Slovene-English Dual Text: Ukrepajmo Zdaj!

By , 09 Dec 2018, 20:58 PM How to Slovenia
Sir David Attenborough Sir David Attenborough Screenshot from the embedded video

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Ukrepajmo zdaj!

Let's take action now!

Written by Dr. Katja Žerjavič, translated by JL Flanner

Ukrepajmo zdaj!

Let's take action now!

»Ukrepajte zdaj!« voditeljem držav sporoča sir David Attenborough.

"Take action now!" says Sir David Attenborough.

»Soočamo se s svetovno katastrofo, ki smo jo povzročili mi. Podnebne spremembe so naša največja grožnja,« je na sestanku o podnebnih spremembah še dejal sloviti raziskovalec narave.

"We are facing a global catastrophe that we have caused. Climate change is our biggest threat, "said the famous explorer of nature at a meeting on climate change.

»Če ne bomo ničesar storili, bo naša civilizacija propadla in večina živih bitij bo izumrla.«

"If we do nothing, our civilisation will collapse and most of the living beings will die out."

Svetovni voditelji so se zbrali na konferenci Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah v mestu Katovice na Poljskem. Dva tedna bodo razpravljali, kako izpolniti obljube, ki so jih dali pred tremi leti na podnebni konferenci v Parizu.

World leaders gathered at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Katowice, Poland. For two weeks they will discuss how to fulfil the promises they made three years ago at a climate conference in Paris.

Takrat so se obvezali, da se povprečna temperatura ozračja ne bo povišala za več kot dve stopinji Celzija v primerjavi s temperaturo pred 100 leti. Pa tudi, da bomo izpust toplogrednih plinov v naslednjih 20 letih zmanjšali za polovico.

At that time, they pledged not to increase the average temperature of the atmosphere by more than two degrees Celsius compared to the temperature 100 years ago. They also planned to cut greenhouse gas emissions by half over the next 20 years.

Politiki se zdaj o tem pogovarjajo z velikim cmokom v grlu.

Politicians are now talking about this with a big lump in their throat.

Zadnja štiri leta so namreč najbolj vroča leta, odkar uradno merimo temperaturo. Tudi količina toplogrednih plinov se spet povečuje.

The last four years have been the hottest years ever since we officially measure the temperature. The amount of greenhouse gases is also increasing again.

Mnogim opazovalcem njihovega srečanja se ne zdi prav, da so si za kraj sestanka izbrali prav Poljsko. Ta država proizvede večino svoje električne energije iz premoga, to pa pomeni, da njena električna energija ni čista. Obenem pa srečanje denarno podpirata dve veliki premogovni podjetji.

Many observers of their meeting do not seem right to choose Poland as the place of the meeting. This country produces most of its electricity from coal, which means that its electricity is not clean. At the same time, the two big coal companies are financially supported by the meeting.

Sir David danes v tej državi zastopa ljudi, ki že občutijo posledice podnebnih sprememb. Voditeljem v njihovem imenu sporoča: »Čas se izteka. Ljudje želijo, da vi, ki odločate, ukrepate zdaj. Svet je v vaših rokah.«

Sir David today in this country represents people who already feel the effects of climate change. He says to leaders on their behalf: "Time is running out. People want you to act now. The world is in your hands."

Ali mu bodo prisluhnili, bomo izvedeli 14. decembra, ob koncu konference.

Whether they will listen to him, we will find out on December 14, at the end of the conference.

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