Ljubljana related

05 Dec 2019, 19:11 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Otroci berejo bolje, vendar manj radi

Children read better, but they like it less

Written by Vita, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Že običajni šolski testi so pomembni, nacionalni in mednarodni preizkusi znanja pa so celo tako zelo pomembni, da o njih pišemo tudi mediji.

Even normal school tests are important, but national and international tests of knowledge are so important that the media write about them.

Po treh letih tako spet vemo, kako pismeni so slovenski petnajstletniki v primerjavi s tistimi iz drugih držav.

After three years, we know again how literate Slovenian 15-year-olds are in comparison to those from other countries.

Rezultati raziskave Pisa 2018, ki primerja znanje in spretnosti petnajstletnih učencev in učenk v državah članicah Organizacije za ekonomsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD) in državah partnericah, so pokazali, da so na vseh področjih testiranja uspešnejši od mednarodnega povprečja.

The results of the Pisa 2018 survey, which compares the skills of 15-year-old pupils in OECD member states and partner countries, show that they are more successful than the international average in all tested areas.

Raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo kar 79 držav, je preverjala bralno, naravoslovno in matematično pismenost. Tokrat je bil poseben poudarek na bralni pismenosti.

The survey, which involved 79 countries, examined literacy, science, and mathematics. This time, there was a particular emphasis on reading literacy.

A pismenost se kljub temu vsako leto manjša. Nacionalna koordinatorka raziskave PISA Klaudija Šterman Ivančič meni, da so bili testi tokrat drugačni, kar bi lahko razložilo slabše rezultate.

However, literacy is decreasing every year. National PISA Coordinator Claudia Sterman Ivancic believes that the tests were different this time, which could explain the poorer results.

Pri bralni in naravoslovni pismenosti so se dekleta odrezala opazno bolje kot fantje, pri matematični pismenosti pa so oboji dosegli enake rezultate.

In literacy and science literacy, girls performed significantly better than boys, and in mathematical literacy both achieved the same results.

Zaskrbljujoči pa so rezultati na področju motivacije in počutja.

The results with regard to motivation and well-being are of concern.

Učenke, predvsem pa učenci, vedno bolj neradi berejo. Branje se vse bolj zdi izguba časa in berejo samo, ko morajo.

Students, and especially male students, are increasingly reluctant to read. Reading increasingly seems a waste of time, and they only read when they have to.

Šolarji z učitelji slovenščine niso zadovoljni. V primerjavi z učenci iz drugih držav so zelo slabo ocenili njihovo podporo in obveščanje o napredku. Za njihovo navdušenje nad poučevanjem slovenščine pa so jim dali celo najslabšo oceno.

Schoolchildren are not happy with Slovenian teachers. Compared to students from other countries, their support and communication with regard to progress was very poorly evaluated. They were given the worst grade for their enthusiasm for teaching Slovenian.

Inteligenca je za mnoge nekaj, česar ne morejo spremeniti oziroma na njej graditi. Slovenski učenci pa so tudi med tistimi v OECD, ki najmanj pogosto zaznavajo pozitivna čustva, kot sta ponos in radost. Tretjina jih je poročala, da se pogosto ali vedno počutijo žalostne, dobra polovica pa, da so pogosto ali vedno zaskrbljeni.

For many, intelligence is something they cannot change or build on. Slovenian students are also among those in the OECD who are least likely to feel positive emotions, such as pride and joy. A third reported that they often or always felt sad, and a good half said they were often or always worried.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

29 Nov 2019, 12:53 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Že Odštevamo do Prižiga Lučk

We’re Already Counting Down to the Lights

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Preden zima razveseli s prvim snegom in še preden nastopi adventni čas, nas v decembrsko vzdušje popelje tradicionalni prižig lučk.

Before the winter hits with the first snow and before the arrival of Advent, we get into a December mood with the traditional atmosphere of the lights.

Danes pozno popoldan, na zadnji petek pred adventom, bo Ljubljana zažarela med bučnim odštevanjem zbrane množice.

