Slovene-English Dual Text: Kdo Je Prepričal Volivce Na Lokalnih Volitvah?

By , 19 Nov 2018, 16:30 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Kdo Je Prepričal Volivce Na Lokalnih Volitvah? Montage: JL Flanner

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Kdo je prepričal volivce na lokalnih volitvah?

Who convinced voters in local elections?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner

Ljubljančani so izvolili sedanjega župana Zorana Jankovića.

The people of Ljubljana elected Zoran Janković, the current mayor.

V Mariboru se bosta v drugem krogu pomerila podjetnik Aleksander Saša Arsenovič in Franc Kangler, ki je že županoval v tem mestu.

In Maribor, entrepreneurs Aleksander Saša Arsenovič and Franc Kangler, who has already been mayor of this city, will move to the second round.

V Kopru je največ glasov dobil sedanji župan Boris Popovič, v Celju prav tako sedanji župan Bojan Šrot, toda v Kopru bo odločilen drugi krog, v katerem bo poleg Popoviča še Aleš Bržan.

In Koper, the majority of votes were won by the current mayor Boris Popovič, while in Celje the current mayor Bojan Šrot also stays sin charge, although in Koper there will also a second round, with Popovič facing Aleš Bržan.

V Murski Soboti, Novem mestu in Velenju so nove stare župane dobili že kmalu po zaprtju volišč: to so dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Gregor Macedoni in Bojan Kontič.

In Murska Sobota, Novo mesto and Velenje, returning mayors were announced shortly after the closure of the polling stations: these are Dr. Aleksander Jevšek, Gregor Macedoni and Bojan Kontič.

Na Ptuju pa se bosta v drugem krogu pomerila Nuška Gajšek in dr. Štefan Čelan, v Novi Gorici Matej Arčon in dr. Klemen Miklavič in V Slovenj Gradcu Tilen Klugler in Andrej Čas.

In Ptuj, Nuška Gajšek and dr. Štefan Čelan, Nova Gorica Matej Arčon and dr. Klemen Miklavič and V Slovenj Gradec Tilen Klugler and Andrej Čas.

V mnogih krajih so volivci na lističih lahko obkrožili le eno številko pred imenom kandidata in tam izbira ni bila težka.

In many places, voters could circle only one number in front of the candidate's name on the ballot and there were no difficult choices.

Drugje je bilo bolj napeto, saj krajani do poznih večernih ur niso vedeli, kdo bo odločal o prihodnosti kraja.

It was somewhat more tense elsewhere, since people did not know until late into the evening what would decide the future of the place.

Letošnje lokalne volitve so pustile pečat. Na volišča se je namreč odpravilo več ljudi kot pred štirimi leti in več kot na državnozborskih volitvah.

This year's local elections made an impressions, with more voters than four years ago, and more than in the National Assembly elections [earlier this year].

To je spodbudna novica, saj o prihodnosti odločajo tisti, ki gredo voliti, in ne tisti, ki ostanejo doma.

This is encouraging news, because the future is decided by those who go to vote, and not those who stay at home.

Volivna udeležba po Sloveniji je bila do zaključka redakcije 46,92 odstotka, v ponedeljek pa so podatki kazali, da je glasovalo 50,61 ljudi. Najvišja udeležba je bila v Solčavi, kjer je glas oddalo 84,23 odstotka volivnih upravičencev. Po ponedeljkovih podatkih je bila najnižja v Vojniku (35,47).

Voter participation throughout Slovenia was said to be 46.92 percent by the end of voting, and on Monday data showed that 50.61 people voted. The highest participation was in Solčava, where 84.23% of voters turned up. According to Monday's data, the lowest was in Vojnik (35.47).

Drugi krog volitev bo 2. decembra.

The second round of elections will take place on December 2nd.

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