Ljubljana related

14 Mar 2022, 15:09 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Ptički na gregorjevo: to je moje drevo in to moje dekle

Birds on Gregory’s Day: this is my tree and this is my girl

Written by Vanessa translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zagotovo poznaš slovensko valentinovo oziroma gregorjevo. Praznujemo ga 12. marca, na god sv. Gregorja. To je dan, ko se ptički ženijo.

You certainly know Slovenian Valentine's Day or St. Gregory's Day. We celebrate it on March 12, the feast of St. Gregory. This is the day the birds get married.

Praznik izhaja iz predkrščanskih časov.

The holiday dates back to pre-Christian times.

Kovači, čevljarji in drugi rokodelci so na ta dan prenehali delati ob svečah in petrolejkah. Praznovali so prihod pomladi, ko se dan podaljša.

Blacksmiths, shoemakers, and other artisans stopped working by candlelight and kerosene lamps that day. They celebrated the arrival of spring as the day lengthened.

Do danes se je ohranilo kar nekaj starih običajev.

To this day, quite a few old customs have been preserved.

Otroci so včasih mislili, da se ptički na ta dan tudi gostijo. Po drevju in grmovju so iskali pogače, ki so jih tja na skrivaj namestili starši, da bi jih razveselili.

Children sometimes thought that the birds were also feasting on this day. They searched the trees and bushes for cakes that their parents had secretly placed there to cheer them up.

Ena najbolj znanih šeg, ki se je ohranila na Gorenjskem, je spuščanje luči.

One of the most famous customs that has survived in Gorenjska is the lowering of lights.

Na predvečer gregorjevega ljudje na gregorčkih spuščajo svečke po vodi.

On the eve of St. Gregory's Day, people place candles on the water.

Tudi rastline in živali se odzivajo na podaljševanje dneva.

Plants and animals also respond to the longer days.

Ptice prepoznavajo, da se je dan podaljšal, saj svetloba in višje temperature vplivajo na hormone. Samčki ptic pevk tako začnejo veselo prepevati.

The birds recognise that the day has lengthened because light and higher temperatures affect their hormones. The male songbirds thus begin to sing happily.

Ptičje petje je bilo ljudem od nekdaj všeč. Nekateri znani skladatelji so ga upodobili v svojih skladbah.

People have always loved birds singing. Some famous composers have depicted him in their compositions.

Vendar ptice ne pojejo zaradi lepote petja. Njihovo petje ima določen namen. Samčki z njim privabljajo družico, obenem pa branijo svoje ozemlje.

However, birds do not sing because of the beauty of their songs. Their singing has a specific purpose. Males attract a mate with it, while at the same time defending their territory.

Sotekmecem tako sporočajo: »To je moje drevo in to je moje dekle!«

They tell their peers, "This is my tree, and this is my girl!"

Večina ptic pevk poje zgodaj zjutraj in pozno zvečer.

Most songbirds sing early in the morning and late in the evening.

Nekatere lahko slišimo tudi ponoči. Takrat pojejo predvsem slavčki, ki veljajo za ene izmed najboljših pevcev.

Some can also be heard at night. At that time, nightingales, who are considered to be one of the best singers, sing.

Oglašajo se še detli, ki svoje ozemlje označujejo s trkanjem v drevesa.

Woodpeckers are also announced, marking their territory by pecking on trees.

Takšno obnašanje lahko opazujemo le spomladi.

Such behaviour can be observed only in the spring.

Kasneje ptice postanejo tišje, saj začnejo gnezditi.

Later, the birds become quieter as they begin to nest.

Med petjem so namreč manj pozorne in lahko hitro privabijo plenilce.

They are less attentive while singing, and can quickly attract predators.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

07 Mar 2022, 14:08 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

V šoli vam od ponedeljka ne bo več treba nositi mask

You’ll no longer have to wear masks at school from Monday

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Novi koronavirus vsak dan izgublja na svoji moči.

The new coronavirus is losing its strength every day.

Epidemiološke razmere so relativno ugodne. Včeraj je bilo v primerjavi s prejšnjim tednom za 23 odstotkov manj okužb.