Late this afternoon, on the last Friday before Advent, Ljubljana will light up along with sounds of the crowd gathered there.

Pred prižigom luči bo zbrane kot vsako leto nagovoril župan Zoran Janković. Delovati bodo začele tudi stojnice ob Ljubljanici in koncertna prizorišča z umetniškim programom za male in velike.

Mayor Zoran Janković will address the crowd before the lights come on. Also starting are stalls along the Ljubljanica River and concert venues with an art program for children and adults.

Na Kongresnem trgu bo zrasel Čarobni gozd, v katerem bodo najmlajši obiskovalci vsak dan ustvarjali pod zvezdnatim nebom. Zveni zares pravljično, mar ne?

There will be a Magic Forest in Congress Square, in which the youngest visitors will be creative every day under the starry sky. Sounds really fabulous, doesn't it?

Tudi zato je v prazničnem času Ljubljana polna obiskovalcev: tako domačinov kot tudi turistov iz različnih delov sveta.

That is why during the festive season Ljubljana is full of visitors: both locals and tourists from different parts of the world.

Naše glavno mesto ni edino, ki bo zažarelo v praznični okrasitvi. Pridružili se mu bodo še številni drugi kraji in naravni parki.

Our capital is not the only place that will glow with festive decoration. It will be joined by many other places and nature parks.

Rekordno število lučk bo zasvetilo v kraju številnih rož in cvetlic, v Mozirskem gaju, od koder so sporočili, da se jih bo prižgalo kar 1,5 milijona.

A record number of lights will brighten up in the place of many flowers in Mozirje Grove, with reports saying that as many as 1.5 million will be lit.

Nekaj tisoč se jih bo prižgalo tudi v parku Arboretum Volčji potok.

Several thousand will also be lit at the Volcji Potok Arboretum Park.

Že novembra bodo praznične lučke prižgali tudi v Celju, Mariboru in Kopru.

In November, holiday lights will also be lit in Celje, Maribor and Koper.

Ljubljansko okrasitev si je zamislil slovenski slikar Zmago Modic, ki jo je idejno načrtoval kar 20 let.

The Ljubljana decorations were designed by the Slovenian painter Zmago Modic, who has been working on them for 20 years.

V Kopru bodo lahko obiskovalci ob prižigu lučk drsali na največjem zunanjem drsališču v državi, ki bo merilo 850 kvadratnih metrov.

In Koper, visitors will be able to skate with the lights at the largest outdoor skating rink in the country, measuring 850 square meters,.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Nov 2019, 18:00 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Energija iz Umetnega Lista

Energy from an artificial leaf

Written by Urša Adamič,, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Znanstveniki so razvili tehnologijo, ki posnema proces fotosinteze v zelenih listih rastlin.

Scientists have developed a technology that mimics the process of photosynthesis in the green leaves of plants.

Na ta način bi lahko v prihodnosti iz zraka izločali toplogredni plin ogljikov dioksid in ga pretvarjali v gorivo, ob tem pa bi celo nastajal kisik, ki ga dihamo.

In this way, in the future, emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide could be converted into fuel, and even the oxygen we breathe could be produced.

To je zelo pomembno, saj je ravno včeraj 11 tisoč znanstvenikov z vsega sveta, tudi iz Slovenije, znova opozorilo, da moramo sprejeti temeljite ukrepe za ohranitev našega planeta, sicer nam grozi podnebna katastrofa.

This is very important, because yesterday 11,000 scientists from all over the world, including from Slovenia, again warned that we must take thorough measures to preserve our planet, otherwise we are in danger of climate catastrophe.

Zmanjšanje izpusta toplogrednih plinov, kot sta ogljikov dioksid in metan, je eden od ključnih korakov, ki jih moramo narediti, če želimo ohraniti planet.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, is one of the key steps we need to take to keep the planet safe.

Gorivo lahko pridobivamo na podoben način, kot rastline proizvajajo sladkorje, ki so njihov vir energije.

