Slovene-English Dual Text: Olimpijska Medalja Je Najlepša Nagrada Za Trud In Vztrajnost

By , 14 Feb 2022, 13:48 PM How to Slovenia
Žan Kranjec and his silver medal for Giant Slalom Žan Kranjec and his silver medal for Giant Slalom Facebook: Team Slovenia

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Olimpijska medalja je najlepša nagrada za trud in vztrajnost

An Olympic medal is the most beautiful reward for hard work and perseverance

Written by Sabina Lavrič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Slovenija je majhna država, ki pa se lahko pohvali z velikimi športnimi zgodbami. Najlepše zagotovo pišejo olimpijske igre.

Slovenia is a small country, but it can boast of great sports stories. The most beautiful are certainly written by the Olympic Games.

Vsak športnik si želi odnesti medaljo s tega tekmovanja. To je najboljša nagrada za večletni trud, požrtvovalnost in vztrajnost.

Every athlete wants to take home a medal from this competition. This is the best reward for many years of hard work, sacrifice and perseverance.

Za eno najlepših zgodb olimpijskih iger v Pekingu je poskrbela deskarka Gloria Kotnik, ki je presenetila s tretjim mestom v paralelnem veleslalomu.

One of the most beautiful stories of the Beijing Olympics was provided by snowboarder Gloria Kotnik, who surprised with third place in the parallel giant slalom.

Pred tem je začasno celo nehala trenirati, saj je njeno telo potrebovalo počitek. Ni imela več energije in motivacije, deskanje ji ni bilo več v veselje. Pred letom dni je postala tudi mama. Nato se je odločila, da bo tekmovala naprej in nazadnje ji je uspelo uresničiti sanje.

Prior to that, she even temporarily stopped training as her body needed rest. She no longer had the energy and motivation, snowboarding was no longer a pleasure for her. She also became a mother a year ago. Then she decided to race on, and finally she managed to make her dream come true.

Srebrne medalje se je na isti dan razveselil Tim Mastnak. Deskanje ima neizmerno rad. Pravi, da je to ključ do uspeha: »Težko si v športu uspešen, če v njem ne uživaš.«

The silver medal was won by Tim Mastnak on the same day. He loves snowboarding a lot. He says this is the key to success: "It's hard to be successful in a sport if you don't enjoy it."

Medalja mešane skakalne ekipe je bila najbolj pričakovana.

The medal for the mixed jumping team was the most anticipated.

Urša Bogataj in Nika Križnar sta znova stali na odru za zmagovalke, tokrat sta jima družbo delala še Peter Prevc in Timi Zajc.

Urša Bogataj and Nika Križnar once again stood on the stage for the winners, this time accompanied by Peter Prevc and Timi Zajc.

Zlato medaljo so si okoli vratu nadeli na Prešernov dan in tako je Zdravljica v Pekingu zazvenela tudi prav na ta praznik.

They put a gold medal around their necks on Prešeren's Day, and so Zdravljica [the Slovenian national anthem, with the lyrics being a poem by Prešeren] was played on this very holiday.

A medalj s tem še ni bilo konec. Žan Kranjec je na veleslalomu že prvo progo odpeljal dobro; dosegel je osmi najboljši čas. V drugo pa mu je uspel sanjski nastop od štarta do cilja.

But the medals were not over. Žan Kranjec skied well on the first run in the giant slalom – he got the eighth best time. In the second, he managed a dream performance from the start to the finish.

Kljub vijugasti progi in slabi vidljivosti si je prismučal srebrno odličje! »Olimpijska medalja je nekaj neverjetnega. Sanjal sem o tem,« je povedal po izjemnem uspehu.

Despite the winding track and poor visibility, he won a silver medal! “The Olympic medal is something amazing. I dreamed about it," he said after this great success.

Skupaj je to že šest medalj za Slovenijo. Upamo, da bomo do konca iger 20. februarja poročali še o kakšni.

In total, this is already six medals for Slovenia. We hope to report on some more by the end of the games on February 20th.

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