How to Slovenia

11 Mar 2019, 21:14 PM

Zakaj imajo zebre proge?

Why do zebras have stripes?

Written by Urša, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zebre so konjem podobne prebivalke afriških savan.

Zebras are horse-like residents of the African savannah.

Krasi jih črno-bel kožuh. Vsaka zebra ima edinstven progasti vzorec, ki je njen prepoznavni znak, tako kot pri ljudeh prstni odtis.

They are covered in black and white fur. Each zebra has a unique striped pattern, which is its recognisable sign, just like a human fingerprint.

Znanstveniki so dolgo mislili, da je njihov kožuh bel in proge črne, a so kasneje ugotovili, da je ravno obratno.

For a long time scientists thought that their fur was white and the stripes were black, but later they found it was the opposite.

In zakaj so zebre progaste?

And why are zebras striped?

Da se lažje skrijejo? Da s progami med tekom zmedejo plenilce? Ali da se z njimi hladijo Za nobeno od hipotez niso imeli dovolj trdnih dokazov.

To make it easier to hide? So that the stripes confuse predators when they are running together? Or to cool them? None of these hypotheses has enough hard evidence.

Raziskovalci so nato leta 2014 postavili še eno hipotezo. Progasti vzorec bi lahko zebre varoval pred obadi. Svojo idejo so pred kratkim preverili in podkrepili s preprostim poskusom.

The researchers then put forward another hypothesis in 2014. A striped pattern could protect the zebras from horse flies. They recently checked and found support for their idea with a simple experiment.

Oblikovali so tri skupine živali. V prvi skupini so bile zebre, v drugi konji in v tretji konji, preoblečeni v zebre.

Three groups of animals were formed. In the first group, zebras, in another horse,s and in the third horses made to look like zebras.

Vse tri skupine so na terenu natančno opazovali in snemali. Šteli so, koliko obadov jih obletava in koliko jih na njih tudi pristane.

All three groups were closely watched and recorded in the field. They [the researchers] were counting how many flies were flying around [the animals], and how many landed on them.

Vse živali je obletavalo približno enako število obadov. Ti namreč svoj plen izberejo na podlagi vonja. A da lahko pristanejo, morajo žival tudi dobro videti.

All animals had about the same number of flies around them. They choose their prey on the basis of smell. But if they are to be able to land, then the animal must also look good.

Izkazalo se je, da so obadi manj uspešno pristajali na hrbtih zeber in konj, preoblečenih v zebre. Zebre so bile tudi bolj uspešne pri odganjanju obadov z repom in s trzanjem s kožo.

It turned out that the flies were less successful in landing on the backs of zebras and the horses made to look like zebras. The zebras were also more successful in repelling [flies] with their tails and with twitching their skin.

Rezultati torej nakazujejo, da proge zebram pomagajo, da se zaščitijo pred nadležnimi obadi. Zaščita pred letečimi krvosesi pa je v afriških savanah zelo pomembna, saj ti prenašajo številne nalezljive bolezni.

The results thus indicate that zebra stripes help to protect themselves against annoying horse flies. Protecting against flying bloodsuckers is very important in the African savannah, because they transmit a number of infectious diseases.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Mar 2019, 10:27 AM

Stopetdeseti rojstni dan tabele, ki krasi kemijske učilnice

The 150th birthday of table that decorates chemistry classrooms

Written by Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Vse v našem vesolju je zgrajeno iz atomov.

Everything in our universe is built from atoms.

Znanstveniki so izračunali, da je vseh atomov v vesolju približno 1080. To je velika številka, saj enici sledi kar 80 ničel.

Scientists have calculated that there are about 1080 atoms in the universe This is a large number, with 80 zeros.

Tudi v tvojem telesu je ogromno teh majcenih delcev: okrog 1027.

There are also a lot of these tiny particles in your body: around 1027.

Vendar telo sestavlja le 40 različnih vrst atomov. Te imenujemo kemijski elementi. Med njimi je največ kisika, ogljika, vodika, dušika in kalcija.

However, the body is made up of only 40 different types of atoms. We call these chemical elements. Among them, the most common are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and calcium.

