How to Slovenia

13 Jan 2019, 14:12 PM

Skupini delfinov si delita Tržaški zaliv

Dolphins share the Gulf of Trieste

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič., translated by JL Flanner

Delfine najbolj ogrožajo ribolov, onesnaženo okolje in podnebne spremembe.

Dolphins are most endangered by fishing, the polluted environment and climate change.

Na srečo pa delfini sodijo med karizmatične živalske vrste. Proučujejo jih mnogi biologi in s tem jih tudi pomagajo ohraniti.

Fortunately dolphins are a charismatic species. They are studied by many biologists, who thus help them to survive.

Nekatere vrste so kljub temu že zelo ogrožene in njihovo število se hitro zmanjšuje.

However, some species are already very vulnerable, and their numbers are rapidly decreasing.

Med njimi zaenkrat še ni velikih pliskavk. To so tisti delfini, ki živijo tudi v našem morju.

There are the common bottlenose dolphins are not among these yet. These are the dolphins that live in our seas.

Tilen Genov iz društva Morigenos je že pred mnogimi leti s sodelavci začel raziskovati družabno življenje velikih pliskavk v Tržaskem zalivu.

Tilen Genov from the Morigenos Society began collaborating with colleagues many years ago to explore the social life of large porpoises in the Gulf of Trieste.

Med drugim so opazili, da se na istem območju zaliva nahajata dve skupini delfinov, vendar nikoli istočasno. Ena skupina se je vedno zbrala zjutraj, druga pa zvečer.

Among other things, it has been observed that there are two dolphin groups in the same area of the bay, but never at the same time. One group was always meeting there in the morning, the other in the evening.

Casoris - Tilen Genov-Morigenos dolphins genov_etal_2018_infographic_light.jpg

Image: Tilen Genov, Morigeno

To jih je presenetilo, saj takšnega ločevanja glede na del dneva doslej še niso zasledili.

This surprised the researchers, as they had not yet seen such segregation according to the time of day.

»Če se delfini zberejo na nekem območju vsak dan ob istem času, jih lahko ogrozita ribolov in pomorski promet,« pojasnjuje raziskovalec morskih sesalcev.

"If dolphins gather in a certain area every day at the same time, they can be endangered by fishing and maritime traffic," explains the marine mammal researcher.

»Poznavanje časovnih vzorcev je za učinkovito varstvo živali izredno pomembno. Če vemo, kdaj bodo priplavali, lahko te dejavnosti prestavimo na takrat, ko je živali manj ali ko se ravno ne prehranjujejo oziroma ko počivajo.«

"Knowing time patterns is of vital importance for the effective protection of animals. If we know when they will swim, we can move certain activities to when fewer animals are there, or when they are not eating or resting. "

Ugotovili so še, da so delfini zelo izbirčni pri tem, s kom se družijo. V vsaki skupini so bili dolgoletni prijatelji, ki pa so se delfinom iz druge skupine izogibali.

They also found that dolphins are very picky about who they hang out with. Each group was made up of long-standing friends who avoided dolphins from the other group.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here, while all our posts on the Slovene language are here

07 Jan 2019, 12:14 PM

Snežak na koncu Osončja

Snowman at the end of the Solar System

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Kaj imajo skupnega rdečkasti snežak na koncu Osončja in nova spoznanja o rojstvu planetov?

What does a reddish snowman at the end of the Solar System have to do with new insights on the birth of planets?

Na novega leta dan je vesoljsko plovilo Nova obzorja oziroma New Horizons na Zemljo poslalo prve posnetke najbolj oddaljenega nebesnega telesa v zgodovini raziskovanja vesolja. Poimenovali so ga Ultima Thule.

On New Year's Eve, the New Horizons spacecraft sent back to Earth the first images of the farthest celestial body yet encountered in the history of space exploration. It is called Ultima Thule.

Njegova oblika je posebna in nenavadna. Spominja namreč na rdečega snežaka.

Its shape is special and unusual. It resembles a red snowman.

Ultima Thule. Vir: NasaUltima Thule. Vir: Nasa

Znanstveniki v ameriški vesoljski agenciji Nasa pravijo, da česa takega še niso videli.

Scientists at the US Space Agency NASA say that they have not seen anything like this.

»Plovilo Nova obzorja je kot časovni stroj. Popeljalo nas je v čas, ko je nastalo Osončje. Opazujemo lahko rojstvo planetov, zamrznjeno v času,« je dejal znanstvenik Jeff Moore.