We can produce fuel in the same way that plants produce sugars, which are their source of energy

Vodja raziskovalne skupine Yimin Wu je za angleški časopis Independent povedala: »S tehnologijo smo dosegli približno 10-odstotno uspešnost pretvorbe sončne energije v gorivo. To je že precej boljši izkoristek od tistega, ki je prisoten v naravni fotosintezi in znaša približno en odstotek.«

The head of the Yimin Wu research group told the English-language newspaper The Independent: "Technology has achieved about 10% success in converting solar energy into fuel. This is already a much better yield than that present in natural photosynthesis, at about one percent."

In kako vse skupaj deluje? Iz vode in ogljikovega dioksida pod vplivom svetlobe nastajajo kisik in energetsko pomembne molekule. Pri rastlinah je to sladkor, pri novi tehnologiji pa metanol.

And how does it all work? Under the influence of light, water and carbon dioxide produce oxygen and energy molecules. For plants, this is sugar and for the new technology it is methanol.

V prihodnosti bo tehnologija, ki so jo razvili, lahko pomembno prispevala k omejevanju segrevanja ozračja zaradi toplogrednih plinov.

In the future, the technology they developed will be able to make a significant contribution to limiting the warming of the atmosphere due to greenhouse gases.

Poleg tega bi lahko predstavljala tudi pomemben nov vir energije. Metanol denimo danes že uporabljajo kot gorivo v nekaterih dirkalnih avtomobilih.

In addition, it could also represent an important new energy source. For example, methanol is already used as a fuel in some race cars today.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

14 Nov 2019, 18:21 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Benetke pod vodo, in to že drugo leto zapored!

Venice underwater for the second year in a row!

Written by Romana Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Benetke, ena največjih turističnih znamenitosti na svetu, so znova v središču svetovne pozornosti. Tokrat ne zaradi rekordnega števila obiskovalcev, temveč zaradi rekordnih poplav. Tri četrtine mesta je pod vodo.

Venice, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world, is once again in the spotlight. This time not because of the record number of visitors, but because of record flooding. Three quarters of the city is underwater.

Na slovitem Trgu svetega Marka je bilo vode do kolen, cerkev svetega Marka pa je poplavilo šestič v njeni 1200-letni zgodovini. Od tega so jo štiri poplave opustošile v zadnjih 20 letih! Kako je to mogoče?

At the famous St. Mark's Square the water was knee-deep, and St. Mark's Church flooded for the sixth time in its 1,200-year history. Of these, four floods have ravaged her in the last 20 years! How is this possible?

Hude poplave so neposredna posledica podnebnih sprememb, je prepričan beneški župan Luigi Brugnaro. Poplavna voda, ki je segala kar 1,87 metra visoko, bo v mestu pustila trajen pečat, je še zapisal na Twitterju.

Severe flooding is a direct consequence of climate change, said Venetian Mayor Luigi Brugnaro. The flood water, which reached 1.87 meters high, will leave a lasting mark in the city, he wrote on Twitter.

Za visoko vodo v Benetkah je kriva kombinacija visoke plime in neurja, ki ga je prinesel jugo, pojasnjujejo meteorologi. Včerajšnja je bila druga najvišja zabeležena v zgodovini mesta. Benetke so bile poplavljene tudi lani.

The high water in Venice is blamed on a combination of the high tide and storms from the south, meteorologists explain. Yesterday was the second highest recorded in city history. Venice was also flooded last year.

Čeprav s podnebnimi spremembami ne moremo povezati samo enega dogodka, so vse pogostejše poplave razlog za zaskrbljenost. Benetke so še posebej na udaru, saj se pogrezajo, morska gladina svetovnih morij pa se dviga.

Although no one event can be linked to climate change, increasing floods are a cause for concern. Venice is particularly in shock as it sinks while the world’s sea level rises.

Morje je v torek zvečer poplavilo tudi Koper, Izolo in Piran. Neuradno naj bi šlo za drugo največjo plimo v zadnjih 50 letih. 

