How to Slovenia

07 Dec 2021, 12:03 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Hov hov, se slišimo?

Woof, woof, can we hear you?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Kakšno veselje prevzame psa, ko se njegov lastnik vrne domov, čeprav je bil zdoma denimo samo eno uro!

What a joy it is for a dog when their owner returns home, even if he has only been away for an hour, for example!

Psi čas dojemajo drugače kot mi, zato se jim lahko zdi ena ura dolga celo večnost.

Dogs perceive time differently than we do, so one hour may seem like an eternity.

Čas, ko lastnika ni doma, je še posebej težek za pse, ki so lastnika dobili med epidemijo. Zaradi množičnega zaprtja so bili namreč ves čas z lastnikom, zdaj, ko ljudje zopet hodimo v službo in šolo, pa lahko manj časa preživimo z našimi kosmatimi prijatelji.

The time when their owner is not at home is especially difficult for dogs who got their owner during the epidemic. Due to the lockdown, they were with their owner all the time, and now that people are going to work and school again, we can spend less time with our furry friends.

Pes, ki je bil prej vajen človeške družbe, lastnika toliko bolj pogreša.

A dog that was previously accustomed to human company misses its owner all the more.

Raziskovalka in pasjeljubka Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas se je zato domislila rešitve. To je pasji telefon (Dog Phone), prek katerega lahko pes pokliče lastnika.

Researcher and dog lover Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas thus came up with a solution. This is a dog phone through which a dog can call their owner.

Ko se senzor v žogi premakne, sproži videoklic na računalniku. Sporazumevanje je obojestransko, saj tudi lastnik lahko pokliče psa.

When a sensor in the ball moves, it triggers a video call on the computer. Communication is mutual, as the owner can also call the dog.

Raziskovalka je pasji telefon preizkušala s svojim 10-letnim labradorcem Zachom, ki jo je proti koncu klical že petkrat na dan.

The researcher tested the dog phone with her 10-year-old Labrador Zach, who called her five times a day towards the end.

Marsikateri klic, ki ga je Zach opravil, se je najverjetneje zgodil nehote. Enkrat jo je denimo poklical, ker je ponesreči premaknil žogico, ko je iskal igrače v svoji posteljici.

Many of the calls Zach made most likely happened unintentionally. He called her once, for example, because he accidentally moved the ball while looking for toys in his crib.

A ko ga je poklicala ona, se je le redko javil. Da lahko o tem pes sam odloča, je prednost naprave.

But when she called him, he rarely answered. The fact that the dog can decide for himself is an advantage of the device.

»Lastnik lahko spremlja, kje je pes, ga pokliče ali nahrani na daljavo. Toda vse je odvisno od lastnika in pes pri tem nima nobene izbire,« pojasnjuje Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas.

“The owner can monitor where the dog is, call him or feed him remotely. But it all depends on the owner and the dog has no choice, ”explains Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas.

»Sedaj ima lahko tudi pes izbiro. Čeprav morda ne razumemo njegove odločitve, to ne pomeni, da se ne bi smel odločati.«

“Now the dog can also have a choice. Although we may not understand his decision, this does not mean that he should not make a decision. "

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

28 Nov 2021, 20:33 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kmalu bodo zažarele praznične lučke

Festive lights will be on soon

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Le še nekaj dni nas loči do veselega decembra in kmalu bo tu tudi prva adventna nedelja. V številnih krajih po Sloveniji se pripravljajo na prižig lučk.

Only a few more days separate us until merry December, and soon the first Sunday of Advent will be here as well. In many places in Slovenia, they are preparing to turn on the lights.

V Ljubljani in Mariboru jih bodo prižgali že jutri, drugod jim bodo kmalu sledili.

They will be lit in Ljubljana and Maribor tomorrow [26 November], and will soon be followed elsewhere.

Poleg tradicionalnih meteoritov in lampijončkov bodo v Ljubljani postavili še približno 850 skulptur in 50 kilometrov dolgo svetlobno verigo.

In addition to traditional meteorites and lanterns, about 850 sculptures and a 50-kilometer-long light chain will be erected in Ljubljana.

Mesto bo krasilo tudi deset smrek in 79 »zelenih« dreves, ki jih bodo po praznikih vrnili naravi. Največja smreka že stoji na Prešernovem trgu. Visoka je 15 metrov in tehta 3 tone.

The city will also be adorned with ten spruces and 79 "green" trees, which will be returned to nature after the holidays. The largest spruce is already standing on Prešeren Square. It is 15 meters high and weighs 3 tons.

Drevesa na Wolfovi ulici bodo pomagali okrasiti učenci bližnjih šol.

The trees on Wolfova ulica will be decorated with the help of students of nearby schools.