Skupno poznamo 118 elementov. Osemindevetdeset jih najdemo v naravi, druge pa smo izdelali v laboratorijih ali jedrskih reaktorjih.

All together know 118 elements. Eighty-eight are found in nature, while others are produced in laboratories or nuclear reactors

Elementi so razporejeni v periodni sistem, ki ga je pred 150 leti zasnoval ruski kemik Dimitrij Ivanovič Mendelejev. Letos zato praznujemo mednarodno leto periodnega sistema. Po svetu se vrstijo dogodki, s katerimi želijo otroci in odrasli počastiti spomin na to odkritje. Do 1. marca imaš še čas, da denimo sodeluješ pri pripravi Mendelejevega mozaika.

The elements are arranged in a periodic system, which was developed by the Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 150 years ago. This is why we’re celebrating the International Year of the Periodic Table. There are events around the world that children and adults will take part in to mark this discovery. On March 1st you can, for example, take part in the preparation of the Mendeleev mosaic.


Dmitri Mendeleev. Source: Wikipedia, public domain

Mendelejev je triinšestdeset takrat znanih elementov je v tabelo razvrstil tako, da je tiste s podobnimi lastnostmi postavil skupaj: na eno stran kovine, na drugo pline.

Mendeleev classified thirty-six of the known elements in the table in such a way that he put together those with similar properties: one side for metals, the other for gases.

Šele 30 let kasneje so znanstveniki ugotovili zgradbo atoma in da prav ta določa lastnosti elementov. Tisti, ki jih sestavljajo atomi s podobnim številom protonov, imajo podobne kemične lastnosti.

Only 30 years later scientists discovered the structure of the atom, and that this determines the properties of the elements. Those that are made up of atoms with a similar number of protons have similar chemical properties.

Mendelejev je podrobno opisal tudi elemente, ki jih še niso odkrili. Še ko je živel, so z novoodkritimi zapolnili tri prazne prostore. Zadnjega pa smo umetno pridobili pred komaj štirimi leti. V prihodnosti bomo morda odkrili ali izdelali še kakšnega.

Mendeleev also described in detail elements that had not yet been discovered. During his life, three of the empty spaces were filled with new ones. The most recent element was made artificially just four years ago. In the future we may discover or produce something else.

Simboli elementov so enaki po vsem svetu. Uporabljamo lahko le začetnico (npr. O za kisik) ali začetnico in drugo črko (npr. He za helij) imena. Ta izhajajo iz mnogih jezikov, večinoma pa iz latinščine in grščine.

The symbols of the elements are the same throughout the world. We can also use only the initials (e.g. O for oxygen) or the initials and the second letter (e.g. He for helium). They come from many languages, but mostly from Latin and Greek.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Mar 2019, 08:24 AM

March 4, 2019

Are you an EU citizen who recently received a letter from the Ministry of Interior in Slovenian but have no idea what it says?

In case you don’t understand Slovenian, here you can find the same document in English.

In short, by filling it out and sending it to the Ministry’s address, you are registering yourself in Slovenia for the upcoming EU Elections, to be held Sunday, May 26, and allowing the Ministry to inform your home Member State that you should be taken out of their voter registry.

The Ministry’s website states that the electoral rolls will be completed on May 10 2019, so if you’d like to exercise your right to vote in the Republic of Slovenia then fill in the form and send it to the Ministry as soon as possible.

Note that if the UK leaves the EU before July 1 2019, when the newly election MEPs will join the European Parliament, then Britain will not be holding these elections and UK nationals will not be able to vote anywhere in the EU. However, if there is an extension to the process, and thus the UK remains an EU member state beyond July 1, then Britain will need to organise elections. If it doesn’t, then the new European Parliament will be sitting without MEPs from all member states, leaving any decisions it makes open to legal challenge. As such, if you’re a UK national then keep this document and send it to the Ministry if it becomes clear that Britain will be holding European elections, a matter that should receive considerable media attention.

01 Mar 2019, 16:30 PM

March 1, 2019

Non-Slovenian EU citizens can either vote for their EU representatives in their country of origin or in their country residence, but not both.

If you decide to vote for your representatives in Slovenia, we will keep you posted on the lists of candidates once they are agreed upon by the political parties. The lists have to be filed by the 26th of April, which is also the beginning of the official election campaign.