Epidemiological conditions are relatively favourable. Yesterday, there were 23 percent fewer infections compared to last week.

Ugodno je tudi stanje v bolnišnicah, je na novinarski konferenci sporočil minister za zdravje Janez Poklukar.

The situation in hospitals is also favourable, Health Minister Janez Poklukar told a news conference.

Vlada je zato večino ukrepov že odpravila. Danes je odločila še, da vam od ponedeljka naprej v šolah ne bo več treba nositi mask!

The government has therefore already lifted most of the measures. It also decided today that you will no longer have to wear masks in schools from Monday onwards!

Maske tako lahko med poukom pospravijo učenci, dijaki, študenti in učitelji.

Masks can be put away by pupils, students and teachers during lessons.

Vseeno pa jih morajo obvezno nositi tisti, ki obiskujejo vaje ali prakso v zdravstvenih zavodih, je dodal minister.

However, they must be worn by those who attend exercises or internships in health care institutions, the minister added.

V šolah še vedno veljajo priporočila Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje za zajezitev širjenja virusa.

The National Institute of Public Health's recommendations to curb the spread of the virus still apply in schools.

Medtem pa se spreminja način izdaje potrdila o prebolevnosti. Odslej smo ga pridobili po pozitivnem izvidu na testu PCR, zdaj bo to mogoče dobiti že na podlagi pozitivnega hitrega testa. Tako je urejeno tudi v Evropski uniji.

Meanwhile, the method of issuing a certificate of illness is changing. Until now we obtained it after a positive result on the PCR test, now it will be possible to obtain it on the basis of a positive rapid test. This is also the case in the European Union.

Minister je dodal še, da nikoli ni prepozno za zaščito in cepljenje.

The minister added that it is never too late to protect and vaccinate.

V Slovenijo je namreč prispelo novo cepivo Novavax, ki se razlikuje od prejšnjih, saj gre za klasično cepivo.

Namely, a new vaccine Novavax has arrived in Slovenia, which differs from the previous ones, as it is a classic vaccine.

Te spremembe bodo morali upoštevati cepilni centri.

These changes will need to be considered by vaccination centres.

Prav tako so se začeli v zdravstvenih ustanovah pripravljati na morebiten prihod beguncev iz Ukrajine, ki bi potrebovali zdravstveno oskrbo.

They also began to prepare in medical institutions for the possible arrival of refugees from Ukraine who would need medical care.

Za vse stroške bo poskrbelo ministrstvo za zdravje.

All costs will be covered by the Ministry of Health.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

28 Feb 2022, 13:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Disneyjev Encanto je zgodba o drugačnosti, beguncih in življenju migrantov

Disney’s Encanto is a story of diversity, refugees and the lives of migrants

Written by Vanesa, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Encanto ni tipičen Disneyjev film.

Encanto is not a typical Disney movie.

V ospredje namreč postavlja kulturo Latinoameričanov, v njem pa nastopajo tudi junaki drugih ras.

It puts the culture of Latin Americans at the forefront, and it also features heroes of other races.

Šestdeseti animirani film iz Disneyjevih studiev je primerno izhodišče za pogovore o drugačnosti.

The sixtieth animated film from Disney Studios is a suitable starting point for conversations about difference.

Pripoveduje namreč o kolumbijski družini Madrigal, ki živi v čarobni hiški.

It tells the story of the Colombian Madrigal family, who live in a magical house.

Vsakemu družinskemu članu je podarila posebno moč, le glavna junakinja Mirabel je ostala brez.

It gave a special power to each member of the family, only the main character Mirabel was left without.

Film predstavlja kulturo, ki je v filmih ne vidimo pogosto, poudarja ameriška pediatrinja Candice Jones.

The film represents a culture that we don’t see often in movies, points out American pediatrician Candice Jones.

Pomembno je, da otroci vidijo več takšnih vsebin, saj jim to da občutek pripadnosti. To je dobro za družbo v celoti. Ne potrebujemo barvno slepe družbe, ampak družbo, ki v vsakomur vidi bogastvo.

It is important that children see more such content, as this gives them a sense of belonging. This is good for society as a whole. We do not need a colour-blind society, but a society that sees value in everyone.