Tudi ti lahko pomagaš krasiti Ljubljano: in sicer gozdičke na Stritarjevi (od Prešernovega trga do Mestne hiše) in Čopovi ulici (od Prešernovega trga proti Slovenski cesti). Pri tem na občini pozivajo, da ne kupuj novih okraskov, ampak uporabi tiste, ki jih že imaš doma.

You can also help decorate Ljubljana: namely the woods on Stritarjeva (from Prešeren Square to the Town Hall) and Čopova ulica (from Prešeren Square towards Slovenska cesta). In doing so, the municipality urges you not to buy new ornaments, but to use the ones you already have at home.

Na bližnjem Gallusovem nabrežju bodo spet stale jaslice iz slame v naravni velikosti. Le malenkost večje so od otrok.

Life-size straw cribs will once again stand on the nearby Gallus Embankment. They are only slightly larger than children.

Praznično okrasitev je tretjič zapored načrtoval arhitekt Urban Modic. Kakšne novosti je pripravil?

The festive decoration was planned for the third time in a row by the architect Urban Modic. What innovations has he prepared?

Tristrano piramido na Prešernovem trgu, z lučkami povezana drevesa ob Ljubljanici in okrasitev od Vodnikovega trga do Cukrarne.

The three-sided pyramid on Prešeren Square, trees connected with lights along the Ljubljanica, and decorations from Vodnikov trg to Cukrarna.

Na silvestrovo bo mesto razsvetlil petminutni ekološki ognjemet. Lani pa je ognjemet odpadel zaradi epidemije.

On New Year's Eve, the city will be lit by a five-minute ecological fireworks display. Last year, however, the fireworks were called off due to an epidemic.

V Mariboru bodo zaradi negotovih razmer prižig lučk posneli in predvajali na spletu. Hkrati bodo jutri odprli Vilinsko mesto, v katerem bodo ob koncih tedna ustvarjalne delavnice in predstave za otroke.

Due to the uncertain situation in Maribor, the lighting of the lights will be recorded and broadcast online. At the same time, they will open the Fairy Town tomorrow, where there will be creative workshops and performances for children on weekends.

V Kopru, kjer bodo lučke prižgali dan kasneje, prav tako pripravljajo mnoge dejavnosti za otroke: Miklavžev in božični sejem in gledališke predstave. Postavili so tudi drsališče.

In Koper, where the lights will be turned on a day later, they are also preparing many activities for children: St. Nicholas and the Christmas Fair and theatre performances. They also set up an ice rink.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

22 Nov 2021, 08:19 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nekatere veverice so pogumnejše od drugih

Some squirrels are braver than others

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Morda veš, da naše osebnostne značilnosti, kot so družabnost, aktivnost ali pogum, vplivajo na izbiro poklica, prijateljev in hobijev.

You may know that our personality traits, such as sociability, liveliness, or courage, influence the choice of profession, friends, and hobbies.

Zanimivo je, da imajo osebnost tudi živali.

Interestingly, animals also have a personality.

Njeno raziskovanje se je začelo razvijati šele v zadnjem času, saj je to zelo zahtevno. Poleg tega znanstveniki ponavadi živali spremljajo kot skupnost in se redko osredotočijo na posamezne osebke.

Her research has only begun to develop recently, as it is very demanding. In addition, scientists tend to monitor animals as a community and rarely focus on individual specimens.

Osebnost imajo različni organizmi: ribe, ptice, glodavci, pajki, kuščarji. Vse več raziskav kaže, da jo imajo najverjetneje vse živali, čeprav smo mislili, da je to samo značilnost človeka.

Different organisms have a personality: fish, birds, rodents, spiders, lizards. More and more research shows that most animals probably have one, even though we thought it was just a characteristic of humans.

Nedavno je bila objavljena raziskava, kjer so znanstveniki tri leta spremljali vedenje veveric, ki živijo v Koloradu, ZDA.

A study was recently published where scientists monitored the behaviour of squirrels living in Colorado, USA for three years.

Pri tem so preučevali štiri lastnosti: pogum, agresijo, aktivnost in družabnost.

In doing so, they studied four traits: courage, aggression, liveliness, and sociability.

Veverice so postavili v škatlo z luknjami in spremljali njihovo vedenje v novem okolju. Naredili so tudi test z ogledalom, da bi ugotovili, kako se veverica odziva na svoj odsev.

The squirrels were placed in a box with holes and monitored for their behaviour in the new environment. They also did a test with a mirror to find out how the squirrel responds to its reflection.

Pogum so preizkusili tako, da so se ji približali v naravi in spremljali, kdaj bo pobegnila. Opazovali so še vedenje v pasti – za kratek čas so jo ujeli, opazovali in nato izpustili.