Across Europe voters will cast their votes between 23rd and 26th of May, in Slovenia elections are always held on Sunday, meaning the main Election Day is on the 26th of May. In case you are planning to go for a trip that Sunday, it is also possible to cast your vote on the 21st 22nd or 23rd of May at the headquarters of your area’s voting committee.

Each voter can only vote for one of the lists (a set of candidates from one or more parties, if the parties decide to cooperate) on the ballot, on which they are also allowed to cast a preferential vote for one of the list’s candidates.

For more details click here.

26 Feb 2019, 11:08 AM

Kreator za Princeske

Creator for Princesses

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Sam je nosil oblačila črne in bele barve.

He wore black and white clothes himself.

Toda oblačila, ki jih je ustvarjal, so bila lahko zelo barvita. Manekenke so se po modni brvi sprehajale v čudovitih kreacijah. Te so bile enkrat živo rdeče, drugič v barvi fuksije, tretjič bledo rožnate, četrtič sinjemodre.

But the clothes that he created could be very colourful. Models walked in beautiful creations along the catwalk. One time these were vividly red, another time fuchsia, a third time pale pink, the fourth blue.

Karl Lagerfeld je bil eden najbolj znanih modnih oblikovalcev minulega stoletja.

Karl Lagerfeld was one of the most famous fashion designers of the past century.

Umrl je v Parizu, star 85 let.

He died in Paris, 85 years old.

Številni modni poznavalci so se od njega poslovili z zapisi na družbenih omrežjih.

Many fashion insiders said farewell to him with posts on social networks.

Pevka Lily Allen je na Instagramu zapisala: »Zaradi tebe sem se počutila kot princeska.«

The singer Lily Allen wrote on Instagram: "Because of you I felt like a princess."

Najbrž ni bila edina.

She was probably not the only one.

Lagerfeld ni oblikoval le oblačil za ženske, ki lahko zanje porabijo veliko denarja.

Lagerfeld did not only design clothes for women who can spend a lot of money on them.

Bil je namreč prvi od številnih znanih modnih oblikovalcev, ki so oblikovali kolekcijo oblačil za H&M.

He was the first of many famous fashion designers to design a clothing collection for H&M.

Od leta 1983 je bil tudi kreativni direktor luksuzne modne hiše Chanel.

Since 1983 he was also the creative director of the luxury fashion house Chanel.

Ves ta čas je ustvarjal tudi oblačila pod svojo blagovno znamko: obleke, majice, hlače in celo bodije za dojenčke, otroke in mlade.

All this time he also created clothing under his own brand: clothes, t-shirts, trousers and even onesies for babies, children and youngsters.

Mladostna, a še vedno šik, brezčasna, a vendar moderna, so jih predstavili na spletni strani

Young, but still chic, timeless, but modern, there are presented on the website

Ta oblačila so seveda dražja od tistih, ki so bila na voljo leta 2004 v trgovinah H&M.

Of course, these clothes are more expensive than those that were available in 2004 in H&M stores.

Kdo ve, morda se tudi zaradi njih kakšno dekle počuti kot princeska.

Who knows, maybe some girls feel like a princess because of them.



Modni kreator je oseba, ki uresničuje svoje izvirne zamisli na področju mode.

A fashion designer is a person who realises their original ideas in fashion.

Šik pomeni čeden, urejen, eleganten.

Chic means good-looking, smart, elegant.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

18 Feb 2019, 10:12 AM

Opravičilo Predsednika Evropskega Parlamenta

Apology from the President of the European Parliament

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Včasih se je treba spominjati tudi stvari, ki niso lepe. V Evropi se pogosto spominjamo tragičnih dogodkov iz prve in druge svetovne vojne, ki se ne smejo ponoviti.

Sometimes you should also remember things that are not beautiful. In Europe, we often remember the tragic events of the First and Second World Wars that must not be repeated.

Tudi Evropska unija se je porodila iz želje po miru.

The European Union also emerged from a desire for peace.

Prav zato so mnoge Slovence in Hrvate, celo Italijane, močno vznemirile besede predsednika evropskega parlamenta, Italijana Antonia Tajanija.

That is why many Slovenes and Croats, even Italians, were very upset by the words of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani.