“The New Horizon spacecraft is like a time machine. It took us to the time when the Solar System was being formed. We can observe the birth of planets, frozen in time," said scientist Jeff Moore.

Oblika nebesnega telesa ni zanimiva le zaradi tega, ker je nenavadna, ampak tudi zato, ker bo znanstvenikom razkrila, kako so pred štirimi milijardami let in pol nastali planeti.

The shape of the celestial body is not only interesting because it is unusual, but also because it will reveal to scientists how the planets were created four and a half billion years ago.

»In to ne le tisti v našem Osončju, ampak tudi tisti, ki krožijo okoli drugih zvezd v galaksiji,« je dodal Nasin znanstvenik.

"And it's not just those in our Solar System, but also those that circulate around other stars in the galaxy," added the NASA scientist.

Ultima Thule je od Zemlje oddaljen več kot šest milijard kilometrov. Nahaja se v Kuiperjevem pasu, ki se razteza daleč za orbito Neptuna, najbolj oddaljenega planeta našega Osončja.

Ultima Thule is more than six billion kilometres from Earth. It is located in the Kuiper belt, which extends far beyond the orbit of Neptune, the farthest planet of our Solar System.

Astrofizik dr. Brian May, znan tudi kot član skupine Queen, je dvanajstletnemu potovanju plovila Nova obzorja posvetil tudi posebno skladbo.

The Astrophysicist Dr. Brian May, also known as a member of the group Queen group, wrote a special song to mark the twelve-year journey of New Horizon.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

27 Dec 2018, 10:05 AM

Ilka Štuhec spet na stopničkah

Ilka Štuhec returns to the podium

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Smučarski navdušenci so si lahko oddahnili.

Ski fans can relax.

Priljubljena alpska smučarka Ilka Štuhec se je po letu dni in pol znova povzpela na stopničke.

The beloved Alpine skier, Ilka Štuhec, is back on the podium after a year and a half.

Na smuku v Val Gardeni je prepričljivo zmagala.

She won a convincing victory at Val Gardena.

»Od srca se mi je odvalila velika skala,« je dejala smučarka po nastopu.

"A great weight has been lifted from my shoulders (literally: “a great rock has rolled out of my heart") ,” said the skier after her performance.

Dodala je, da si je zastavila visoke cilje. Zdelo se ji je, da so celo previsoki, saj jih ni mogla doseči. Ilka namreč dolgo ni smučala zaradi poškodbe kolena.

She added that she set high goals. It seemed that they were even too high, because they could not be reached. Ilka did not ski for a long time because of a knee injury.

Sedaj ji je zato lažje pri srcu. Ko je stala na zmagovalnem odru, je razmišljala: »Da je čudovito spet super smučati in stati na najvišji stopnički.«

Now it's easier for her. When she stood on the winning podium, she thought: "It's wonderful to ski again and stand on top of the slope."

Ilka Štuhec je v svetovnem pokalu sedaj zmagala osmic, petkrat je na najvišji stopnički stala prav v smuku.

Ilka Štuhec has now won her eighth World Cup, and five of these are for downhill skiing.

Po številu zmag v svetovnem pokalu je zdaj prehitela Matejo Svet in se izenačila z Bojanom Križajem. S petimi smukaškimi zmagami pa je tudi najboljša slovenska smukačica. Tina Maze je zlato medaljo v smuku osvojila le štirikrat.

In terms of the number of World Cup victories, she now has more than Mateja Svet and is equal to Bojan Kriza. With five ski wins, she is also the best Slovenian skier. Tina Maze won the gold medal only four times.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

16 Dec 2018, 15:44 PM

Protestirajo otroci, protestirajo odrasli

Protesting children, protesting adults

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

 Vsakdo ima pravico do izobraževanja in vsakdo ima pravico do počitka. Vsakdo ima pravico do dela in vsakdo ima pravico do takšne življenjske ravni, ki zagotavlja njemu in njegovi družini zdravje in blaginjo.

Everyone has the right to education and everyone has the right to time off. Everyone has the right to work and everyone has the right to such a standard of living that provides them and their family with health and well-being.

To med drugim piše v splošni deklaraciji človekovih pravic. Sprejeli so jo 10. decembra pred sedemdesetimi leti v Parizu.

