Slovene-English Dual Text: Poznaš Squid Game?

By , 18 Oct 2021, 17:24 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Poznaš Squid Game? Netflix

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Poznaš Squid Game?

Do You Know Squid Game?

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Squid Game, serija o nevarnih otroških igrah, je priljubljena po vsem svetu

Squid Game, a series about dangerous children's games, is popular all over the world

Zadnje dni o tej seriji, ki bi jo lahko prevedli kot Igro lignja, veliko poročajo mediji ter pišejo filmski kritiki in uporabniki družbenih omrežij.

In recent days this series, which could be translated as Squid Game, has been widely reported by the media and written about by film critics and social media users.

Predvajajo jo na Netflixu in snemajo v Južni Koreji.

It airs on Netflix and is filmed in South Korea.

V zadnjem mesecu, odkar so jo prvič predvajali, je postala priljubljena po vsem svetu.

In the last month since it first aired, it has become popular around the world.

Njen uspeh se je preselil tudi v digitalni svet, kjer jo tisoči igrajo na spletnih straneh za video igre.

It’s success has also moved into the digital world, where thousands play it on video game websites.

S čim je navdušila?

With what has it impressed people?

Serija temelji na klasičnih otroških igrah, ki so bile priljubljene pred dobo računalnikov. Ena takšnih je bila Rdeča luč, zelena luč, poroča Reuters.

The series is based on classic children’s games that were popular before the computer age. One such was the Red Light, Green Light, Reuters reports.

To je igra, kjer se igralci na igrišču ustavljajo in premikajo po navodilih. Če zaslišijo besedo zelena, se premaknejo, če besedo rdeča, ustavijo.

This is a game where players on the field stop and move according to instructions. If they hear the word green, they move, if the word red, they stop.

Vendar ima ta igra v seriji hude posledice, saj tiste, ki se ne ustavijo pravočasno, ustrelijo.

However, this game has serious consequences in the series, as those who do not stop in time are shot.

Grozljiva serija prepleta igre z revščino in plačnimi neenakostmi. Za denar namreč tekmujejo obubožani in obupani ljudje.

The gruesome series intertwines games with poverty and wage inequalities. Specifically, impoverished and desperate people compete for money.

Serija ni primerna za mlajše od 17 let. Predvsem zaradi izjemnega nasilja, nekaterih prizorov spolnosti in uživanja alkohola. Ogled so odsvetovale nekatere šole v Veliki Britaniji.

The series is not suitable for under 17s. Mainly due to extreme violence, some sex scenes and alcohol consumption. Watching it was not recommended by some schools in the UK.

V Belgiji so otroci na šolskem igrišču poustvarjali igro iz serije in tepli sovrstnike, ki so izgubljali.

In Belgium, children recreated a game from the series in a school playground and beat their classmates who lost.

Številne starše skrbi, da bi otroci gledali serijo ali se igrali na takšen način. Zato morate vedeti, da se nasilnih igric ne smete igrati.

Many parents worry that their children would watch the series or play that way. So you need to know that violent games should not be played.

Tisti, ki se za ogled serije vseeno odločijo, lahko to izkoristijo za pogovor s starši o resničnih težavah, ki jih imamo. To sta na primer nasilje in neenakost, pravi Neil Andersen, predsednik združenja za medijsko pismenost v Torontu.

Those who choose to watch the series anyway can take advantage of this to talk to their parents about the real problems they have. These are, for example, violence and inequality, says Neil Andersen, president of the Toronto Media Literacy Association.

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