They tested courage by approaching one in nature and watching when it would escape. They also observed the behaviour in a trap - they caught one for a short time, observed it and then released it.

S testi so spoznali, da se pogumnejše veverice gibljejo na večjih ozemljih in hitreje. Tako so ugotovili, da sta pogum in aktivnost povezana.

Tests have shown that braver squirrels move over larger territories and faster. Thus, they found that courage and activity are related.

Prav tako naj bi imele družabnejše veverice večjo verjetnost preživetja in razmnoževanja, čeprav veverice, ki so jih preučevali, načeloma veljajo za manj družabno vrsto.

Moreover, more social squirrels are said to be more likely to survive and reproduce, although the squirrels studied have in principle been considered a less social species.

»Upoštevanje osebnosti je lahko pri varovanju vrst še posebej pomembno, saj nam lahko pomaga pri napovedovanju odziva živali na nove življenjske pogoje, kot je sprememba ali uničenje habitata,« pravi dr. Jaclyn Aliperti, vodja raziskave.

"Consideration of personality can be especially important in protecting species, as it can help us predict the response of animals to new living conditions, such as habitat change or destruction," says Dr. Jaclyn Aliperti, Head of Research.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

15 Nov 2021, 11:59 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Andreja Slokar, paralelna junakinja

Andreja Slokar, a parallel heroine

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Andreja Slokar je nova slovenska junakinja na seznamu zmagovalk svetovnega pokala v alpskem smučanju.

Andreja Slokar is the new Slovenian heroine on the list of winners of the Alpine Skiing World Cup.

24-letna smučarka iz Ajdovščine je v soboto zmagala na posamični paralelni tekmi v alpskem smučanju v avstrijskem Lechu.

The 24-year-old skier from Ajdovščina won the individual parallel alpine skiing competition in Lech, Austria on Saturday.

Hitra je bila že v kvalifikacijah, nato se je potrudila in suvereno odsmučala tudi na tekmi, in tekmice ji niso bile kos – ustavilo je ni niti močno sneženje.

She was already fast in the qualifications, and the competition was no match for her – not even heavy snow stopped her.

Andreja je postala enajsta slovenska smučarka z vsaj eno zmago v svetovnem pokalu.

Andreja became the eleventh Slovenian skier with at least one victory in the World Cup.

Po zmagi je povedala, da se je zelo zabavala na tej posebni tekm, ki na sporedu je le enkrat na leto.

After the win, she said she had a lot of fun at this special match, which is only on the schedule once a year.

»Resnično uživam v paralelnem smučanju, čeprav ga ne treniram veliko. Zabavno je, rada tekmujem, ko imam nekoga, ki ga vidim ob sebi,« je še dodala smučarka.

“I really enjoy parallel skiing, even though I don’t train it much. It's fun, I like to compete when I can see the other person near me, "added the skier.

V nedeljo tudi sta na paralelni tekmi nastopila Štefan Hadalin in Žan Kranjec. Štefan se je prebil v četrtfinale, Žan pa je ostal poražen v osmini finala.

On Sunday, Štefan Hadalin and Žan Kranjec also competed in a parallel race. Štefan made it to the quarterfinals, while Žan was defeated in the round before.

To sta bili edini posamični paralelni tekmi v tej sezoni svetovnega pokala.

These were the only individual parallel matches this World Cup season.

Na tej preizkušnji tekmovalci in tekmovalke smučajo drug ob drugem na vzporednih enakih, a krajših veleslalomskih progah.

In this trial, the competitors ski side by side on parallel and identical but shorter giant slalom tracks.

Vozijo tako na rdeči kot modri progi. Zmagata smučar oziroma smučarka, ki se jima uspe prebiti v finale in tudi tam premagati svojega nasprotnika.

They ski on both the red and blue tracks. The winner is the skier who manages to make it to the finals and beat their opponent there as well.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

08 Nov 2021, 09:51 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako se bomo soočili z globalnim segrevanjem?

How will we deal with global warming?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Nastopila sta odločilna dva tedna za boj proti podnebnim spremembam.

The decisive two weeks to fight climate change have arrived.

Začela se je namreč 26. konferenca Združenih narodov o podnebnih spremembah (COP26) v Glasgowu na Škotskem. Trajala bo do 12. novembra.

The 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) has started in Glasgow, Scotland. It will run until November 12th.

Na tem pomembnem dogodku naj bi se voditelji iz vseh držav sveta dogovorili, kako pospešiti globalno ukrepanje za rešitev podnebne krize.

At this important event, leaders from all over the world are expected to agree on how to accelerate global action to address the climate crisis.