This is said, among other things, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was adopted on December 10, 1970 in Paris.

Ob letošnjem svetovnem dnevu človekovih pravic v Združenih narodih (ZN) poudarjajo, da so človekove pravice univerzalne in večne; pripadajo vsem enako, ne glede na starost, spol ali barvo kože.

This year's World Human Rights Day in the United Nations (UN) marks that human rights are universal and eternal, and belong the same to everyone, regardless of age, sex or colour of their skin.

To na primer pomeni, da imajo tudi otroci pravico do zdravega življenjskega okolja.

For example, this means that children also have the right to a healthy living environment.

Odrasli na to pogosto pozabijo. Otroci jih zato vse glasneje opozarjajo, naj vendar poskrbijo za okolje in s tem za prihodnost otrok in planeta. Ker jim niso prisluhnili, so denimo že protestirali otroci na Švedskem in otroci v Avstraliji.

Adults often forget about this. Children are thus warning them, loudly, that they should take care of the environment and thus the future of both young people and the planet. For example, because adults ignore them children in Sweden and Australia have already protested.

In tudi zdaj ne kaže, da se bodo svetovni voditelj uspeli dogovoriti, kako bodo na primer izpeljali, kar so sklenili pred tremi leti v Parizu.

And now it does not seem like global leaders will succeed in agreeing on how to achieve what they set out three years ago in Paris.

V tem mestu pa sedaj že več tednov protestirajo odrasli v rumenih jopičih.

Now in the same city, for weeks now, people in yellow jackets have been protesting protest.

Na ulice so se odpravili, ker je francoska vlada želela zvišati cene goriva. Zbrani denar je želela nameniti ravno zaščiti okolja. A ljudje so se uprli, ker menijo, da si goriva po taki ceni ne morejo privoščiti.

They went to the streets because the French government wanted to raise fuel prices. The aim was to collect money to protect the environment. But people resisted because they felt that they could not afford fuel at this price.

Vlada se je nato odločila, da goriva ne bo podražila.

The government then decided not to raise the price of fuel.

Kljub temu so se protesti v Parizu nadaljevali. Protestniki zdaj zahtevajo nižje davke, višjo minimalno plačo in več ugodnosti za upokojene. Njihovi pohodi niso več mirni, saj pri tem sežigajo vozila in razbijajo izložbe. Tudi ta konec tedna je bilo nekaj ljudi celo ranjenih.

Nevertheless, the Paris protests continued. Demonstrators now demand lower taxes, a higher minimum wage and more benefits for retired people. Their marches are no longer peaceful, as they burn vehicles and break up store displays. This weekend there were even some people who were wounded.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 Dec 2018, 20:58 PM

Ukrepajmo zdaj!

Let's take action now!

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Ukrepajmo zdaj!

Let's take action now!

»Ukrepajte zdaj!« voditeljem držav sporoča sir David Attenborough.

"Take action now!" says Sir David Attenborough.

»Soočamo se s svetovno katastrofo, ki smo jo povzročili mi. Podnebne spremembe so naša največja grožnja,« je na sestanku o podnebnih spremembah še dejal sloviti raziskovalec narave.

"We are facing a global catastrophe that we have caused. Climate change is our biggest threat, "said the famous explorer of nature at a meeting on climate change.

»Če ne bomo ničesar storili, bo naša civilizacija propadla in večina živih bitij bo izumrla.«

"If we do nothing, our civilisation will collapse and most of the living beings will die out."

Svetovni voditelji so se zbrali na konferenci Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah v mestu Katovice na Poljskem. Dva tedna bodo razpravljali, kako izpolniti obljube, ki so jih dali pred tremi leti na podnebni konferenci v Parizu.

World leaders gathered at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Katowice, Poland. For two weeks they will discuss how to fulfil the promises they made three years ago at a climate conference in Paris.

Takrat so se obvezali, da se povprečna temperatura ozračja ne bo povišala za več kot dve stopinji Celzija v primerjavi s temperaturo pred 100 leti. Pa tudi, da bomo izpust toplogrednih plinov v naslednjih 20 letih zmanjšali za polovico.

At that time, they pledged not to increase the average temperature of the atmosphere by more than two degrees Celsius compared to the temperature 100 years ago. They also planned to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half over the next 20 years.

Politiki se zdaj o tem pogovarjajo z velikim cmokom v grlu.