V Disneyjevih filmih so v preteklosti sicer že nastopili izbrani latinskoameriški junaki, a so ti imeli le stransko vlogo.

Disney movies have featured a selection of Latin American heroes in the past, but they have only played a supporting role.

V Encantu se prepletajo tudi teme, povezane z življenjem beguncev. Dotika se problematike migracij in težav, ki se lahko prenesejo na naslednje generacije.

Encanto also intertwines themes related to the lives of refugees. It touches on migration issues and problems that can be passed on to future generations.

Glavno sporočilo filma pa je, da ima vsaka oseba v sebi poseben dar. Ne šteje to, kar počneš, ampak kdo si.

The main message of the film is that each person has a special gift. It doesn’t matter what you do, but who you are.

Film je priljubljen tudi pri kritikih: dobil je zlati globus za najboljši animirani film.

The film is also popular with critics: it won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Film.

Glasba iz filma pa je osvojila vrh Billboardove lestvice in izpodrinila album pevke Adele.

And the music from the film reached the top of the Billboard charts, replacing an album by the singer Adele.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

21 Feb 2022, 16:36 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Risi v naših gozdovih

Lynx in our forest

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Risi, ki so jih v okviru evropskega projekta Life Lynx doselili v slovenske in hrvaške gozdove, so se v njih udomačili in se že nekaj časa uspešno razmnožujejo.

Lynx, which were moved to Slovenian and Croatian forests as part of the European Life Lynx project, have become at home in them and been successfully breeding for some time.

Projekt Life Lynx je evropski projekt, ki se zavzema proti izumrtju risa v dinarskih in alpskih gozdovih.

The Life Lynx project is a European project working against the extinction of lynx in the Dinaric and Alpine forests.

V naravo so izpustili že 13 risov – štiri na Hrvaškem in devet v Sloveniji.

Thirteen lynxes have already been released into the wild - four in Croatia and nine in Slovenia.

»Velika večina jih je preživela, vsi so za zdaj ostali na območju, kjer so tudi drugi risi. Tako se lahko s parjenjem vključijo v populacijo teh živali,« pravi Tomaž Skrbinšek z Biotehniške fakultete.

“The vast majority of them have survived, all of them have remained in the area for now, where there are also other lynxes. In this way, they can become involved in the population of these animals by mating, “says Tomaž Skrbinšek from the Biotechnical Faculty.

V poročilu pravijo, da se je velik del doseljenih risov že vključil v populacijo.

The report says a large proportion of the lynx that have arrived have already joined the population.

Znanstveniki so v dveh letih zabeležili pet legel v Dinaridih. Prvi priseljeni ris Goru je imel mladičke vsaj dvakrat, če ne trikrat.Lani so leglo zaznali tudi v Julijskih Alpah.

Scientists have recorded five litters in the Dinarides in two years. The first immigrant lynx – Gora - had puppies at least twice, if not three times.

Število risov v naravi spremljamo s pomočjo fotografij z avtomatskimi kamerami in s pomočjo genetskih raziskav.

The number of lynxes in the wild is monitored with the help of photographs from automatic cameras and genetic research.

Tomaž Skrbinšek – »Kožuh risa je namreč pokrit s pegami, ki se med posameznimi risi razlikujejo. Tako jih prepoznavamo in razlikujemo.«

Tomaž Skrbinšek – "The lynx's fur is covered with spots that differ between individual lynxes. That's how we recognize and distinguish them.”

Vsaka celica risovega telesa vsebuje edinstvene genetske podatke, ki jih risi puščajo v okolju z odpadlimi dlakami, urinom in iztrebki. Raziskovalci tako rise prepoznavajo tudi s pomočjo DNK.

Each cell of the lynx's body contains unique genetic data that lynx leave in an environment with lost hair, urine and feces. Researchers also identify such lynx using DNA.

»Vzorce poberemo in analiziramo v laboratoriju. Tako lahko prepoznamo družinske odnose med posameznimi risi. Potomce tistih, ki smo jih doselili v projektu, lahko ločimo od ostalih risov v populaciji,« dodaja Tomaž Skrbinšek.

