Slovene-English Dual Text: Skupini Delfinov si Delita Tržaški Zaliv

By , 13 Jan 2019, 14:12 PM How to Slovenia
Two dolphins in Piran Bay Two dolphins in Piran Bay

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Skupini delfinov si delita Tržaški zaliv

Dolphins share the Gulf of Trieste

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič., translated by JL Flanner

Delfine najbolj ogrožajo ribolov, onesnaženo okolje in podnebne spremembe.

Dolphins are most endangered by fishing, the polluted environment and climate change.

Na srečo pa delfini sodijo med karizmatične živalske vrste. Proučujejo jih mnogi biologi in s tem jih tudi pomagajo ohraniti.

Fortunately dolphins are a charismatic species. They are studied by many biologists, who thus help them to survive.

Nekatere vrste so kljub temu že zelo ogrožene in njihovo število se hitro zmanjšuje.

However, some species are already very vulnerable, and their numbers are rapidly decreasing.

Med njimi zaenkrat še ni velikih pliskavk. To so tisti delfini, ki živijo tudi v našem morju.

There are the common bottlenose dolphins are not among these yet. These are the dolphins that live in our seas.

Tilen Genov iz društva Morigenos je že pred mnogimi leti s sodelavci začel raziskovati družabno življenje velikih pliskavk v Tržaskem zalivu.

Tilen Genov from the Morigenos Society began collaborating with colleagues many years ago to explore the social life of large porpoises in the Gulf of Trieste.

Med drugim so opazili, da se na istem območju zaliva nahajata dve skupini delfinov, vendar nikoli istočasno. Ena skupina se je vedno zbrala zjutraj, druga pa zvečer.

Among other things, it has been observed that there are two dolphin groups in the same area of the bay, but never at the same time. One group was always meeting there in the morning, the other in the evening.

Casoris - Tilen Genov-Morigenos dolphins genov_etal_2018_infographic_light.jpg

Image: Tilen Genov, Morigeno

To jih je presenetilo, saj takšnega ločevanja glede na del dneva doslej še niso zasledili.

This surprised the researchers, as they had not yet seen such segregation according to the time of day.

»Če se delfini zberejo na nekem območju vsak dan ob istem času, jih lahko ogrozita ribolov in pomorski promet,« pojasnjuje raziskovalec morskih sesalcev.

"If dolphins gather in a certain area every day at the same time, they can be endangered by fishing and maritime traffic," explains the marine mammal researcher.

»Poznavanje časovnih vzorcev je za učinkovito varstvo živali izredno pomembno. Če vemo, kdaj bodo priplavali, lahko te dejavnosti prestavimo na takrat, ko je živali manj ali ko se ravno ne prehranjujejo oziroma ko počivajo.«

"Knowing time patterns is of vital importance for the effective protection of animals. If we know when they will swim, we can move certain activities to when fewer animals are there, or when they are not eating or resting. "

Ugotovili so še, da so delfini zelo izbirčni pri tem, s kom se družijo. V vsaki skupini so bili dolgoletni prijatelji, ki pa so se delfinom iz druge skupine izogibali.

They also found that dolphins are very picky about who they hang out with. Each group was made up of long-standing friends who avoided dolphins from the other group.

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