Cilji COP26 so, da se temperatura nikakor ne dvigne nad 1,5 stopinje Celzija. Države se morajo zato zavezati k zmanjšanju sproščanja toplogrednih plinov in k vlaganju v obnovo ekosistemov.

The goals of COP26 are that the temperature never rises above 1.5 degrees Celsius. States must therefore commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in restoring ecosystems.

Za doseganje teh ciljev je potrebno tudi veliko denarja. Tega morajo boju proti podnebnim spremembam nameniti tako države kot tudi zasebna podjetja.

It also takes a lot of money to achieve these goals. This must be done by both countries and private companies to combat climate change.

Pri vsem tem pa je najpomembnejše sodelovanje vseh držav.

In all this, the most important thing is the participation of all countries.

»COP26 bo uspešen, če bo na njem dosežen dogovor, ki bo nadgradil pravičen pristop k cilju 1,5 stopinje Celzija,« meni Barbara Kvac iz društva Focus.

"COP26 will be successful if an agreement is reached that will build on a fair approach to the 1.5 degree Celsius target," said Barbara Kvac of Focus.

To je namreč mejnik, ki bi še omogočil obvladljivo spoprijemanje s podnebno krizo.

This is a milestone that would make it possible to cope with the climate crisis.

Na žalost bi lahko kmalu prebili ta cilj.. Da se to ne zgodi, moramo takoj okrepiti prizadevanja za preprečevanje nadaljnjega segrevanja.

Unfortunately, we could break that target soon.. To prevent this from happening, we must immediately step up our efforts to prevent further warming.

»Nedavno poročilo IPCC in UNFCCC je pokazalo, da moramo čim prej in učinkovito ukrepati. Podnebni vrh COP26 mora ponuditi rešitve. Nasloviti mora vrzeli pri doseganju zmanjšanja izpustov in prilagajanja na podnebne spremembe, pa tudi financiranja podnebnega ukrepanja,« še pojasnjuje Barbara Kvac.

“A recent report by the IPCC and the UNFCCC has shown that we need to act as quickly and effectively as possible. The COP26 climate summit must offer solutions. It must address the gaps in achieving emissions reductions and adaptation to climate change, as well as the financing of climate action," explains Barbara Kvac.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

02 Nov 2021, 10:18 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Znanstveniki so zunaj naše galaksije morda odkrili nov planet

Scientists may have discovered a new planet outside our galaxy

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Vesolje je ogromno in veliko je predelov, ki jih ne poznamo.

The universe is huge and there are many things we don’t know about.

Astronome zato neizmerno razveseli, ko najdejo kakšen nov planet ali zvezdo.

Astronomers are therefore immensely delighted when they find a new planet or star.

Nasini znanstveniki so morda zaznali prvi planet zunaj naše galaksije. Velik naj bi bil približno kot Saturn.

NASA scientists may have detected the first planet outside our galaxy. It is supposed to be about as big as Saturn.

Do sedaj so zunaj našega osončja odkrili približno pet tisoč planetov, a so se vsi nahajali v naši galaksiji. To pomeni, da so od nas oddaljeni do tri tisoč svetlobnih let.

So far, about five thousand planets have been discovered outside our solar system, but they were all located in our galaxy. This means that they are up to three thousand light years away from us.

Morebitni novi planet so odkrili v sosednji galaksiji, oddaljeni kar 28 milijonov svetlobnih let.

A possible new planet has been discovered in a neighbouring galaxy 28 million light-years away.

»Okrog 80 odstotkov potrjenih planetov zunaj našega osončja je bilo odkritih z metodo opazovanja prehoda planeta preko zvezdine ploskvice. Planet, ki kroži okrog zvezde, jo začasno delno zastre, s teleskopi takrat zaznamo potemnitev zvezde,« pojasnjuje dr. Dunja Fabjan s Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko.

“About 80 percent of the confirmed planets outside our solar system have been discovered by the method of observing the passage of the planet across the surface of a star. The planet orbiting the star temporarily partially obscures it, with telescopes we then detect the darkening of the star, "explains Dr. Dunja Fabjan from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

»Sedaj pa so prvič opazovali začasno zmanjšanje količine rentgenske svetlobe, ki izhaja z manjšega območja te posebne dvojne zvezde.«

"Now, for the first time, they have observed a temporary decrease in the amount of X-rays emanating from a smaller area of ​​this particular binary star."

Pri opazovanju planetov zunaj naše galaksije z zaznavanjem vidne svetlobe ne morejo razločiti posamičnih zvezd, ker so vse tako svetle.

When observing planets outside our galaxy by perceiving visible light, they cannot distinguish individual stars because they are all so bright.