The sea also flooded Koper, Izola and Piran on Tuesday night. Unofficially, this is supposed to be the second highest tide in the last 50 years.

Huda neurja so divjala tudi v hrvaški Istri in Dalmaciji. V Dubrovniku so izmerili rekordni val, visok 10,87 metra.

Severe storms also raged in Croatian Istria and Dalmatia. A record wave 10.87 meters high was measured in Dubrovnik.

V Avstraliji pa od minulega petka divja 150 požarov.

In Australia, however, 150 fires have been burning since last Friday.

Požari v avstralskih prostranstvih, rečejo jim bush fires, so v tem letnem času običajna nevšečnost. A zaradi bolj vročega in sušnega podnebja so vse pogostejši in močnejši.

Fires in the Australian outback, called bush fires, are a common nuisance at this time of year. But because of the hotter and drier climate, they are becoming more and more frequent and stronger.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

06 Nov 2019, 15:08 PM

Ženske so še vedno slabše plačane kot moški

Women are still paid less than men

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ženske že drugi dan niso prejele plačila za svoje delo. In tako bo vse do konca leta.

For the second day, women were not paid for their work. And so it will be until the end of the year.

V resnici ni čisto tako. Ženske bodo prejemale plačilo tudi v novembru in decembru.

In truth this is not quite the case. Women will also be paid in November and December.

A ker so za enako delo v povprečju slabše plačane kot moški, razliko v plačilu prikazujemo s podatkom, od katerega dne v letu simbolično delajo zastonj.

But because they are paid less than men on average for the same work, we can indicating the difference in pay with data showing from which day they work symbolically for free.

Temu dnevu rečemo tudi evropski dan enakega plačila. Letos je to 4. november.

This day is also called European Equal Pay Day. This year is November 4th.

Iz Evropske komisije so sporočili, da je plačna vrzel v Evropski uniji 16-odstotna. Od lanskega leta, ko je znašala 16,2 odstotka, je torej za malenkost manjša.

The European Commission said the wage gap in the European Union was 16%. Since last year, when it stood at 16.2 percent, it is slightly smaller.

Preračunano v dneve bi lahko rekli, da bodo ženske letos za svoje delo plačo prejemale en dan več. Lani je bil namreč evropski dan enakega plačila 3. november.

In terms of days, it could be said that women will receive one day of pay more for their work this year. Last year was European Equal Pay Day on November 3rd.

V Sloveniji je plačna vrzel polovico nižja od povprečja Evropske unije, in sicer znaša osem odstotkov. To je dobro, saj Slovenijo ta podatek uvršča na 6. mesto v Evropski uniji.

In Slovenia, the wage gap is half lower than the European Union average of eight percent. This is good, as Slovenia is ranked 6th in the European Union.

A strokovnjaki ob tem opozarjajo, da plačna vrzel najhitreje narašča prav pri nas.

But experts point out that the pay gap is widening the fastest in our country.

Poleg tega ženske še vedno pogosteje delajo v slabše plačanih poklicih, redkeje napredujejo in so premalo zastopane na vodstvenih položajih.

In addition, women are still more likely to work in lower-paying careers, be less frequently promoted and under-represented in management positions.

Po mnenju devetih od desetih Evropejcev in Evropejk je nedopustno, da so ženske za enako delo slabše plačane od moških.

According to nine in ten Europeans, it is unacceptable that women are paid less than men for equal work.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

30 Oct 2019, 16:01 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Divali, praznik svetlobe

Divali, a festival of light

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dnevi postajajo vse krajši in odkar smo spet premaknili uro, se zdi, da nas večji del dneva obdaja tema.

The days are getting shorter, and since we’ve moved the clock again, most of the day seems to be in darkness.

Prav zato so v teh dneh še toliko bolj pomembni prazniki, ki slavijo svetlobo.

That's why holidays celebrating the light are all the more important these days.

