Slovene-English Dual Text: Fortnite Je Zelo Drugačen Od Resničnega Življenja

By , 05 Aug 2019, 10:46 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Fortnite Je Zelo Drugačen Od Resničnega Življenja Screenshot

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Fortnite je zelo drugačen od resničnega življenja

Fortnite is very different from real life

Blaž Lešnik je edini Slovenec, ki se mu je uspelo uvrstiti na največji turnir v igranju videoigre Fortnite.

Blaž Lešnik is the only Slovenian who has managed to qualify for the biggest Fortnite video game tournament.

V kvalifikacijah za nastop na zaključnem turnirju je prek spleta sodelovalo okoli 40 milijonov igralcev z vsega sveta.

About 40 million players from around the world participated online in the qualifications for the final tournament.

Brez trdega dela tudi pri igranju videoigric ni uspeha, pravi šestnajstletni srednješolec, ki ga soigralci poznajo pod vzdevkom K1nzell in ki nastopa za Team Atlantis.

Without the hard work of playing video games, there is no success, says the sixteen-year-old high school student, known by teammates under the alias K1nzell, who plays for Team Atlantis.

V finale na teniškem stadionu v New Yorku se jih je uvrstilo sto, med njimi tudi Blaž, ki je zasedel 30. mesto. Za nagrado si je prislužil 45 tisoč evrov.

One hundred made it to the finals at the New York Tennis Stadium, including Blaž, who finished 30th. He won a prize of €45,000.

Kako je potekal turnir?

How did the tournament go?

V New York smo odpotovali približno teden dni pred turnirjem. Tam smo potem večino časa trenirali, da smo se privadili igranju v drugačnem okolju.

We travelled to New York about a week before the tournament. We then trained there most of the time to get used to playing in a different environment.

V nedeljo smo odšli na stadion okoli štiri ure pred začetkom tekmovanja. Približno ob enih popoldan so organizatorji poskrbeli za koncert DJ-ja Marshmella.

On Sunday, we went to the stadium about four hours before the start of the competition. At about one in the afternoon, the organisers arranged for a concert by DJ Marshmello.

Takoj po koncu se je začel turnir.

Immediately after this finished the tournament began.

Potekal je odlično, saj sem po četrti igri zasedel 5. mesto. Zaradi nesreče in povečanega števila igralcev v mojem izbranem »landing stepu« Sunny Steps pa potem ni več potekalo vse po načrtih.

It went great as I finished 5th after the fourth game. This was by chance and due to the increased number of players in my chosen "landing step", Sunny Steps, then everything went as planned.

Kako so potekale priprave na tekmovanje?

How did the preparations for the competition go?

Fortnite igram že približno dve leti, torej odkar obstaja.

I've been playing Fortnite for about two years now, so they were happening all that time.

Vsak dan sem v igranje vložil veliko ur, kar se je na koncu tudi izplačalo.

Every day I played for many hours, which eventually paid off.

Fortnite je igra, ki združuje bojevanje, raziskovanje in gradnjo virtualnega sveta. Kaj je tebi pri igri še posebno všeč?

Fortnite is a game that combines fighting, exploring and building a virtual world. What do you particularly like about the game?

Fortnite je edinstvena videoigra. Takoj me je zelo pritegnila, saj je bila edina, ki vsebuje grajenje.

Fortnite is a unique video game. It immediately caught my attention as it was the only one which includes creativity.

V kakšnem smislu?

In what sense?

Všeč mi je, kako je lahko vsak posamezen igralec oziroma njegov način igranja drugačen od ostalih.

I like how each individual player or their way of playing can be different from the others.

V Fortnitu si lahko zelo kreativen, zaradi česar si lahko boljši od večine.

You can be very creative in Fortnite, and this can make you better than most.

V igri je tudi kar nekaj nasilja. Kako to razumeš?

There is also quite a bit of violence in the game. How do you understand that?

Na to ne gledam kot na nasilje, saj je igra zelo različna od resničnega življenja.

I do not view this as violence, as the game is very different from real life.

Koliko časa na dan posvetiš Fortnitu?

How much time a day do you dedicate to Fortnite?

Več ur, da lahko ostanem na tako visokem nivoju, kar je pa tudi zelo težko.

Many hours to stay at such a high level, which is also very difficult.

Kaj še počneš v prostem času?

What else do you do in your spare time?

Veliko časa mi vzame šola, zato večino prostega časa posvetim igranju oziroma treniranju Fortnita.

A lot of the time I have school, so I spend most of my free time playing or coaching Fortnite.

Kaj si še želiš doseči?

What else do you want to achieve?

V prihodnosti se ob igranju želim posvetiti še snemanju videov in predvajanju igranja v živo na Twitchu oziroma YouTubu.

In the future, when I play I want to focus on video recording and live streaming on Twitch or YouTube.

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