»Zvezde, ki oddajajo rentgenske žarke, so redkejše, zato jih lažje opazujemo,« dodaja Dunja Fabjan. »Če oddajajo dovolj močna valovanja, postanejo dobra tarča za iskanje planetov okoli njih.«

"Stars that emit X-rays are rarer, so they are easier to observe," adds Dunja Fabjan. "If they emit strong enough waves, they become a good target for finding planets around them."

Znanstveniki še niso mogli potrditi, da gre zares za prvi planet zunaj naše galaksije.

Scientists have not yet been able to confirm that this is indeed the first planet outside our galaxy.

Potrebovali bi več podatkov, da se bolje prepričajo, a novih meritev še dolgo ne bodo mogli izvesti, saj bo planet potreboval sedemdeset let, da bo zopet zasenčil svojo zvezdo.

They would need more data to be better convinced, but they will not be able to make new measurements for a long time, as the planet will need seventy years to make a shadow on its star again.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here. You can read more about this story at NASA

25 Oct 2021, 17:20 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nasilne Hobotnice

Violent Octopuses

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Hobotnice so zelo iznajdljive in simpatične, včasih pa tudi nasilne.

Octopuses are very resourceful and likeable, and sometimes violent.

Če jim gredo druge hobotnice na živce, vanje mečejo pesek, kamenčke ali celo školjke, je ugotovila avstralska raziskovalna skupina.

If other octopuses get on their nerves, they throw sand, pebbles or even shells at them, an Australian research team has found.

Znanstveniki so dolgo mislili, da bližnjo hobotnico s peskom zadenejo le po naključju, saj ga ob pospravljanju svojih bivališč običajno mečejo vsenaokrog.

Scientists have long thought that they hit a nearby octopus with sand only by chance, as they usually throw it all around while cleaning their homes.

Ob spremljanju vedenja hobotnic v avstralskem morju pa so dojeli, da se hobotnice, ki druge namenoma obmetavajo, ob tem drugače vedejo.

However, by monitoring the behaviour of octopuses in the Australian Sea, they realized that octopuses that deliberately obstruct others behave differently.

Zmožnost metanja predmetov v druge hobotnice kaže na zelo visoko inteligenco hobotnic.

The ability to throw objects at other octopuses indicates very high octopus intelligence.

Druge hobotnice takšno vedenje prepoznajo in hitro vidijo, da jih bo nekaj zadelo, zato se pogosto pripravijo na umik. Zanimivo je, da se napadene hobotnice običajno ne odzovejo z metom nazaj.

Other octopuses recognize this behaviour and quickly see that something will hit them, so they often prepare to retreat. Interestingly, attacked octopuses usually do not respond by throwing back.

Raziskovalna skupina je denimo opazovala, kako je samica kar desetkrat vrgla pesek v samca, ko se je ta poskusil pariti z njo. Zadela ga je le petkrat, saj se je samcu uspelo umakniti, ob tem pa ni ničesar vrgel proti njej.

For example, a research team observed a female throw sand at a male ten times when he tried to mate with her. She hit him only five times as the male managed to retreat without throwing anything at her.

»Takšno zaporedje dogodkov me je prepričalo, da so meti namerni,« pravi vodja raziskave dr. Peter Godfrey-Smith.

"Such a sequence of events convinced me that the throws were intentional," says the head of the research, Dr. Peter Godfrey-Smith.

Med opazovanjem vedenja hobotnic so opazili celo prizor, ko je metanje školjke v drugo hobotnico spominjalo na podajanje frizbija.

While observing the behaviour of the octopuses, they even noticed a scene where throwing a shell at another octopus was reminiscent of passing a frisbee.

Večinoma so pesek ali školjke metale samice, ki so ciljale samce.

Mostly, sand or shells were thrown by females targeting males.

Metanje predmetov v druge osebke je pri živalih sicer zelo redek pojav, ker je zanj potrebna zelo visoka raven inteligence. Zabeležili so ga le pri šimpanzih in nekaterih drugih primatih.

Throwing objects at other individuals is a very rare phenomenon in animals because it requires a very high level of intelligence. It has only been recorded in chimpanzees and some other primates.

Hobotnice so že večkrat pokazale, da so izredno inteligentne in celo nasilne. Če si drznejo loviti na njihovem območju, ribe boksajo in celo pretepajo.

Octopuses have repeatedly shown that they are extremely intelligent and even violent. If fish dare to hunt in their area, they will box and even fight them.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

18 Oct 2021, 17:24 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Poznaš Squid Game?

Do You Know Squid Game?