Na slovesnosti ob dnevu spomina na žrtve fojb v Bazovici, kjer se Italijani spominjajo umrlih med drugo svetovno vojno in po njej, je namreč izrekel besede: »Naj živi Trst, naj živi italijanska Istra, naj živi italijanska Dalmacija, naj živijo italijanski izgnanci.«

At a ceremony marking the day of remembrance for the victims of the foib in Bazovica, where the Italians remember the dead during and after the Second World War, he said: "Long live Trieste, long live Italian Istria, long live Italian Dalmatia, long live Italian’s who were expelled."

Tajani sicer ni bil edini italijanski politik, ki je ob tem dnevu spomina pozabil omeniti fašizem, zaradi katerega so trpeli in umrli številni Slovenci. A kot predsednik evropske ustanove ne bi smel dajati izjav, ki vodijo h krhanju odnosov med državami članicami.

Tajani was not the only Italian politician who, on this day of remembering, forgot to mention Fascism under which many Slovenes suffered and died. And as President of a European institution, he should not have made statements that could break the relations between member states.

Tajani se je sprva poskušal izmotati, da so ga narobe razumeli. Mnogi so mu na družabnih omrežjih sporočili, da ga niso.

Tajani initially tried to dismiss the issue by saying he was misunderstood. Many people told him on social networks that he was not.

Predsednik Borut Pahor je še na dogodku ob razpisu volitev poslancev v evropski parlament med drugim dejal: »Pričakujem, da se bo Tajani v celoti ogradil od svojih besed.«

President Borut Pahor, when speaking about the [upcoming] election of MEPs to the European Parliament, said, among other things: "I expect Tajani to completely reject his words."

Popoldne se je Tajani sestal s poslanci iz Slovenije in Hrvaške. Po sestanku je sporočil: »Iskreno obžalujem in se opravičujem, da sem uporabil besede, ki so morda užalile vaše državljane.«

In the afternoon, Tajani met with members from Slovenia and Croatia. After the meeting, he said: "I sincerely regret and apologise for using the words that may have offended your citizens."

Na koncu je še dodal: »Vse oblike totalitarizmov si zaslužijo odločno obsodbo, žrtve fašizma, nacizma in komunizma pa je treba obravnavati z enakim spoštovanjem.«

Finally, he added: "All forms of totalitarianism merit clear condemnation; victims of Fascism, Nazism and Communism must be treated with the same respect."

  Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

12 Feb 2019, 16:29 PM

February 12, 2019

From February 12 till March 18, 2019 prospective students can apply to programmes at Slovenian universities for the study year 2019/20. Following the first enrolment round the second will take place between August 22 and August 29 to fill any remaining vacancies.

For every student still not certain about their programme of choice, open days will be held by universities and colleges across the country on the 15th and 16th of February, 2019.

For anyone interested please click here  for the online enrolment application procedure.

More detailed information can be found at specific universities’ websites (University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, University of Nova Gorica, University of Primorska), or browse this website for the contact information of other independent tertiary schools and colleges in Slovenia.

10 Feb 2019, 15:30 PM

Prešernove nagrade za največje umetnike

Prešeren awards for the greatest artists

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

O kulturi se zadnje čase veliko govori.

There has been a lot of talk about culture recently.

Ne zato, ker bi nenadoma vsi postali bolj kulturni. Niti ne zato, ker bi množično začeli obiskovati galerije, muzeje ali gledališke predstave ali ker bi nenadoma vzljubili umetnost.

Not because everyone suddenly would become more cultured. Nor because a lot of people have been visiting galleries, museums or theatre performances, or because they suddenly love art.

O kulturi se veliko govori, ker sta se v začetku letošnjega leta pripetila dva precej neljuba dogodka.

There is much talk about culture, because at the beginning of this year, there were two rather unfortunate events.

Prvi je povezan s krajo. Drugi pa z nasiljem.

The first is related to stealing. The other to violence.

Boris Kobal, gledališki režiser in dramatik, je namreč prevedel delo italijanskega dramatika Alda Nicolaja. Toda potem ni rekel, da ga je prevedel, ampak, da ga je sam napisal. Takšnemu ukradenemu delu se reče plagiat. In plagiati so kaznivi.

