Slovene-English Dual Text: Mačja Navezanost

By , 08 Oct 2019, 20:27 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Mačja Navezanost, Ty_Swartz CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Mačja navezanost

Cat attachment

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Mačke veljajo za bolj samostojne in manj navezane na človeka kot psi. Pa je res tako?

Cats are considered more independent and less attached to humans than dogs. Is that really so?

Nedavno objavljena raziskava se je posvetila mačkam in njihovi navezanosti na skrbnike.

A recently published study focused on cats and their attachment to their caregivers.

Izkazalo se je, da se mačke glede na izkušnje ob odraščanju lahko navadijo na življenje v samoti, v skupini ali skupaj s človekom.

As it turns out, cats can grow accustomed to living alone, in a group or together with a human, as they grow up.

Raziskovalci so do spoznanja prišli tako, da so izvedli vedenjski poskus. Mucke, stare od 3 do 8 mesecev, so skupaj z lastnikom dali v sobe, ki jih prej niso poznale.

The researchers came to the conclusion by conducting a behavioral experiment. The kittens, aged 3 to 8 months, were placed with their owners in rooms they weren’t familiar with.

Tam je vsak par mucke in lastnika dve minuti preživel skupaj, nato je lastnik odšel in mucka je ostala sama.

Each pair of kittens and owners spent two minutes together there, then the owner left and the kitten was left alone.

Po dveh minutah se je lastnik vrnil in raziskovalci so lahko opazovali mačje vedenje ob ponovni združitvi.

After two minutes, the owner returned and researchers were able to observe the cat's behavior when they were reunited.

Obstaja več načinov navezanosti.

There are several kinds of attachment.

Pri muckah so razlikovali med varno in negotovo navezanostjo.

In kittens, a distinction was made between secure and uncertain attachment.

Na podlagi iskanja telesnega stika, stresa ob odhodu lastnika in vedenja ob njegovi vrnitvi so mlade mucke razporedili v dve skupini.

Based on the search for physical contact, the stress of the owner leaving and the behaviour upon their return, the young kittens were divided into two groups.

Dobra polovica mačk je izkazala varno navezanost na človeškega lastnika.

More than half the cats showed secure attachment to their human owner.

To je zelo podobno število kot pri domačih psih in ljudeh.

This is a very similar number to that [found] for domestic dogs and humans.

Z raziskavo so tako ovrgli splošno prepričanje, da so mačke na svoje človeške prijatelje manj navezane kot psi.

The research thus disproved the general belief that cats are less attached to their human friends than dogs.

Vedenje mačke je torej odvisno od vzgoje in izkušenj iz mladosti ter podedovanih lastnosti.

The behavior of cats therefore depends on their upbringing and experience from a young age and inherited traits.

A še bolj kot mucke so na svoje ljubljenčke navezani ljudje.

But even more than kittens, people are attached to their pets.

Zaradi te močne navezanosti so se v Ameriki in na Kitajskem že razvila podjetja, ki ponujajo možnost kloniranja živali po smrti.

Due to this strong attachment, companies in America and China have already developed the possibility of cloning animals after death.

Da umetno ustvarijo novo žival, potrebujejo le nekaj celic z DNK.

They only need a few cells with DNA to artificially create a new animal.

Od leta 2015 so tako na Kitajskem klonirali že 40 psov, letos pa so klonirali tudi prvo mačko.

Since 2015, 40 dogs have been cloned in China, and this year the first cat was cloned.

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