Slovene-English Dual Text: Komu Je Letos Zazvonil Telefon S Švedske?

By , 11 Oct 2021, 16:09 PM How to Slovenia
A Nobel Prize medal A Nobel Prize medal David Monniaux, CC-by-SA-3.0

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Komu je letos zazvonil telefon s Švedske?

Who got a call from Sweden this year?

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zopet je nastopil teden, ko zvonijo telefoni in se podeljujejo najbolj prestižne nagrade za znanost, mir in literaturo.

Once again, the week has come when phones are ringing and the most prestigious awards for science, peace and literature are being presented.

Nobelovo nagrado za medicino sta dobila David Julius in Ardem Patapoutian, ko sta razvozlala skrivnosti čutenja.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine was won by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian as they unravelled the secrets of feeling.

Njune raziskave pojasnjujejo molekularno ozadje občutenja toplote, mraza in fizične sile. Čeprav se zdi občutenje nekaj samoumevnega, je njegovo razumevanje pomembno, saj močno vpliva na naše zaznavanje okolja in sebe.

Their research explains the molecular background of the sensations of heat, cold, and physical force. Although feeling seems self-evident, understanding it is important as it strongly influences our perception of the environment and ourselves.

Nagrado za fiziko si delijo Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann in Giorgio Parisi za doprinos k razumevanju kompleksnih fizikalnih sistemov.

The physics prize is shared by Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi for their contribution to the understanding of complex physical systems.

Manabe in Hasselmann sta s fizikalnim modeliranjem Zemljinega podnebja izboljšala napovedovanje globalnega segrevanja. Parisi pa je z odkritjem skritih vzorcev v neurejenih kompleksnih materialih prispeval k razvoju teorije kompleksnih sistemov.

Manabe and Hasselmann improved the prediction of global warming by physically modelling the Earth's climate. Parisi, however, contributed to the development of the theory of complex systems by discovering hidden patterns in disordered complex materials.

V sredo so razglasili nagrado za kemijo. Dobila sta jo Benjamin List in David W. C. MacMillan za odkritje novega orodja za sestavljanje molekul, imenovanega organokataliza.

The chemistry award was announced on Wednesday. It was given to Benjamin List and David W. C. MacMillan for the discovery of a new tool for assembling molecules called organocatalysis.

Gre za zelo natančno orodje, ki pospešuje kemične reakcije. Odkritje je imelo velik vpliv na farmacevtske raziskave in razvoj novih zdravil, hkrati pa je naredilo kemijo prijaznejšo okolju.

It is a very precise tool that accelerates chemical reactions. The discovery had a major impact on pharmaceutical research and the development of new drugs, while also making chemistry more environmentally friendly.

Nagradi za fiziko in kemijo sta bili torej letos bolj okoljevarstveno obarvani, kar je danes še posebej aktualno v luči globalnega segrevanja in onesnaževanja okolja.

The awards for physics and chemistry were therefore more environmentally friendly this year, which is especially relevant today in the light of global warming and environmental pollution.

Nagrado za literaturo je prejel Abdulrazak Gurnah za brezkompromisno in sočutno pisanje o posledicah kolonializma in o usodah beguncev v prepadu med kulturami in celinami. Tudi to je danes, v času migrantske krize, zelo aktualno.

The literature prize was awarded to Abdulrazak Gurnah for his uncompromising and compassionate writing on the consequences of colonialism and on the fate of refugees in the gulf between cultures and continents. This is also very relevant today, at a time of the migrant crisis.

Nagrade običajno podelijo v Stockholmu in Oslu na rojstni dan Alfreda Nobela 10. decembra. Zaradi epidemije novega koronavirusa bodo nagrajenci tako kot lani nagrade prejeli v svoji domači državi.

The awards are usually presented in Stockholm and Oslo on Alfred Nobel's birthday on December 10th. Due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus, the winners will receive their prizes in their home country, just like last year.

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Nobelovo nagrado za mir letos prejmeta novinarja Maria Ressa s Filipinov in Dmitrij Muratov iz Rusije za njuno branjenje svobode izražanja, ki je pogoj za demokracijo in trajni mir, je dopoldne razglasil Nobelov odbor.

This year's Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to journalists Maria Ressa from the Philippines and Dmitry Muratov from Russia for their defense of freedom of expression, which is a condition for democracy and lasting peace, the Nobel Committee announced this morning.

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