Boris Kobal, a theatre director and playwright, translated the work of the Italian playwright Aldo Nicolaj. But then he did not say that he had translated it, but that he had written it himself. This kind of theft is called plagiarism. And plagiarism is punishable.

Dejan Prešiček, minister za kulturo, pa je nedavno odstopil, ker so mu očitali, da kriči na svoje podrejene in jih trpinči. Takšnemu ravnanju se reče mobing. Poleg tega naj bi kršil tudi zakon, ker je z vozilom ministrstva prevažal inštrumente. To pa se ne sme.

Dejan Prešiček, Minister of Culture, recently resigned because he was accused of screaming at his subordinates and bullying them. Such behaviour us called mobbing. In addition, he allegedly broke the law because he transported some musical instruments using a Ministry vehicle. This is not allowed.

Mnogi ljubitelji kulture in umetnosti so v teh dneh opozarjali, da bi bilo lepo, če bi toliko besed kulturi namenili tudi druge dni v letu.

Many lovers of culture and art felt at this time that it would be nice if as many words were devoted to the word culture on other days of the year.

Kajti na področju kulture se dogaja tudi veliko lepega in dobrega.

Because in the field of culture, there is also a lot of that is beautiful and good.

Na predvečer kulturnega praznika bodo mnogo tega tudi posebej nagradili.

On the eve of a cultural holiday [Prešeren Day, 8 February], many will also be rewarded.

Podelili bodo namreč Prešernove nagrade in nagrade Prešernovega sklada. To so  najvišja priznanja na področju umetnosti.

They will be given the Prešeren Prizes and Prešeren Fund awards. These are the highest awards in the field of art.

Prešernovo nagrado za življenjsko delo prejmeta kostumografka in scenografka Bjanka Adžić Ursulov in režiser Filip Robar Dorin.

The Prešeren Prize for Lifetime Achievement is costume designer and stage designer Bjanka Adžić Ursulov and director Filip Robar Dorin.

Za svoje ustvarjanje v zadnjih treh letih pa priznanja prejmejo pesnik Jure Jakob, dirigentka Martina Batič, skladatelj Tomaž Svete, igralka Maruša Majer, animator Dušan Kastelic ter arhitekta Aljoša Dekleva in Tina Gregorič Dekleva.

Jure Jakob, conductor Martina Batič, composer Tomaž Svete, actress Maruša Majer, animator Dušan Kastelic and architect Aljoš Dekleva and Tina Gregorič Dekleva receive awards for their creation in the last three years.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

04 Feb 2019, 09:20 AM

Osebni podatki so dragoceni, zato jih moramo varovati

Personal data is valuable, so we need to protect it

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Osebni podatki so dragoceni, zato jih moramo varovati

Personal data is valuable, so we need to protect it

Ali veš, kaj vse so osebni podatki?

Do you know what personal information is?

Seveda, to je vendar preprosto: ime in priimek, telefonska številka, starost, naslov in še kaj.

Of course, this is simple: the first and last name, phone number, age, address and more.

Related: Learning Slovene as a foreigner - an interview with two Slovenian teachers

Jih razkriješ, če te kdo prosi zanje? Itak da ne, najbrž odločno odkimavaš.

Will you reveal these if anyone asks you for them? Of course not, you're probably shaking your head.

Kaj pa, če bi ti kdo naročil, da mu razkrij številko ali naslov, zato da začneš igrati spletno igrico?

What if someone asks you to reveal a telephone number or address to start playing an online game?

Hm, tu bi se morda že malo zapletlo.

Um, there might be a little complication here.

»Bi neznancu na cesti povedal, kako ti je ime, kje živiš in kam hodiš po pouku? Najbrž ne, kajne? S tem, ko deliš svoje podatke na spletu, narediš točno to: ljudem poveš vse o sebi. Tistim, ki jih poznaš, in tistim, ki jih ne,« v razmislek svetuje učiteljica Nina Jelen.

"Would you tell a stranger in the street what your name is, where you live and where you are going after school? Probably not, right? By sharing your data online you do exactly that: tell people about yourself. To those you know, and those you do not," advises teacher Nina Jelen.

