti.

When many Slovenes learned that Kris needed their help and that if they all came together and contributed one euro each, they could help the boy with the medicine he needed, the snowball began to roll.

»Čar te akcije zbiranja denarja je bil, da nikogar ni bilo treba prositi za pomoč. Mediji smo Krisovo zgodbo objavili, vsak, ki je slišal zanjo, pa je takoj hotel pomagati po svojih močeh. In tako smo skupaj dosegli nemogoče,« pravi Edi Pucer.

“The charm of this money-raising campaign was that no one had to ask for help. We released Kris's story to the media, and everyone who heard about it immediately wanted to help. And so together we have achieved the impossible, ” says Edi Pucer.

Pomagali so tudi otroci. Mnogi so rekli, da bodo prispevali svoje denarčke. Osemletni Jaka, ki ima tudi sam hude zdravstvene težave, saj ima cerebralno paralizo, pa je Krisu podaril svojo hokejsko palico Anžeta Kopitarja.

Children also helped. Many said they would contribute their own money. Eight-year-old Jaka, who also has serious health problems because of cerebral palsy, donated his hockey stick from Anz Kopitar for Chris.

Ko so ljudje izvedeli za Krisovo zgodbo, za mnoge ni bilo več vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti.

When people found out about Kris's story, for many, it was no longer a question of helping, but of how to do it.

Mnogi tako sedaj poznajo Krisovo bolezen in druge redke bolezni, ki jih lahko imajo otroci.

Many now know about Kris’s disease and other rare diseases that children may have.

Slovenija je majhna država, vendar včasih je to njena prednost. Zaradi svoje majhnosti se mnogi med sabo poznajo. In potem beseda da besedo in lahko se zgodijo čudovite stvari.

Slovenia is a small country, but sometimes it is an advantage. Because of its small size, many people know each other. And then word spreads and wonderful things can happen.

Ponosni smo lahko, da znamo tudi stopiti skupaj. 

We can be proud that we are able to pull together.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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