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Squid Game, serija o nevarnih otroških igrah, je priljubljena po vsem svetu

Squid Game, a series about dangerous children's games, is popular all over the world

Zadnje dni o tej seriji, ki bi jo lahko prevedli kot Igro lignja, veliko poročajo mediji ter pišejo filmski kritiki in uporabniki družbenih omrežij.

In recent days this series, which could be translated as Squid Game, has been widely reported by the media and written about by film critics and social media users.

Predvajajo jo na Netflixu in snemajo v Južni Koreji.

It airs on Netflix and is filmed in South Korea.

V zadnjem mesecu, odkar so jo prvič predvajali, je postala priljubljena po vsem svetu.

In the last month since it first aired, it has become popular around the world.

Njen uspeh se je preselil tudi v digitalni svet, kjer jo tisoči igrajo na spletnih straneh za video igre.

It’s success has also moved into the digital world, where thousands play it on video game websites.

S čim je navdušila?

With what has it impressed people?

Serija temelji na klasičnih otroških igrah, ki so bile priljubljene pred dobo računalnikov. Ena takšnih je bila Rdeča luč, zelena luč, poroča Reuters.

The series is based on classic children’s games that were popular before the computer age. One such was the Red Light, Green Light, Reuters reports.

To je igra, kjer se igralci na igrišču ustavljajo in premikajo po navodilih. Če zaslišijo besedo zelena, se premaknejo, če besedo rdeča, ustavijo.

This is a game where players on the field stop and move according to instructions. If they hear the word green, they move, if the word red, they stop.

Vendar ima ta igra v seriji hude posledice, saj tiste, ki se ne ustavijo pravočasno, ustrelijo.

However, this game has serious consequences in the series, as those who do not stop in time are shot.

Grozljiva serija prepleta igre z revščino in plačnimi neenakostmi. Za denar namreč tekmujejo obubožani in obupani ljudje.

The gruesome series intertwines games with poverty and wage inequalities. Specifically, impoverished and desperate people compete for money.

Serija ni primerna za mlajše od 17 let. Predvsem zaradi izjemnega nasilja, nekaterih prizorov spolnosti in uživanja alkohola. Ogled so odsvetovale nekatere šole v Veliki Britaniji.

The series is not suitable for under 17s. Mainly due to extreme violence, some sex scenes and alcohol consumption. Watching it was not recommended by some schools in the UK.

V Belgiji so otroci na šolskem igrišču poustvarjali igro iz serije in tepli sovrstnike, ki so izgubljali.

In Belgium, children recreated a game from the series in a school playground and beat their classmates who lost.

Številne starše skrbi, da bi otroci gledali serijo ali se igrali na takšen način. Zato morate vedeti, da se nasilnih igric ne smete igrati.

Many parents worry that their children would watch the series or play that way. So you need to know that violent games should not be played.

Tisti, ki se za ogled serije vseeno odločijo, lahko to izkoristijo za pogovor s starši o resničnih težavah, ki jih imamo. To sta na primer nasilje in neenakost, pravi Neil Andersen, predsednik združenja za medijsko pismenost v Torontu.

Those who choose to watch the series anyway can take advantage of this to talk to their parents about the real problems they have. These are, for example, violence and inequality, says Neil Andersen, president of the Toronto Media Literacy Association.

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11 Oct 2021, 16:09 PM

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Komu je letos zazvonil telefon s Švedske?

Who got a call from Sweden this year?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zopet je nastopil teden, ko zvonijo telefoni in se podeljujejo najbolj prestižne nagrade za znanost, mir in literaturo.

Once again, the week has come when phones are ringing and the most prestigious awards for science, peace and literature are being presented.

Nobelovo nagrado za medicino sta dobila David Julius in Ardem Patapoutian, ko sta razvozlala skrivnosti čutenja.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine was won by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian as they unravelled the secrets of feeling.

Njune raziskave pojasnjujejo molekularno ozadje občutenja toplote, mraza in fizične sile. Čeprav se zdi občutenje nekaj samoumevnega, je njegovo razumevanje pomembno, saj močno vpliva na naše zaznavanje okolja in sebe.

Their research explains the molecular background of the sensations of heat, cold, and physical force. Although feeling seems self-evident, understanding it is important as it strongly influences our perception of the environment and ourselves.

Nagrado za fiziko si delijo Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann in Giorgio Parisi za doprinos k razumevanju kompleksnih fizikalnih sistemov.

The physics prize is shared by Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi for their contribution to the understanding of complex physical systems.

Manabe in Hasselmann sta s fizikalnim modeliranjem Zemljinega podnebja izboljšala napovedovanje globalnega segrevanja. Parisi pa je z odkritjem skritih vzorcev v neurejenih kompleksnih materialih prispeval k razvoju teorije kompleksnih sistemov.