In dodaja:

And she adds:

Kadar te v igricah prosijo za ime in priimek, si raje izmisli vzdevek.

When they ask you for a first and last name in a game, it’s better to invent a nickname.

Svojih podatkov ne deli po spletu. Še posebej, če nisi prepričan, kdo je na drugi strani.

Do not share your data online. Especially if you are not sure who is on the other side.

Kadarkoli te prime, da bi objavil nekaj o sebi, si predstavljaj, da sredi tvojega mesta stoji pano s tvojimi podatki. Vsi ga lahko vidijo, vsi lahko te podatke hranijo in jih pošiljajo naprej.

Whenever you’re asked to reveal something about yourself, imagine that there is a billboard with your data in the middle of your city. Everyone can see it, everyone can keep this information and send it on.


Seven years married / two months. See more Slovenian memes here

Tudi odrasli še ne vedo dobro, kako varovati svoje osebne podatke. Pol leta po sprejetju uredbe o varstvu podatkov (GDPR) informacijska pooblaščenka Mojca Prelesnik pravi: »Glavni izzivi so povezani s hitrim tehnološkim razvojem.«

Adults do not even know how to protect their personal information. Half a year after the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Information Commissioner Mojca Prelesnik says: "The main challenges are related to rapid technological development."

Nadzor je po njenih besedah lahko učinkovit zgolj v prepletu s preventivo. Zato pripravljajo smernice in gradiva, denimo v obliki infografik in vprašalnikov, je dejala ob evropskem dnevu varstva osebnih podatkov na okrogli mizi v Hiši EU.

According to her, such controls can only be effective when used together with prevention. Therefore, guidelines and materials have been prepared, such as in the form of infographics and questionnaires, she said during the European Day for the Protection of Personal Data at a round-table in the House of the EU [in Ljubljana].

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

28 Jan 2019, 07:34 AM

Sovražnost postaja politično orodje

Hatred is becoming a political tool

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Žalostnih ali grozljivih stvari, ki so se nam zgodile, se ne spominjamo radi.

We do not like to remember the sad or horrible things that happened to us.

A spomine je treba ohraniti, da ne pozabimo. Ljubljene osebe, ki je ni več. Ali tragičnih dogodkov, ki se ne smejo ponoviti.

But memories should be kept in mind so that we do not forget. A beloved person who is gone. Or tragic events that cannot be repeated.

Žalostne in grozljive stvari se namreč ne dogajajo samo enemu človeku, ampak tudi velikim skupinam ljudi.

Sad and horrible things do not only happen to one person, but also to large groups of people.

Med takimi je holokavst.

Among these is the Holocaust.

Z besedo holokavst označujemo množični poboj Judov in pripadnikov nekaterih drugih narodov, ras ali etničnih skupin med drugo svetovno vojno.

The word Holocaust denotes the mass murder of Jews and members of some other nations, races or ethnic groups during World War II.

Mnoge med njimi so ubili v koncentracijskem taborišču Auschwitz. Preživeli so tisti, ki so dočakali 27. januar 1945. Takrat so ruski vojaki vkorakali v taborišče in jih osvobodili.

Many of them were killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Those who survived until January 27, 1945 lived. At that time, Russian soldiers marched into the camp and freed them.

Prav zaradi grozot, ki so se zgodile med drugo svetovno vojno, so po njej sestavili Splošno deklaracijo o človekovih pravicah. V tej piše, da se vsi rodijo svobodni in imajo enake pravice.

It was precisely because of the horrors that took place during the Second World War that the General Declaration on Human Rights was drawn up. It says that all are born free and have the same rights.

Vsako leto 27. januarja po svetu pripravijo številne dogodke v spomin in opomin.

Every year, on 27 January around the world, numerous events are prepared to remember and mark the events.

V Evropski komisiji so pred tem dnem objavili rezultate raziskave o mnenju Evropejcev glede antisemitizma. Ta je pokazala na velik razkorak v doživljanju antisemitizma. 89 odstotkov Judov pravi, da se je antisemitizem v zadnjih petih letih močno povečal. Enako meni 36 odstotkov splošne javnosti.