Politicians are now talking about this with a big lump in their throat.

Zadnja štiri leta so namreč najbolj vroča leta, odkar uradno merimo temperaturo. Tudi količina toplogrednih plinov se spet povečuje.

The last four years have been the hottest years ever since we officially measure the temperature. The amount of greenhouse gases is also increasing again.

Mnogim opazovalcem njihovega srečanja se ne zdi prav, da so si za kraj sestanka izbrali prav Poljsko. Ta država proizvede večino svoje električne energije iz premoga, to pa pomeni, da njena električna energija ni čista. Obenem pa srečanje denarno podpirata dve veliki premogovni podjetji.

Many observers of their meeting do not seem right to choose Poland as the place of the meeting. This country produces most of its electricity from coal, which means that its electricity is not clean. At the same time, the two big coal companies are financially supported by the meeting.

Sir David danes v tej državi zastopa ljudi, ki že občutijo posledice podnebnih sprememb. Voditeljem v njihovem imenu sporoča: »Čas se izteka. Ljudje želijo, da vi, ki odločate, ukrepate zdaj. Svet je v vaših rokah.«

Sir David today in this country represents people who already feel the effects of climate change. He says to leaders on their behalf: "Time is running out. People want you to act now. The world is in your hands."

Ali mu bodo prisluhnili, bomo izvedeli 14. decembra, ob koncu konference.

Whether they will listen to him, we will find out on December 14, at the end of the conference.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

03 Dec 2018, 18:00 PM

Z lučkami v veseli December

With lights in Festive December

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Čeprav so številni trgovski centri v prazničnih lučkah zažareli že sredi novembra, se veseli december v Ljubljani začenja zadnji dan predzadnjega meseca v letu.

Although in many shopping centres in the festive lights have been burning since mid-November, we are looking forward to December in Ljubljana starting on the last day of the last month of the year.

Ob 17.15 bo župan Ljubljane Zoran Janković slovesno prižgal novoletne lučke. Gorele bodo do 6. januarja, ko se zaključijo novoletni prazniki.

At 17:15 [30 November], Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković will solemnly turn on the New Year's lights. They will stay on until January 6, when New Year's holidays are over.

Na Kongresnem trgu pa je že zaživela tudi zmajska Ledena dežela.

In Congress Square a dragon’s Land of Ice has also been brought to life.

Related: Turning on the Christmas lights in Slovenia

Tudi drugi kraji se bodo za dober mesec dni odeli v svojo najlepšo praznično podobo.

Other places will for a good month put on their most beautiful festive appearances.

Veseli december je namreč čas radosti in druženja, pa tudi spokoja, upanja in miru. V mesecu, ko je dan najkrajši in noč najdaljša, svetlobo v temo prinašamo prav z množico okrasnih lučk.

Happy December is a time of joy and socialising, as well as rest, hope and peace. In the month when the day is shortest and the night is the longest, we bring light into the dark with a host of decorative lights.

Letos smo veliko pozornosti namenjali tudi plastičnim odpadkom. »Ti prodirajo v vse pore našega življenja. O tem priča tudi izbor Collinsovega slovarja za besedo leta. Ta je namreč postala beseda ‘single-use’, kar pomeni ‘za enkratno uporabo‘,« pojasnjujejo naravovarstveniki, ki so zato začeli s kampanjo Plastika naša vsakdanja.

This year we paid a lot of attention to plastic waste. "This gets into all parts of our lives. The Collins's Dictionary of the word for the summer is evidence of this. It was the term 'single-use', which means 'one-time use'," explain some conservationists, who started a campaign about plastics in everyday life.

Related: December at Ljubljana Castle is full of festive spirit

In tudi zato so se organizatorji decembrskih prireditev v Ljubljani potrudili in poskrbeli, da bo embalaža, ki jo bodo uporabljali na prazničnih stojnicah, iz razgradljivih materialov.

That is why the organizers of the December events in Ljubljana made every effort to ensure that the packaging that they will use on the festive stalls will be made of degradable materials.

Iz teh bo celo ognjemet. Tako so se odločili, da bi med uživanjem decembrskih radosti čim manj škodili okolju.

This approach also extended to the fireworks that will be used. [The organisers] thus decided to minimize harm to the environment while enjoying the joys of December.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

25 Nov 2018, 18:31 PM

Dobili smo nov kilogram

We have a new kilogram

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Pred več kot dvesto leti so meroslovci določili, koliko tehta en kilogram: točno en liter vode.