Manabe and Hasselmann improved the prediction of global warming by physically modelling the Earth's climate. Parisi, however, contributed to the development of the theory of complex systems by discovering hidden patterns in disordered complex materials.

V sredo so razglasili nagrado za kemijo. Dobila sta jo Benjamin List in David W. C. MacMillan za odkritje novega orodja za sestavljanje molekul, imenovanega organokataliza.

The chemistry award was announced on Wednesday. It was given to Benjamin List and David W. C. MacMillan for the discovery of a new tool for assembling molecules called organocatalysis.

Gre za zelo natančno orodje, ki pospešuje kemične reakcije. Odkritje je imelo velik vpliv na farmacevtske raziskave in razvoj novih zdravil, hkrati pa je naredilo kemijo prijaznejšo okolju.

It is a very precise tool that accelerates chemical reactions. The discovery had a major impact on pharmaceutical research and the development of new drugs, while also making chemistry more environmentally friendly.

Nagradi za fiziko in kemijo sta bili torej letos bolj okoljevarstveno obarvani, kar je danes še posebej aktualno v luči globalnega segrevanja in onesnaževanja okolja.

The awards for physics and chemistry were therefore more environmentally friendly this year, which is especially relevant today in the light of global warming and environmental pollution.

Nagrado za literaturo je prejel Abdulrazak Gurnah za brezkompromisno in sočutno pisanje o posledicah kolonializma in o usodah beguncev v prepadu med kulturami in celinami. Tudi to je danes, v času migrantske krize, zelo aktualno.

The literature prize was awarded to Abdulrazak Gurnah for his uncompromising and compassionate writing on the consequences of colonialism and on the fate of refugees in the gulf between cultures and continents. This is also very relevant today, at a time of the migrant crisis.

Nagrade običajno podelijo v Stockholmu in Oslu na rojstni dan Alfreda Nobela 10. decembra. Zaradi epidemije novega koronavirusa bodo nagrajenci tako kot lani nagrade prejeli v svoji domači državi.

The awards are usually presented in Stockholm and Oslo on Alfred Nobel's birthday on December 10th. Due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus, the winners will receive their prizes in their home country, just like last year.

Zadnja novica

Latest news

Nobelovo nagrado za mir letos prejmeta novinarja Maria Ressa s Filipinov in Dmitrij Muratov iz Rusije za njuno branjenje svobode izražanja, ki je pogoj za demokracijo in trajni mir, je dopoldne razglasil Nobelov odbor.

This year's Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to journalists Maria Ressa from the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia for their defense of freedom of expression, which is a condition for democracy and lasting peace, the Nobel Committee announced this morning.

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04 Oct 2021, 16:17 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Dansko življenje brez mask

Danish life without masks

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Danska je septembra odpravila vse ukrepe proti novemu koronavirusu.

Denmark lifted all measures against the new coronavirus in September.

To pomeni, da maske niso obvezne v zaprtih prostorih. Javno življenje, vključno s šolami in univerzami, ostaja odprto.

This means that masks are not mandatory indoors. Public life, including schools and universities, remains open.

Cepljenih je več kot 80 odstotkov prebivalcev. Za primerjavo: v Sloveniji je precepljenost nekaj več kot 40 odstotkov.

More than 80 percent of the population is vaccinated. For comparison: in Slovenia, vaccination coverage is just over 40 percent.

Toda cepljenje ni edini razlog za uspešni spopad Dancev z epidemijo.

But vaccination is not the only reason for the successful fight of the Danes with the epidemic.

Ko je leta 2020 novi koronavirus pričel svoj smrtonosni pohod po Evropi, se je Danska med prvimi odločila za hitro in množično zaprtje javnega življenja. Danci so nato glede na razmere ukrepe sproščali ali zaostrovali.

When the new coronavirus began its deadly march across Europe in 2020, Denmark was among the first to opt for a rapid and mass closure of public life. The Danes then relaxed or tightened the measures, depending on the situation.

Toda ukrepi pomagajo le, če se jih ljudje držijo. Tudi solidarnost in zaupanje državljanov vanje sta bila pomembna za uspešen spopad z epidemijo.

But measures only help if people stick to them. Solidarity and citizens' trust in them were also important for a successful fight against the epidemic.

Ne kaže zanemariti niti tretjega razloga: to so njihove navade. Danci se redko rokujejo, objemajo pa se le z najbližjimi prijatelji. Omejenost stikov pa pomembno zmanjša možnost za prenos virusa.

We can’t ignore a third reason: these are their habits. Danes rarely shake hands, but only hug their closest friends. However, limited contact significantly reduces the possibility of virus transmission.