Before this day, the European Commission published the results of a survey on the opinions of Europeans on anti-Semitism. This has shown a huge gap in the experience of anti-Semitism. Eighty-nine percent of Jews say that anti-Semitism has increased sharply over the past five years. At the same time, only 36% of the general public think this way.

Povprečno le štirje od desetih Evropejcev menijo, da je holokavstu v šolah namenjene dovolj pozornosti, 34 odstotkov vprašanih pa jih ne ve, da je zanikanje holokavsta kaznivo dejanje.

On average, only four out of ten Europeans believe that the Holocaust is given enough attention in schools, and 34% of respondents do not know that Holocaust denial is a crime.

Po besedah prvega podpredsednika Komisije Fransa Timmermansa sovražnost spet postaja politično orodje, judovske skupnosti pa prepogosto živijo v strahu pred diskriminacijo, zlorabo in celo nasiljem.

According to the First Vice-President of the Commission, Frans Timmermans, hostility is again becoming a political tool, and the Jewish communities are too often living in fear of discrimination, abuse and even violence.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Jan 2019, 08:28 AM

Britanski poslanci so zavrnili sporazum o brexitu

British MPs have rejected a Brexit agreement

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

V Veliki Britaniji je bil včeraj pomemben dan.

In the UK, yesterday was an important day.

Poslanci so zvečer glasovali o tem, ali podpirajo sporazum med Veliko Britanijo in Evropsko unijo. Ta določa, na kakšen način naj Velika Britanija zapusti Evropsko unijo.

MPs voted in the evening whether they supported an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union. It sets out how the UK should leave the European Union.

Britanska premierka Theresa May se je o sporazumu dolgo dogovarjala s predstavniki Evropske unije v Bruslju.

British Prime Minister Theresa May agreed on a long-standing deal with representatives of the European Union in Brussels.

Toda poslanci so zavrnili ta dogovor. Premierka ima sedaj na voljo tri dneve, da pripravi tako imenovani plan B.

But the MPs rejected this agreement. The Premier now has three days now to prepare the so-called Plan B.

  1. marca se namreč izteče rok za brexit. Lahko se celo zgodi, da Velika Britanija zapusti Evropsko unijo brez dogovora.

On March 29, the deadline for Brexit expires. It may even happen that Britain leaves the European Union without an agreement.

Brexit oziroma odločitev o izstopu Velike Britanije iz Evropske unije so britanski volivci izglasovali na posebnih volitvah, ki se jim reče referendum. Leta 2016 je dobra polovica odločila, naj njihova država po 43 letih zapusti Evropsko unijo.

British voters voted in favuor of Brexit or the decision for the UK to leave the European Union in a special elections called a referendum. In 2016, more than half decided that their country should leave the European Union after 43 years.

Mnogi so že kmalu obžalovali svojo odločitev. Želeli so, naj jim omogočijo ponovno glasovanje.

Many soon regretted their decision. They wanted to vote again.

Tudi njih so zastopali poslanci, ki so glasovali proti sporazumu o ločitvi med Veliko Britanijo in EU.

They were also represented by MPs who voted against the Withdrawal Agreement between Great Britain and the EU.

A proti sporazumu niso bili samo tisti, ki so se premislili, in tisti, ki že od samega začetka niso bili za razhod. Premierke niso podprli niti tisti, ki želijo, da Velika Britanija zapusti Evropsko unijo.

However, the deal was opposed not only by those who changed their minds, but also those who had been “Remainers” from the very beginning. The Premiere was not even supported by those who want Britain to leave the European Union.

Prepričani so namreč, da je sporazum v takšni obliki slab za Veliko Britanijo.

They are convinced that the agreement in this form is bad for Great Britain.

Otroci tedaj niso mogli voliti. Lahko pa so povedali, kaj si o brexitu mislijo.

Children could not vote. They could have said what they thoughr about Brexit.

»Morali bi ostati,« je v britanskem časopisu First News dejala tedaj devetletna Madeleine. »Da smo del Evropske unije, ni še nikomur škodovalo. Pomaga tudi preprečevati vojne, ker smo prijatelji z mnogimi državami.«

"We should stay," said nine-year-old Madeleine in the First News newspaper in Britain. "Being part of the European Union has not hurt anyone. It also helps to prevent wars because we are friends with many countries. "

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