“Samples are collected and analysed in the laboratory. We can thus identify family relationships between individual lynxes. The descendants of those who immigrated in the project can be distinguished from other lynxes in the population, "adds Tomaž Skrbinšek.

Rise iz projekta bodo še naprej pozorno spremljali. Raziskovalci upajo, da bodo lahko letos potrdili, da so si ustvarili nove potomce.

Lynx from the project will continue to be closely monitored. Researchers hope to be able to confirm this year that they have created new offspring.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

14 Feb 2022, 13:48 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Olimpijska medalja je najlepša nagrada za trud in vztrajnost

An Olympic medal is the most beautiful reward for hard work and perseverance

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Slovenija je majhna država, ki pa se lahko pohvali z velikimi športnimi zgodbami. Najlepše zagotovo pišejo olimpijske igre.

Slovenia is a small country, but it can boast of great sports stories. The most beautiful are certainly written by the Olympic Games.

Vsak športnik si želi odnesti medaljo s tega tekmovanja. To je najboljša nagrada za večletni trud, požrtvovalnost in vztrajnost.

Every athlete wants to take home a medal from this competition. This is the best reward for many years of hard work, sacrifice and perseverance.

Za eno najlepših zgodb olimpijskih iger v Pekingu je poskrbela deskarka Gloria Kotnik, ki je presenetila s tretjim mestom v paralelnem veleslalomu.

One of the most beautiful stories of the Beijing Olympics was provided by snowboarder Gloria Kotnik, who surprised with third place in the parallel giant slalom.

Pred tem je začasno celo nehala trenirati, saj je njeno telo potrebovalo počitek. Ni imela več energije in motivacije, deskanje ji ni bilo več v veselje. Pred letom dni je postala tudi mama. Nato se je odločila, da bo tekmovala naprej in nazadnje ji je uspelo uresničiti sanje.

Prior to that, she even temporarily stopped training as her body needed rest. She no longer had the energy and motivation, snowboarding was no longer a pleasure for her. She also became a mother a year ago. Then she decided to race on, and finally she managed to make her dream come true.

Srebrne medalje se je na isti dan razveselil Tim Mastnak. Deskanje ima neizmerno rad. Pravi, da je to ključ do uspeha: »Težko si v športu uspešen, če v njem ne uživaš.«

The silver medal was won by Tim Mastnak on the same day. He loves snowboarding a lot. He says this is the key to success: "It's hard to be successful in a sport if you don't enjoy it."

Medalja mešane skakalne ekipe je bila najbolj pričakovana.

The medal for the mixed jumping team was the most anticipated.

Urša Bogataj in Nika Križnar sta znova stali na odru za zmagovalke, tokrat sta jima družbo delala še Peter Prevc in Timi Zajc.

Urša Bogataj and Nika Križnar once again stood on the stage for the winners, this time accompanied by Peter Prevc and Timi Zajc.

Zlato medaljo so si okoli vratu nadeli na Prešernov dan in tako je Zdravljica v Pekingu zazvenela tudi prav na ta praznik.

They put a gold medal around their necks on Prešeren's Day, and so Zdravljica [the Slovenian national anthem, with the lyrics being a poem by Prešeren] was played on this very holiday.

A medalj s tem še ni bilo konec. Žan Kranjec je na veleslalomu že prvo progo odpeljal dobro; dosegel je osmi najboljši čas. V drugo pa mu je uspel sanjski nastop od štarta do cilja.

But the medals were not over. Žan Kranjec skied well on the first run in the giant slalom – he got the eighth best time. In the second, he managed a dream performance from the start to the finish.

Kljub vijugasti progi in slabi vidljivosti si je prismučal srebrno odličje! »Olimpijska medalja je nekaj neverjetnega. Sanjal sem o tem,« je povedal po izjemnem uspehu.

Despite the winding track and poor visibility, he won a silver medal! “The Olympic medal is something amazing. I dreamed about it," he said after this great success.

Skupaj je to že šest medalj za Slovenijo. Upamo, da bomo do konca iger 20. februarja poročali še o kakšni.