More than two hundred years ago, metrologists determined how much one kilogram weighs: exactly one litre of water.

Kmalu so ugotovili, da takšno merilo ni najbolj natančno. Izdelali so kilogramski valj iz platine, ki je bolj zanesljivo in priročno merilo. Poimenovali so ga mednarodni prototipni kilogram.

They soon found that such a criterion was not the most accurate. They made a one kilogram platinum cylinder, which is a more reliable and convenient measure. It was called the International Prototype of the Kilogram.

Ta valj je edini predmet na svetu, ki tehta točno en kilogram. Shranjen je pod tremi steklenimi zvonovi v trezorju Mednarodnega biroja za uteži in mere v Parizu.

This cylinder is the only object in the world that weighs exactly one kilogram. It is stored under three glass bells in the vault of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris.

Naredili so še 67 njegovih kopij, ki so spravljene v laboratorijih po vsem svetu. Občasno jih zmerijo in primerjajo z izvirnikom.

There were also 67 copies made, which are stored in laboratories around the world. Occasionally they are measured and compared with the original.

Odkrili so, da so se mase valja in kopij sčasoma spremenile. To je velik problem za inženirje in znanstvenike, ki morajo meriti izredno natančno.

It was found that the masses of the cylinder and the copies changed over time. This is a major problem for engineers and scientists, who need to measure extremely accurately.

Meroslovci so se zato odločili, da morajo kilogram ponovno določiti, vendar tokrat še bolj natančno.

Metrologists therefore decided to re-determine the kilogram, but this time even more precisely.

Minuli petek so zato na mednarodnem sestanku izglasovali, da od maja prihodnje leto kilogram ne bo več določen s predmetom, ampak z zapleteno fizikalno enačbo.

Last Friday, at an international meeting, they voted that from May next year the kilogram will no longer be determined by an object, but by a complex physical equation.

Kilogram bo seveda še vedno tehtal en kilogram.

A kilogram will, of course, still weigh one kilogram.

»Ponovna določitev je podobna prenovi kleti v hiši. Na koncu je hiša od zunaj videti enako, vendar je zaradi boljših temeljev manj verjetno, da se bo porušila,« je pojasnil Michael de Podesta, raziskovalec iz londonskega nacionalnega laboratorija za fiziko.

"Redefining is similar to renovating the cellar in a house. In the end, the house looks the same from the outside, but it is less likely to collapse due to better foundations, "explains Michael de Podesta, a researcher at the London National Laboratory of Physics.

Znanstveniki bodo v prihodnosti lahko natančno računali maso, pri tem pa jim ne bo treba uporabiti kovinskega valja.

In the future scientists will be able to more accurately calculate mass, but will not need to use a metal cylinder.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here. 

19 Nov 2018, 16:30 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children, and each week we’ll take an article and post it here as an English-Slovene dual text. 

Kdo je prepričal volivce na lokalnih volitvah?

Who convinced voters in local elections?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Ljubljančani so izvolili sedanjega župana Zorana Jankovića.

The people of Ljubljana elected Zoran Janković, the current mayor.

V Mariboru se bosta v drugem krogu pomerila podjetnik Aleksander Saša Arsenovič in Franc Kangler, ki je že županoval v tem mestu.

In Maribor, entrepreneurs Aleksander Saša Arsenovič and Franc Kangler, who has already been mayor of this city, will move to the second round.

V Kopru je največ glasov dobil sedanji župan Boris Popovič, v Celju prav tako sedanji župan Bojan Šrot, toda v Kopru bo odločilen drugi krog, v katerem bo poleg Popoviča še Aleš Bržan.

In Koper, the majority of votes were won by the current mayor Boris Popovič, while in Celje the current mayor Bojan Šrot also stays sin charge, although in Koper there will also a second round, with Popovič facing Aleš Bržan.

V Murski Soboti, Novem mestu in Velenju so nove stare župane dobili že kmalu po zaprtju volišč: to so dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Gregor Macedoni in Bojan Kontič.

In Murska Sobota, Novo mesto and Velenje, returning mayors were announced shortly after the closure of the polling stations: these are Dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Gregor Macedoni and Bojan Kontič.

