Slovene-English Dual Text: Osebni Podatki So Dragoceni

By , 04 Feb 2019, 09:20 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Osebni Podatki So Dragoceni Flickr - Phil Wolff CC-by-SA-2.0

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Osebni podatki so dragoceni, zato jih moramo varovati

Personal data is valuable, so we need to protect it

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Osebni podatki so dragoceni, zato jih moramo varovati

Personal data is valuable, so we need to protect it

Ali veš, kaj vse so osebni podatki?

Do you know what personal information is?

Seveda, to je vendar preprosto: ime in priimek, telefonska številka, starost, naslov in še kaj.

Of course, this is simple: the first and last name, phone number, age, address and more.

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Jih razkriješ, če te kdo prosi zanje? Itak da ne, najbrž odločno odkimavaš.

Will you reveal these if anyone asks you for them? Of course not, you're probably shaking your head.

Kaj pa, če bi ti kdo naročil, da mu razkrij številko ali naslov, zato da začneš igrati spletno igrico?

What if someone asks you to reveal a telephone number or address to start playing an online game?

Hm, tu bi se morda že malo zapletlo.

Um, there might be a little complication here.

»Bi neznancu na cesti povedal, kako ti je ime, kje živiš in kam hodiš po pouku? Najbrž ne, kajne? S tem, ko deliš svoje podatke na spletu, narediš točno to: ljudem poveš vse o sebi. Tistim, ki jih poznaš, in tistim, ki jih ne,« v razmislek svetuje učiteljica Nina Jelen.

"Would you tell a stranger in the street what your name is, where you live and where you are going after school? Probably not, right? By sharing your data online you do exactly that: tell people about yourself. To those you know, and those you do not," advises teacher Nina Jelen.

In dodaja:

And she adds:

Kadar te v igricah prosijo za ime in priimek, si raje izmisli vzdevek.

When they ask you for a first and last name in a game, it’s better to invent a nickname.

Svojih podatkov ne deli po spletu. Še posebej, če nisi prepričan, kdo je na drugi strani.

Do not share your data online. Especially if you are not sure who is on the other side.

Kadarkoli te prime, da bi objavil nekaj o sebi, si predstavljaj, da sredi tvojega mesta stoji pano s tvojimi podatki. Vsi ga lahko vidijo, vsi lahko te podatke hranijo in jih pošiljajo naprej.

Whenever you’re asked to reveal something about yourself, imagine that there is a billboard with your data in the middle of your city. Everyone can see it, everyone can keep this information and send it on.


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Tudi odrasli še ne vedo dobro, kako varovati svoje osebne podatke. Pol leta po sprejetju uredbe o varstvu podatkov (GDPR) informacijska pooblaščenka Mojca Prelesnik pravi: »Glavni izzivi so povezani s hitrim tehnološkim razvojem.«

Adults do not even know how to protect their personal information. Half a year after the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Information Commissioner Mojca Prelesnik says: "The main challenges are related to rapid technological development."

Nadzor je po njenih besedah lahko učinkovit zgolj v prepletu s preventivo. Zato pripravljajo smernice in gradiva, denimo v obliki infografik in vprašalnikov, je dejala ob evropskem dnevu varstva osebnih podatkov na okrogli mizi v Hiši EU.

According to her, such controls can only be effective when used together with prevention. Therefore, guidelines and materials have been prepared, such as in the form of infographics and questionnaires, she said during the European Day for the Protection of Personal Data at a round-table in the House of the EU [in Ljubljana].

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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