In total, this is already six medals for Slovenia. We hope to report on some more by the end of the games on February 20th.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

07 Feb 2022, 13:34 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

V Plečnikovem letu se spominjamo njegove izjemne arhitekture

In Plečnik's year we remember his exceptional architecture

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Letošnje leto bodo zaznamovali različni dogodki in obletnice. To bo med drugim olimpijsko leto, leto evropske mladine, doma pa tudi Tartinijevo in Plečnikovo leto.

This year will be marked by various events and anniversaries. This will be, among other things, the Olympic Year, the Year of European Youth, and the Tartini and Plečnik Years at home.

Vlada ga je razglasila, ker praznujemo 150-letnico rojstva arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika.

The government has announced it because we are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of the architect Jože Plečnik.

Živel je v Ljubljani, a njegove zgradbe najdemo po vsej Sloveniji.

He lived in Ljubljana, but his buildings can be found all over Slovenia.

Ustvarjal je še na Dunaju in v Pragi, kjer je študiral, delal in poučeval.

He also created in Vienna and Prague, where he studied, worked and taught.

Njegovih del takrat niso razumeli, očitali so mu celo, da je staromoden. Navdih zanje je namreč iskal v antiki pri Grkih in Rimljanih.

His works were not understood at the time, he was even accused of being old-fashioned. He sought inspiration for them in antiquity, from the Greeks and Romans.

Elemente, značilne za ta čas – stebre, piramide, krogle, loke –, lahko opazimo v skoraj vseh njegovih delih.

Elements characteristic of this time - pillars, pyramids, spheres, arches - can be seen in almost all his works.

Danes vemo, da je bil kreativen, inovativen in napreden za svoj čas, pravijo Tina Silič, Barbara Viki Šubic in Tina Gradišer s Centra arhitekture Slovenije.

Today we know that he was creative, innovative and progressive for his time, say Tina Silič, Barbara Viki Šubic and Tina Gradišer from the Centre of Slovenian Architecture.

Arhitekturo je ustvarjal za ljudi. Postavljal jih je v ospredje javnega življenja, umeščal je naravo po mestu, s svojimi deli je krepil skupnost, zavzemal se je za ugodno bivalno okolje ter ustvarjal mesto po meri pešca.

He created architecture for people. He placed them at the forefront of public life, placed nature around the city, strengthened the community with his works, advocated a favourable living environment and created a city tailored to pedestrians.

Njegova arhitektura je bila trajnostna. Uporabljal je lokalne materiale ter recikliral gradbene elemente. Ali veš, da je za stebre cerkve Sv. Mihaela uporabil kar kanalizacijske cevi?

His architecture was sustainable. He used local materials and recycled building elements. Did you know that for the pillars of the church of St. Michael's Church [Cerkev sv. Mihaela na Barju] used sewer pipes?

Zveni znano? Z vsemi temi vprašanji se arhitekti ukvarjajo še danes.

Sounds familiar? Architects still deal with all these issues today.

Vedno bolj se zavedajo blagodejnega vpliva narave, dreves, potreb po ugodnem življenjskem prostoru za vse prebivalce in problemov, ki jih v mesta prinaša promet, navajajo sogovornice.

They are becoming more and more aware of the beneficial effects of nature, trees, the need for a favourable living space for all residents and the problems that traffic brings to cities.

V Ljubljani bodo kmalu prenovili njegovo trafiko. Banka Slovenije bo izdala njegove spominske kovance, v teh dneh pa bo izšel ponatis njegovega stripa.

His trafika [newsstand] will soon be renovated in Ljubljana. The Bank of Slovenia will issue his commemorative coins, and a reprint of a graphic novel about him will also be published soon.

Izjemnost njegove arhitekture se kaže tudi z vpisom njegovih del med Unescovo svetovno kulturno dediščino.

The exceptionality of his architecture is also shown by the inscription of his works among the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

31 Jan 2022, 15:10 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako Pravilno Hraniti Ptice Pozimi?

How to Properly Feed Birds in Winter?

Written by Vanessa, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pozimi lahko pticam pomagaš, tako da jim ponudiš primerno hrano, in jih nato od blizu opazuješ in spoznavaš.

In winter, you can help the birds by offering them suitable food, and then observe and get to know them closely.

Kako to početi, da jim ne škodiš?