Na Ptuju pa se bosta v drugem krogu pomerila Nuška Gajšek in dr. Štefan Čelan, v Novi Gorici Matej Arčon in dr. Klemen Miklavič in V Slovenj Gradcu Tilen Klugler in Andrej Čas.

In Ptuj, Nuška Gajšek and dr. Štefan Čelan, Nova Gorica Matej Arčon and dr. Klemen Miklavič and V Slovenj Gradec Tilen Klugler and Andrej Čas.

V mnogih krajih so volivci na lističih lahko obkrožili le eno številko pred imenom kandidata in tam izbira ni bila težka.

In many places, voters could circle only one number in front of the candidate's name on the ballot and there were no difficult choices.

Drugje je bilo bolj napeto, saj krajani do poznih večernih ur niso vedeli, kdo bo odločal o prihodnosti kraja.

It was somewhat more tense elsewhere, since people did not know until late into the evening what would decide the future of the place.

Letošnje lokalne volitve so pustile pečat. Na volišča se je namreč odpravilo več ljudi kot pred štirimi leti in več kot na državnozborskih volitvah.

This year's local elections made an impressions, with more voters than four years ago, and more than in the National Assembly elections [earlier this year].

To je spodbudna novica, saj o prihodnosti odločajo tisti, ki gredo voliti, in ne tisti, ki ostanejo doma.

This is encouraging news, because the future is decided by those who go to vote, and not those who stay at home.

Volivna udeležba po Sloveniji je bila do zaključka redakcije 46,92 odstotka, v ponedeljek pa so podatki kazali, da je glasovalo 50,61 ljudi. Najvišja udeležba je bila v Solčavi, kjer je glas oddalo 84,23 odstotka volivnih upravičencev. Po ponedeljkovih podatkih je bila najnižja v Vojniku (35,47).

Voter participation throughout Slovenia was said to be 46.92 percent by the end of voting, and on Monday data showed that 50.61 people voted. The highest participation was in Solčava, where 84.23% of voters turned up. According to Monday's data, the lowest was in Vojnik (35.47).

Drugi krog volitev bo 2. decembra.

The second round of elections will take place on December 2nd.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, and find all our dual texts here.

11 Nov 2018, 11:52 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children, each week we’ll take an article and post it here as an English-Slovene dual text, along with a translation.

Nova dajatev za Facebook in Google?

New fee for Facebook and Google?

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Po podatkih Unesca približno 67 milijonov otrok po svetu ne obiskuje šole.

According to UNESCO, around 67 million children around the world do not attend school.

Nekateri morajo namesto tega delati. Drugim tega ni treba početi, vendar niso zato prav nič srečni. Če se ne bodo šolali, se namreč nikoli ne bodo naučili brati, pisati in računati.

Some have to work instead. Others do not have to go to school, but they are not very happy about it. If they do not go to school, they will never learn to read, write and count.

Ljudje, ki tega ne znajo, so “nepismeni”. V življenju jim je zato lahko zelo težko.

People who do not know this are “illiterate”, and life can be very difficult for them.

Zadnja leta je takšnih, ki jim je težko, vse več. Zaradi razvoja novih tehnologij namreč velja, da je pismen tisti, ki poleg branja, pisanja in računanja obvlada še digitalno in medijsko pismenost.

In recent years things have been getting more and more difficult for them. Due to the development of new technologies, being literate now means, in addition to reading, writing and doing math, that one also has the ability to master digital and media literacy.

Medijska pismenost je širok pojem, ki vključuje na primer digitalno, informacijsko in vizualno pismenost. Pomeni sposobnost kritične, ustvarjalne in varne rabe medijev in medijskih vsebin v vseh možnih oblikah.

Media literacy is a broad concept, which includes, for example, digital, information and visual literacy. It means the ability to make critical, creative and safe use of media and media content in all possible forms.

To pa ni čisto preprosto!

This is not so easy!

V Veliki Britaniji zato prav te dni razmišljajo, kako bi otrokom omogočili, da bi postali medijsko pismeni.

In the United Kingdom, they are now thinking about how to enable children to become media literate.

Domislili so se, da bi tehnološka podjetja, kot so Google, Facebook in Twitter, britanski vladi odslej plačevala posebno dajatev.

They though that technology companies, such as Google, Facebook and Twitter, would now pay a special levy to the British government.

Ta podjetja po njihovem mnenju namreč sama ne storijo dovolj, da bi zaščitila svoje uporabnike pred različnimi spletnimi pastmi, kot so lažne novice ali enostranska politična propaganda.

