Slovene-English Dual Text: Mladost Naj Bi Bila Norost

By , 13 Aug 2019, 09:17 AM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mladost naj bi bila norost, a tudi mladi imajo svoje skrbi

Youth is supposed to be madness, but young people also have their concerns

Kolikokrat si zaželiš, da bi že enkrat odrasla? Takrat lahko sama odločaš, kdaj se boš učila, jedla čokolado ali igrala video igre.

How many times have you wished you could grow at once? You could then decide when to study, eat chocolate or play video games.

Fino, kajne?

Fine, right?

Vendar svet dobrih 300,000 mladih, ki pri nas vstopajo v svet odraslih, ni vedno rožnat. Na to ob današnjem mednarodnem dnevu mladih opozarjajo mladinske organizacije.

However, the world of over 300,000 young people entering the adult world is not always rosy. Youth organizations are drawing attention to this on today's International Youth Day.

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»Največji izziv današnjih mladih je zagotovo ustrezna rešitev stanovanjskega vprašanja,« pravi Jasmina Opec Vöröš, vodja zagovorništva pri Mladinskem svetu Slovenije (MSS).

"The biggest challenge for today's youth is certainly the proper solution to the housing problem," says Jasmina Opec Vöröš, head of advocacy at the Youth Council of Slovenia (MSS).

Mladi, ki želijo zapustiti dom, v katerem so živeli kot otroci, težko najamejo, kaj šele kupijo stanovanje. Teh primanjkuje oziroma so tako draga, da si jih mladi nikakor ne morejo privoščiti, dodaja Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

Young people who want to leave the home they lived in as children find it difficult to rent, let alone buy, an apartment. They are scarce or so expensive that young people cannot afford them at all, adds Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

Brezposelnost med mladimi se je v zadnjih letih sicer zmanjšala, a mnogi še vedno ne zaslužijo dovolj.

Although youth unemployment has decreased in recent years, many still do not earn enough.

Njihova plača ne zadošča za najemnino, banke pa tistim brez rednih prihodkov ne želijo posoditi denarja.

Their pay is not enough for rent, and banks do not want to lend money to those without regular income.

»To vpliva na osamosvajanje mladih, saj si težko ustvarijo družino,« poudarja sogovornica.

"This affects the independence of young people, because they have a difficult time starting a family," said one interviewee.

Dan mladih od leta 1999 obeležujemo na pobudo generalne skupščine Organizacije združenih narodov (OZN).

Youth Day has been celebrated since 1999 at the initiative of the United Nations General Assembly.

Tema letošnjega je preoblikovanje izobraževanj. OZN si želi, da bi izobraževanje postalo dostopno za vse mlade.

The theme of this year is the transformation of education. The UN wants education to be accessible to all young people.

»Velik izziv je tudi zagotavljanje delovnih mest za visoko izobražene mlade, predvsem v krajih, ki niso večja mestna središča,« še opozarja Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

"It is also a great challenge to provide jobs for highly educated young people, especially in places other than major urban centres," points out Jasmina Opec Vöröš.

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