V šali bi lahko rekli, da so Danci spoštovali priporočilo o medsebojni razdalji, še preden se je pojavil koronavirus.

We could jokingly say that the Danes followed the recommendation of mutual distance even before the coronavirus appeared.

Danci so namreč zadovoljni z majhnimi rečmi v življenju. Namesto druženja s prijatelji v lokalih cenijo večere doma in čas, ki ga preživijo z družino.

Namely, Danes are happy with the little things in life. Instead of hanging out with friends in bars, they appreciate evenings at home and the time they spend with family.

Temu pravijo hygge; beseda zajema občutke ugodja in povezanosti s skupnostjo.

This is called hygge; the word embraces feelings of comfort and connection to the community.

In nenazadnje, učinkovit boj z epidemijo je omogočil tudi kakovosten zdravstveni sistem, ki je dostopen vsem, ter epidemiološko utemeljeni ukrepi, ki so bili namenjeni dobrobiti ljudstva.

Last but not least, the effective fight against the epidemic has also been made possible by a quality health system that is accessible to all, and by epidemiologically justified measures aimed at the well-being of the people.

»Kljub trenutni dobri epidemiološki sliki epidemije ni konec. Zato danska vlada ne bo oklevala pri uvajanju novih ukrepov, če bodo ti potrebni,« pa opozarja danski zdravstveni minister Magnus Heunicke.

“Despite the current good epidemiological picture, the epidemic is not over. Therefore, the Danish government will not hesitate to introduce new measures if necessary, " warns Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

27 Sep 2021, 17:25 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Včeraj mestna sramota, danes nova znamenitost

Yesterday a city disgrace, today a new landmark

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pred dvesto leti je bila tovarna sladkorja – zato so jo Ljubljančani poimenovali Cukrarna.

Two hundred years ago, it was a sugar factory - that's why the people of Ljubljana named it Cukrarna (“the sugar factory”)..

Nekaj časa je bila največja v vsej Avstro-Ogrski monarhiji. Nato jo je uničil požar. Po tistem so jo obnovili le toliko, da je bila primerna za oddajanje sob. V njih so bivali vojaki in tovarniški delavci ter revnejši Ljubljančani. Nekaj časa je v Cukrarni bival tudi pisatelj Ivan Cankar.

For some time it was the largest in the entire Austro-Hungarian monarchy. It was then destroyed by fire. After that, it was restored only to the extent that it was suitable for renting out rooms. They housed soldiers and factory workers, as well as poorer Ljubljana residents. The writer Ivan Cankar also lived in Cukrarna for some time.

Bivalne razmere v Cukrarni so bile slabe in se niso nikoli več izboljšale.

Living conditions in Cukrarna were poor and never improved.

Zadnjih dvajset let je bila Cukrarna zapuščena. Iz nje so izselili brezdomce in zazidali vhode, da se ne bi komu na glavo podrla streha. Kakšna sramota, so ob pogledu na propadajočo stavbo govorili mimoidoči.

For the last twenty years, the Cukrarna has been abandoned. Homeless people were evicted from it and entrances were walled up so that the roof would not fall on anyone's head. What a shame, passers-by said as they looked at the crumbling building.

Zdaj je »ljubljanska sramota« na obrežju Ljubljanice postala nova mestna znamenitost. Zdi se, kot da se je iz grdega račka spremenila v čudovitega laboda.

Now "Ljubljana’s shame" on the banks of the Ljubljanica has become a new city landmark. It seems to have changed from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

Že od daleč je videti snežno belo pročelje mogočne stavbe. Ob pravem vremenu zvečer njena okna – vsega skupaj jih je 365 – zažarijo v barvah zahajajočega sonca. Zato je že postala priljubljen fotografski motiv.

From afar you can see the snow-white façade of the mighty building. In the right weather in the evening, its windows - 365 in all - glow in the colours of the setting sun. It has thus already become a popular photographic motif.

Mimoidoči pa radi pokukajo v notranjost.

Passers-by, on the other hand, like to peek inside.

In radovedneži bomo danes prišli na svoj račun. Cukrarna bo kot muzej sodobne umetnosti odprla svoja vrata in spet bomo lahko vstopili v najbolj prostorno zgradbo v Ljubljani.

And the curious will come of their own accord today. Cukrarna will open its doors as a museum of contemporary art, and we will once again be able to enter the most spacious building in Ljubljana.

Prostrana ploščad pred Cukrarno že postaja priljubljeno mesto za druženje, kolesarji pa so tam odkrili lepo kolesarsko pot.

The spacious platform in front of Cukrarna is already becoming a popular place for socializing, and cyclists have discovered a beautiful cycling route there.

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