Eden takih je tudi indijski praznik luči divali.

One such is the Indian festival of light Divali.

Traja pet dni in v tem času se Indijci podajo na ulice, da bi s procesijami počastili duhovno zmago svetlobe nad temo, dobrega nad zlom, znanja nad nevednostjo in upanja nad obupom.

It lasts for five days, during which time Indians take to the streets for parades to mark the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair.

Med festivalom svetlobe domačini očistijo domove ter jih okrasijo z oljenkami in svečami in se tako poklonijo boginji Lakšmi.

During the festival of light, the locals clean their homes and decorate them with lamps and candles to pay homage to the goddess Lakshmi.

V številnih mestih v tem času pripravijo razkošne ognjemete. Ti dodatno onesnažujejo že tako umazan zrak v tej državi, zato od lani namesto običajnih pirotehničnih sredstev uporabljajo taka, ki so bolj prijazna okolju.

Magnificent firework displays are put on in many cities during this time. They add pollution to the already dirty air in this country, so since last year they use environmentally friendly ones instead of the usual pyrotechnics.

Posebnost divalija je tudi rangoli: slikovite in pisane umetnine iz različnih pisanih naravnih materialov, kot so na primer cvetni listi, pesek, moka in riž.

A specialty of Divali are Rangoli: colourful artworks made of various colourful natural materials, such as petals, sand, flour and rice.

Divali, ki se je letos začel 25. in končal 29. oktobra, je eden od najbolj radoživih in priljubljenih praznikov na hindujskem koledarju. Datum njegovega začetka ni vsako leto enak. Povezan je s koncem žetve in mlado luno.

Divali, which began this year on the 25th and ended on the 29th of October, is one of the most joyous and popular holidays in the Hindu calendar. Its start date is not the same every year. It is associated with the end of the harvest and the young moon.

Kot državni praznik ga obeležujejo v mnogih državah, poleg Indije še v Maleziji, Singapurju, Nepalu in na Šrilanki.

It is celebrated as a national holiday in many countries, and other than India in Malaysia, Singapore, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

24 Oct 2019, 09:13 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Saga o brexitu se nadaljuje

The Brexit saga continues

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Saj ni res, pa je, bi lahko rekli po sobotnem dogajanju v britanskem parlamentu.

It can’t be true, it is, one might say, after what happened in the British Parliament on Saturday.

Saga o brexitu se nadaljuje in nihče ne ve, kaj se bo zgodilo 31. oktobra.

The Brexit saga continues and no one knows what will happen on October 31st.

Bo Velika Britanija ostala v Evropski uniji? Ali jo bo zapustila?

Will the UK stay in the European Union? Will she leave it?

To si želi britanski premier Boris Johnson, ki je ob nastopu svojega premierstva dejal, da bi raje ležal mrtev v blatnem jarku, kot prestavil izstop Velike Britanije iz EU.

This is what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants, who said at the start of his term as Prime Minister that he would rather be dead in a ditch than move the UK's exit from the EU.

Britanski poslanci običajno delajo med tednom. Tokrat so prvič po letu 1982 v poslanske klopi sedli v soboto. Glasovati bi morali o najnovejšem dogovoru, ki sta ga v četrtek predstavila predsednik Evropske komisije Jean-Claude Juncker in britanski premier Johnson.

British MPs usually work during the week. This time, for the first time since 1982, they sat on the benches on Saturday. They were going to vote on the latest deal presented by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and British Prime Minister Johnson on Thursday.

A se je znova zapletlo.

But it got complicated again.

Eden od poslancev je namreč na glasovanje dal dopolnilo, ki so ga poslanci nato v večini podprli. Namen dopolnila je preprečiti izstop brez dogovora po pomoti, če parlamentu do 31. oktobra ne bi uspelo sprejeti vse ključne zakonodaje.

One of the MPs proposed an amendment, which was then overwhelmingly supported by the others. The purpose of the amendment is to prevent a no deal Brexit by mistake if all key the legislation was not passed by Parliament by 31 October.