How do you do that so you don't hurt them?

Ptice stalnice, ki pozimi ostanejo pri nas, lahko zaradi manjše količine hrane v naravi začnemo hraniti že pozno jeseni, najbolje pa takrat, ko zapade sneg.

Due to the small amount of food in the wild, you can start feeding birds that stay with us in winter in late autumn, and preferably when the snow falls.

V ptičjo krmilnico jim nasujemo mešanico sončničnih in konopljinih semen ter proso.

We can pour a mixture of sunflower and hemp seeds and millet into a bird feeder.

Sinice prav tako zelo rade uživajo v lojnih pogačah.

Titmouses also love to enjoy sebaceous cakes.

Nekatere vrste ptic imajo najraje jabolka in rozine.

Some species of birds prefer apples and raisins.

Da pa bi privabili velikega detla, mu lahko nastavimo orehe in arašide.

But to attract the great woodpecker, we can put out nuts and peanuts.

Ptic nikoli ne hranimo z ostanki človeške hrane, saj je preslana in premastna.

Birds are never fed leftover human food, as it is too salty and fatty.

Ščinkavci in vrabci se najpogosteje hranijo na tleh.

Finches and sparrows most often feed on the ground.

Hrano jim lahko nastavimo kar tja, dobro pa je, da jo zaščitimo pred dežjem in snegom.

We can set their food right there, but it’s good to protect it from rain and snow.

To lahko storimo tako, da nad krmiščem postavimo manjšo streho.

This can be done by placing a smaller roof over the feeding area.

Ptičja krmilnica lahko visi na žici. Paziti moramo le, da je čvrsto pritrjena.

The bird feeder can hang on a wire. We just have to make sure it is firmly attached.

Najbolje je, da jo obesimo na drevo ali postavimo v bližino grmovja.

It is best to hang it on a tree or place it near a bush.

Tako se ji lahko ptice postopoma približajo, obenem pa imajo varno zavetje pred plenilci, kot so mačke.

In this way, birds can gradually approach it, while at the same time having a safe shelter from predators such as cats.

Na krmiščih se zbira veliko ptic, zato se tam prenašajo različne bolezni, med njimi tudi ptičja gripa.

Many birds gather on feeding grounds, so various diseases are transmitted there, including bird flu.

Z njo se je okužilo več labodov v okolici Slovenske Bistrice. Tam so zato do danes veljali posebni zaščitni ukrepi.

Several swans in the vicinity of Slovenska Bistrica once became infected with this. To this day, special protective measures remain in place there.

Zelo pomembno je, da krmilnico temeljito očistimo vsak dan. Z zaščitnimi rokavicami moramo odstraniti vse ostanke hrane in iztrebke.

It is very important to clean the bird feeder thoroughly every day. We must remove all food debris and excrement with protective gloves.

Vedno poskrbimo še, da imajo ptice na voljo dovolj sveže hrane.

We always make sure that the birds have enough fresh food available.

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24 Jan 2022, 17:23 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Dinozavrsko jajce razkrilo skrivnosti razvoja ptic iz dinozavrov

A dinosaur egg has revealed the secrets of the development of birds from dinosaurs

Written by Dora Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dinozavri vedno znova burijo domišljijo otrok in znanstvenikov. V Veliki Britaniji se denimo te dni ukvarjajo z odkritjem velikanskega fosila ihtiozavra.

Dinosaurs always stir the imagination of children and scientists. In the UK, for example, they are currently working on the discovery of a giant ichthyosaur fossil.

Na Kitajskem pa so nedavno znanstveniki odkrili neverjetno ohranjeno jajce z zarodkom dinozavra, staro kar 66 milijonov let!

In China, however, scientists have recently discovered an amazingly preserved dinosaur embryo egg that is 66 million years old!

Izkopali so ga že leta 2000, vendar so ga najprej shranili v muzeju. Posvetili so se mu šele, ko so začeli razvrščati shranjene fosile.

It was excavated as early as 2000, but was first stored in a museum. They started working on it only when they began to sort the stored fossils.

Dinozavra so poimenovali Baby Yingliang po muzeju, v katerem je bil hranjen.

