Slovene-English Dual Text: Eliud Kipchoge Odtekel Maraton Svojega Življenja

By , 17 Oct 2019, 11:33 AM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Eliud Kipchoge Odtekel Maraton Svojega Življenja YouTube screenshot

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Eliud Kipchoge odtekel maraton svojega življenja

Eliud Kipchoge ran the marathon of his life

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Najboljši maratonec na svetu Eliud Kipchoge je dokazal, da za človeka ni meja. Da je mogoče čisto vse. Le dovolj si je treba želeti, a obenem tudi presneto garati!

The best marathon runner in the world, Eliud Kipchoge, has proven that there is no limit for people. That everything is possible. You only need to desire it, and also work hard!

Kenijec je v soboto odtekel maraton svojega življenja. Kot prvi človek je maratonsko razdaljo, 42 kilometrov in 195 metrov, pretekel v manj kot dveh urah.

The Kenyan ran the marathon of his life on Saturday. He became the first person to run the marathon distance of 42 kilometres and 195 metres  in less than two hours.

Natanko eno uro, 59 minut in 40 sekund je potreboval za štiri kroge in še malo po središču glavnega avstrijskega mesta.

In exactly one hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds he took four laps and a little more in the centre of the Austrian capital.

Si predstavljaš, kako hitro je to? Toliko časa povprečen tekač potrebuje za polmaratonsko razdaljo.

Can you imagine how fast this is? It takes as long for the average runner to cover the distance of a half marathon.

Mednarodna atletska zveza njegovega dosežka ne bo priznala kot uradni svetovni rekord.

The International Athletics Association will not recognise his achievement as an official world record.

Dogodek je bil namreč del posebnega projekta, šlo je za preizkus človeških zmogljivosti. Tekmovalec je bil samo on, Dunaj je bil načrtno izbran, prav tako dan in začetek teka.

The event was part of a special project, it was a test of human capacity. He was the only competitor, Vienna was specially chosen, as was the day and start of the run.

Kipchoge je pri tem teku imel veliko pomočnikov. Ob sebi je ves čas imel sedem tekačev, ki so mu narekovali tempo na večinoma ravninski trasi in poskrbeli za to, da ga veter ne bi preveč oviral.

Kipchoge had many assistants in this run. He had seven runners with him at all times, setting the pace on the mostly flat route and making sure that the wind didn't obstruct him too much.

Tik pred ciljem so se sotekači umaknili, da je Kipchoge sam in z velikim nasmehom na obrazu prečkal ciljno črto.

Just before the finish line, his teammates retreated to watch Kipchoge cross it with a big smile on his face.

Morda še bolj kot čas je bilo neverjetno to, da ni kazal nobenih znakov utrujenosti. Kot da bi se zgolj sprehodil po jutranji časopis.

Perhaps even more remarkable at the was the fact that he showed no signs of fatigue. It was just like he was taking a stroll for a morning newspaper.

Eliud Kipchoge je res pravi navdih. Ne le za vse tekače po svetu, ampak za vse nas, da pozabimo na izgovore in dobimo nov zagon.

Eliud Kipchoge is a true inspiration. Not just for all runners around the world, but for all of us to forget the excuses and make a fresh start.

Dan kasneje je svetovni rekord v maratonu podrla šenjegova rojakinja Brigid Kosgei.

A day later, the world record for the marathon was broken by Senj's countryman Brigid Kosgei.

Na maratonu v Chicagu je z rezultatom 2:14:04 za več kot minuto izboljšala šestnajstletni rekord Paule Radcliffe.

At the Chicago Marathon she beat Paula Radcliffe's sixteen-year record with a time of 2:14:04.

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