Ker je to dopolnilo onemogočilo sobotno glasovanje o dogovoru, je bil premier Johnson prisiljen poslati pismo predsedniku Evropskega sveta in predstavniku voditeljev EU Donaldu Tusku.

With the amendment complicating Saturday's vote on the deal, Prime Minister Johnson was forced to send a letter to the President of the European Council and the representative of EU leaders, Donald Tusk.

A Johnson tega pisma ni podpisal.

But Johnson did not sign this letter.

Še več, priložil je podpisano pismo, v katerem pravi, da je bil v prošnjo prisiljen. EU je še pozval, naj ne potrdi novega odloga.

Moreover, he enclosed a signed letter stating that he had been forced into making the request. The EU also said there should not be a new delay.

Zapleti okoli brexita bi bili smešni, če ne bi mnogi Britanci in Evropejci menili, da je odhod Velike Britanije iz EU slaba in celo škodljiva poteza.

The complications surrounding Brexit would be ridiculous if many Britons and Europeans did not consider the UK's departure from the EU a bad and even harmful move.

Številni Britanci so zato v soboto v Londonu protestirali in pozivali k ponovnemu referendumu.

A number of Britons therefore protested in London on Saturday, calling for a referendum.

Tisti, ki so glasovali za odhod, pa vztrajajo, da je treba voljo državljanov, izraženo na referendumu, spoštovati.

Those who voted in favour [of leaving], however, insist that the will of the citizens, as expressed in the referendum, must be respected.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here. All our stories on Brexit and Slovenia are here

17 Oct 2019, 11:33 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Eliud Kipchoge odtekel maraton svojega življenja

Eliud Kipchoge ran the marathon of his life

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Najboljši maratonec na svetu Eliud Kipchoge je dokazal, da za človeka ni meja. Da je mogoče čisto vse. Le dovolj si je treba želeti, a obenem tudi presneto garati!

The best marathon runner in the world, Eliud Kipchoge, has proven that there is no limit for people. That everything is possible. You only need to desire it, and also work hard!

Kenijec je v soboto odtekel maraton svojega življenja. Kot prvi človek je maratonsko razdaljo, 42 kilometrov in 195 metrov, pretekel v manj kot dveh urah.

The Kenyan ran the marathon of his life on Saturday. He became the first person to run the marathon distance of 42 kilometres and 195 metres  in less than two hours.

Natanko eno uro, 59 minut in 40 sekund je potreboval za štiri kroge in še malo po središču glavnega avstrijskega mesta.

In exactly one hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds he took four laps and a little more in the centre of the Austrian capital.

Si predstavljaš, kako hitro je to? Toliko časa povprečen tekač potrebuje za polmaratonsko razdaljo.

Can you imagine how fast this is? It takes as long for the average runner to cover the distance of a half marathon.

Mednarodna atletska zveza njegovega dosežka ne bo priznala kot uradni svetovni rekord.

The International Athletics Association will not recognise his achievement as an official world record.

Dogodek je bil namreč del posebnega projekta, šlo je za preizkus človeških zmogljivosti. Tekmovalec je bil samo on, Dunaj je bil načrtno izbran, prav tako dan in začetek teka.

The event was part of a special project, it was a test of human capacity. He was the only competitor, Vienna was specially chosen, as was the day and start of the run.

Kipchoge je pri tem teku imel veliko pomočnikov. Ob sebi je ves čas imel sedem tekačev, ki so mu narekovali tempo na večinoma ravninski trasi in poskrbeli za to, da ga veter ne bi preveč oviral.

Kipchoge had many assistants in this run. He had seven runners with him at all times, setting the pace on the mostly flat route and making sure that the wind didn't obstruct him too much.

Tik pred ciljem so se sotekači umaknili, da je Kipchoge sam in z velikim nasmehom na obrazu prečkal ciljno črto.

Just before the finish line, his teammates retreated to watch Kipchoge cross it with a big smile on his face.