The dinosaur was named Baby Yingliang, after the museum where it was kept.

Znanstveniki sklepajo, da je ostal nepoškodovan zaradi zemeljskega plazu, ki ga je zaščitil pred zunanjimi vplivi.

Scientists conclude that it remained unharmed due to a landslide that protected it from external influences.

Plaz ga je prekril v trenutku, ko se je začel pripravljati na izvalitev. Glavo je postavil pod telo, razširil noge in ukrivil hrbet, kar spominja na izvalitev pri kokoši, kot jo poznamo danes.

The landslide covered it the moment it began to prepare to hatch. It placed its head under its body, spread his legs and bent it back, reminiscent of hatching in chickens as we know it today.

To odkritje bo raziskovalcem pomagalo pri podrobnejšemu raziskovanju sorodstva med pticami in dinozavri.

This discovery will help researchers investigate the kinship between birds and dinosaurs in more detail.

Dinozavra so uvrstili med oviraptorozavre. To je skupina dinozavrov s perjem, ki je bila v pozni kredi razširjena v Aziji in Severni Ameriki.

The dinosaur was classified as an oviraptor. This is a group of feathered dinosaurs that was widespread in the Late Cretaceous in Asia and North America.

Zarodek je od glave do repa meril le 27 centimetrov. Če bi dočakal odraslo dobo, bi najverjetneje dosegel dolžino dveh ali treh metrov, prehranjeval pa bi se z rastlinami.

The embryo measured only 27 centimetres from head to tail. If it reached adulthood, it would most likely reach a length of two or three meters, and would feed on plants.

Del njegovega telesa je še vedno prekrit s kamnom. Raziskovalci bodo uporabili napredne tehnike skeniranja, da bodo lahko ustvarili celotno sliko njegovega okostja.

Part of its body is still covered with stone. Researchers will use advanced scanning techniques to be able to create a complete picture of its skeleton.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

16 Jan 2022, 20:49 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Robot, ki so ga navdahnile ptice

A robot inspired by birds

Written by Sandra Hanžič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

S čim navdušujejo ptice?

Why are we fascinated by birds?

Ptice lahko letijo; ta brezmejna svoboda je človeštvo navdihovala vso zgodovino.

Birds can fly; this boundless freedom has inspired humanity throughout history.

A pomembno je tudi, da pristanejo na skoraj vsaki površini.

But it is also important that they can land on almost any surface.

Ta lastnost je dolgo vznemirjala znanstvenike.

This characteristic has long intrigued scientists.

Ekipa inženirjev univerze Stanford je sedaj ustvarila robota, ki lahko sedi, prenaša in lovi predmete tudi v zraku. Ujame lahko celo teniško žogico!

A team of Stanford University engineers has now created a robot that can sit, carry and hunt objects even in the air. It can even catch a tennis ball!

Navdih za njegova stopala in noge so našli pri sokolu selcu.

Inspiration for his feet and legs was found in the falcon.

Presenetilo nas je, da ptice pri pristajanju v zraku izvajajo enake prijeme ne glede na površino, na katero se spuščajo. Svojim nogam pustijo, da se prilagodijo raznolikosti in zahtevnosti površine. - William Roderick

We were surprised that the birds perform the same grips when landing in the air, regardless of the surface on which they land. They allow their feet to adapt to the diversity and complexity of the surface. – William Roderick

Vsaka robotova noga ima dva motorja; en skrbi za premikanje naprej in nazaj, drugi pa uravnava oprijem površine.

Each robot leg has two motors; one takes care of moving back and forth and the other regulates the grip of the surface.

Poseben oprijemalni mehanizem na koncu noge absorbira energijo pristanka in jo pretvori v silo oprijema. Sproži, razpre in zapre se v 20 milisekundah.

A special gripping mechanism at the end of the leg absorbs the landing energy and converts it into a gripping force. Triggers, unfolds and closes in 20 milliseconds.

Robot lahko tako pristane na katerikoli površini – na suhi ali na mokri, na gladki ali na grobi.

The robot can land on any surface - dry or wet, smooth or rough.

Pri čem ta znanstveni preboj lahko pomaga?

What can this scientific breakthrough help with?