In their opinion, these companies do not do enough to protect their users from various online traps, such as fake news or one-sided political propaganda.

Z dajatvijo bi vlada dobila denar za plačilo učiteljev, ki bi otroke učili, kako do različnih medijev in medijskih vsebin kritično dostopati in jih presojati.

With the levy, the government would get money to pay teachers to instruct children how to access and evaluate different media and media content.

Zaenkrat je to še ideja.

For now, this is still just an idea.

Britanski politiki bodo do zime pripravili dokument, v katerem bodo bolje pojasnili potrebne ukrepe. Potem bo sledila razprava, ali je njihov predlog dober.

But by the winter British politicians will prepare a document in which they will better explain the measures needed. Then a debate will be follow if the proposal is thought to be good.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, with all our dual texts here.

04 Nov 2018, 10:36 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as an English-Slovene dual text.

Evropa si želi manj plastičnih smeti

Europe wants less plastic waste

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Plastični odpadki se kopičijo vsepovsod: na smetiščih, v mestih, v hribih, v morju.

Plastic waste accumulates everywhere: at dumps, in cities, in the mountains, in the sea.

Na svetu jih je toliko, da bi lahko prekrili Slovenijo, kup smeti pa bi bil visok 14 metrov.

There’s so much plastic waste in the world that it could cover Slovenia, and the pile of trash would be 14 meters high.

Nič čudnega torej, da je 87 odstotkov Evropejcev zaskrbljenih.

It’s no wonder that 87 percent of Europeans are worried.

Nekateri smo dovolj ozaveščeni, da se trudimo živeti brez nepotrebnih plastičnih izdelkov. Med njimi so slamice, vrečke, jedilni pribor in lončki za kavo.

Some of us are sufficiently aware of the problem that we are trying to live without unnecessary plastic products. Among these are straws, bags, cutlery and disposable coffee pods.

A kljub trudu posameznikov ti izdelki še niso izginili s prodajnih polic.

But despite the efforts of individuals, these products have not disappeared from supermarket shelves.

Greenpeaceovo poročilo kaže, da mnoga podjetja uporabljajo vse več plastike za enkratno uporabo.

A Greenpeace report shows that many companies use more and more disposable plastics.

Da se to ne bi več dogajalo, bi lahko poskrbeli politiki.

If this is going to stop, it will need work from politicians.

Evropski poslanci danes sprejemajo Direktivo o zmanjšanju vpliva nekaterih plastičnih proizvodov za enkratno uporabo na okolje.

MEPs today adopted a directive to reduce the environmental impact of certain disposable plastic products.

Čeprav večina politikov direktivo načelno podpira, še ne vemo, ali bo res sprejeta.

Although most politicians support the directive in principle, we do not yet know if it will be accepted.

Ni namreč čisto jasno, katere plastične izdelke naj bi direktiva omejila ali prepovedala.

It is not quite clear which plastic products should be restricted or banned by the directive.

Tisti, ki niso zadovoljni s sedanjim predlogom, zanj morda ne bodo glasovali, četudi se zavedajo, da moramo vsi skupaj nekaj narediti.

Those who are not happy with the current proposal may not vote for it, even if they think that we must do something.

Stališče do direktive je sprejela tudi slovenska vlada. Sporočila je, da jo načeloma podpira.

The Slovenian Government has adopted the directive, saying that it supports it in principle.

Na hrvaškem otoku Zlarin pa so se domačini kar sami odločili, da ne bodo več uporabljali plastike. Pravijo, da bodo to lahko izpeljali. Kupci bodo morali za vsak plastični lonček plačati kavcijo, torej nekaj kun drobiža, ki jo bodo dobili nazaj, ko bodo lonček vrnili.

On the Croatian island of Zlarin, the locals themselves decided not to use plastics again. They say they can do this. Customers will have to pay a deposit for each plastic pot, that is, a few kuna that will get them back when the pot is returned.

Vse pa bo odvisno od ljudi, pravijo pobudniki ideje Zlarin – otok brez plastike.

Everything will depend on people, say the initiators of the idea of ​​Zlarin - an island without plastic.

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Poslanci so podprli prepoved plastičnih izdelkov za enkratno uporabo.

MEPs backed the ban on disposable plastic products.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, or read another English-Slovene dual text here.

27 Oct 2018, 19:53 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

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