Morda še bolj kot čas je bilo neverjetno to, da ni kazal nobenih znakov utrujenosti. Kot da bi se zgolj sprehodil po jutranji časopis.

Perhaps even more remarkable at the was the fact that he showed no signs of fatigue. It was just like he was taking a stroll for a morning newspaper.

Eliud Kipchoge je res pravi navdih. Ne le za vse tekače po svetu, ampak za vse nas, da pozabimo na izgovore in dobimo nov zagon.

Eliud Kipchoge is a true inspiration. Not just for all runners around the world, but for all of us to forget the excuses and make a fresh start.

Dan kasneje je svetovni rekord v maratonu podrla šenjegova rojakinja Brigid Kosgei.

A day later, the world record for the marathon was broken by Senj's countryman Brigid Kosgei.

Na maratonu v Chicagu je z rezultatom 2:14:04 za več kot minuto izboljšala šestnajstletni rekord Paule Radcliffe.

At the Chicago Marathon she beat Paula Radcliffe's sixteen-year record with a time of 2:14:04.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Oct 2019, 20:27 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Mačja navezanost

Cat attachment

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mačke veljajo za bolj samostojne in manj navezane na človeka kot psi. Pa je res tako?

Cats are considered more independent and less attached to humans than dogs. Is that really so?

Nedavno objavljena raziskava se je posvetila mačkam in njihovi navezanosti na skrbnike.

A recently published study focused on cats and their attachment to their caregivers.

Izkazalo se je, da se mačke glede na izkušnje ob odraščanju lahko navadijo na življenje v samoti, v skupini ali skupaj s človekom.

As it turns out, cats can grow accustomed to living alone, in a group or together with a human, as they grow up.

Raziskovalci so do spoznanja prišli tako, da so izvedli vedenjski poskus. Mucke, stare od 3 do 8 mesecev, so skupaj z lastnikom dali v sobe, ki jih prej niso poznale.

The researchers came to the conclusion by conducting a behavioral experiment. The kittens, aged 3 to 8 months, were placed with their owners in rooms they weren’t familiar with.

Tam je vsak par mucke in lastnika dve minuti preživel skupaj, nato je lastnik odšel in mucka je ostala sama.

Each pair of kittens and owners spent two minutes together there, then the owner left and the kitten was left alone.

Po dveh minutah se je lastnik vrnil in raziskovalci so lahko opazovali mačje vedenje ob ponovni združitvi.

After two minutes, the owner returned and researchers were able to observe the cat's behavior when they were reunited.

Obstaja več načinov navezanosti.

There are several kinds of attachment.

Pri muckah so razlikovali med varno in negotovo navezanostjo.

In kittens, a distinction was made between secure and uncertain attachment.

Na podlagi iskanja telesnega stika, stresa ob odhodu lastnika in vedenja ob njegovi vrnitvi so mlade mucke razporedili v dve skupini.

Based on the search for physical contact, the stress of the owner leaving and the behaviour upon their return, the young kittens were divided into two groups.

Dobra polovica mačk je izkazala varno navezanost na človeškega lastnika.

More than half the cats showed secure attachment to their human owner.

To je zelo podobno število kot pri domačih psih in ljudeh.

This is a very similar number to that [found] for domestic dogs and humans.

Z raziskavo so tako ovrgli splošno prepričanje, da so mačke na svoje človeške prijatelje manj navezane kot psi.

The research thus disproved the general belief that cats are less attached to their human friends than dogs.

Vedenje mačke je torej odvisno od vzgoje in izkušenj iz mladosti ter podedovanih lastnosti.

The behavior of cats therefore depends on their upbringing and experience from a young age and inherited traits.

A še bolj kot mucke so na svoje ljubljenčke navezani ljudje.

But even more than kittens, people are attached to their pets.

Zaradi te močne navezanosti so se v Ameriki in na Kitajskem že razvila podjetja, ki ponujajo možnost kloniranja živali po smrti.