Znanstveniki menijo, da bi taki leteči roboti lahko sodelovali pri iskanju ter reševanju ali pri spremljanju požarov v naravi.

Scientists believe that such flying robots could be involved in search and rescue, or monitoring wildfires.

Dosedaj so morali v takih primerih lebedeti, odslej pa bi lahko marsikje tudi pristali in tako varčevali z energijo.

To date, they have had to hover in such cases, but from now on they could land in many places and thus save energy.

Ekologi pa bi z njimi lažje zbirati podatke, denimo v nedostopnih gozdovih.

It would also be easier for ecologists to collect data with them, for example in inaccessible forests.

Roboti, ki so jih navdahnile ptice, so združljivi tudi z drugimi tehnologijami, ne samo z droni.

Bird-inspired robots are also compatible with other technologies, not just drones.

»Želimo, da bi lahko pristali kjer koli – to je tisto, kar to tehnologijo naredi vznemirljivo,« pravi eden od sodelujočih strokovnjakov David Lentink.

“We want to be able to land anywhere - that’s what makes this technology exciting,” says one of the participating experts, David Lentink.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

10 Jan 2022, 15:25 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Najnaprednejši teleskop v vesolju

The most advanced telescope in space

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Božične praznike smo večinoma praznovali mirno.

We mostly celebrated the Christmas holidays peacefully.

Ampak napeto pa je bilo v vesoljskem centru v Francoski Gvajani, iz katerega so prav na božični dan izstrelili teleskop James Webb.

But it was tense at the space centre in French Guiana, from where the James Webb telescope was launched on Christmas Day.

Ta bo nadomestil Hubblov teleskop in nam prinesel še boljši pogled v vesolje.

This will replace the Hubble Space Telescope and give us an even better view of space.

Teleskop je v vesolje popeljala raketa Ariane 5. Ko se je od nje ločil, je upravljanje prevzela ameriška vesoljska agencija NASA.

The telescope was launched into space by the Ariane 5 rocket. When it separated from it, the US space agency NASA took over.

Orbito bo dosegel čez približno tri tedne. Končni cilj pa je od Zemlje oddaljen približno 1,5 milijona kilometrov.

It will reach orbit in about three weeks. The final destination is about 1.5 million kilometres from Earth.

Nato bo pol leta trajalo, da bo razgrnil svoj sončni ščit in glavno, 6,5-metrsko ogledalo. Pripravil bo inštrumente za fotografiranje nebesnih teles in za spektroskopijo ter se ohladil.

It will then take half a year for him to unfold his sun shield and main, 6.5-meter mirror. He will prepare instruments for photographing celestial bodies and for spectroscopy, and cool down.

Kaj bo njegova naloga?

What will its task be?

Preučeval bo nastanek vesolja vse do 200 milijonov let po velikem poku. Ta se je zgodil pred 13,8 milijarde let.

It will study the formation of the universe up to 200 million years after the Big Bang. This happened 13.8 billion years ago.

Poleg tega bo odkrival planete zunaj Osončja in iskal sledi življenja.

In addition, it will discover planets outside the Solar System and look for traces of life.

Znanstvenik John C. Mather, ki sodeluje pri projektu, je že pred leti dejal, da je zelo velika verjetnost, da bi nekje v vesolju našli življenje.

The scientist John C. Mather, who is involved in the project, said years ago that there is a very high probability that they would find life somewhere in space.

»Ne smemo biti presenečeni, če bomo življenje našli na Marsu, Evropi, Titanu ali drugje v Osončju in če bomo zaznali kisik okoli planetov, ki krožijo okoli druge zvezde.«

"We should not be surprised if we find life on Mars, Europe, Titan or elsewhere in the Solar System and if we detect oxygen around planets orbiting another star."

Teleskop so začeli graditi leta 2004, zaradi zapletov pa so ga dokončali šele konec lanskega leta.

Construction of the telescope began in 2004, but due to complications it was not completed until the end of last year.

Projekt se je podražil za trikrat od prvotnih načrtov in je danes vreden skoraj 9 milijard evrov.

The cost of the project has risen three times since the original plans, and is worth almost 9 billion euros today.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

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