Due to this strong attachment, companies in America and China have already developed the possibility of cloning animals after death.

Da umetno ustvarijo novo žival, potrebujejo le nekaj celic z DNK.

They only need a few cells with DNA to artificially create a new animal.

Od leta 2015 so tako na Kitajskem klonirali že 40 psov, letos pa so klonirali tudi prvo mačko.

Since 2015, 40 dogs have been cloned in China, and this year the first cat was cloned.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

02 Oct 2019, 18:19 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pri Krisu ni bilo vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti

For Chris, it wasn't a question of helping, but of how to do it

»Še vedno ne dojamem, kaj se je zgodilo,« pravi Ana Jerak, mama devetnajstmesečnega Krisa s prirojeno mišično boleznijo.

"I still don't understand what happened," says Ana Jerak, the mother of nineteen-month-old Kris with a congenital muscular disease.

Družini je v manj kot petih dneh uspelo zbrati veliko denarja. Celo več, kot ga potrebujejo za zelo drago zdravilo, ki lahko dečku reši življenje.

The family managed to raise a lot of money in less than five days. Even more than they need for a very expensive drug that can save the boy's life.

To ne bi bilo mogoče brez pomoči številnih po vsej Sloveniji, ki so pomagali zbirati denar.

This would not have been possible without the help of many around Slovenia who helped raise money.

Eden od prvih, ki je izvedel za Krisovo zgodbo, je bil televizijski voditelj Edi Pucer. Zanjo mu je povedal Krisov nono. Sočasno so se Krisovi starši obrnili tudi na druge medije.

One of the first to find out about Kris' story was television presenter Edi Pucer. He was told by Kris's grandfather. At the same time, Kris's parents also turned to other media.

Ko so številni Slovenci izvedeli, da Kris potrebuje njihovo pomoč in da bi lahko, če bi vsi stopili skupaj in prispevali vsak en evro, dečku pomagali do zdravila, ki ga potrebuje, se je snežna kepa začela kotaliti.

When many Slovenes learned that Kris needed their help and that if they all came together and contributed one euro each, they could help the boy with the medicine he needed, the snowball began to roll.

»Čar te akcije zbiranja denarja je bil, da nikogar ni bilo treba prositi za pomoč. Mediji smo Krisovo zgodbo objavili, vsak, ki je slišal zanjo, pa je takoj hotel pomagati po svojih močeh. In tako smo skupaj dosegli nemogoče,« pravi Edi Pucer.

“The charm of this money-raising campaign was that no one had to ask for help. We released Kris's story to the media, and everyone who heard about it immediately wanted to help. And so together we have achieved the impossible, ” says Edi Pucer.

Pomagali so tudi otroci. Mnogi so rekli, da bodo prispevali svoje denarčke. Osemletni Jaka, ki ima tudi sam hude zdravstvene težave, saj ima cerebralno paralizo, pa je Krisu podaril svojo hokejsko palico Anžeta Kopitarja.

Children also helped. Many said they would contribute their own money. Eight-year-old Jaka, who also has serious health problems because of cerebral palsy, donated his hockey stick from Anz Kopitar for Chris.

Ko so ljudje izvedeli za Krisovo zgodbo, za mnoge ni bilo več vprašanje, ali pomagati, ampak kako to storiti.

When people found out about Kris's story, for many, it was no longer a question of helping, but of how to do it.

Mnogi tako sedaj poznajo Krisovo bolezen in druge redke bolezni, ki jih lahko imajo otroci.

Many now know about Kris’s disease and other rare diseases that children may have.

Slovenija je majhna država, vendar včasih je to njena prednost. Zaradi svoje majhnosti se mnogi med sabo poznajo. In potem beseda da besedo in lahko se zgodijo čudovite stvari.

Slovenia is a small country, but sometimes it is an advantage. Because of its small size, many people know each other. And then word spreads and wonderful things can happen.

Ponosni smo lahko, da znamo tudi stopiti skupaj. 

We can be proud that we are able to pull together.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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