Slovene-English Dual Text: Kako Pravilno Hraniti Ptice Pozimi?

By , 31 Jan 2022, 15:10 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Kako Pravilno Hraniti Ptice Pozimi? Photo: GregSabin CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako Pravilno Hraniti Ptice Pozimi?

How to Properly Feed Birds in Winter?

Written by Vanessa, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pozimi lahko pticam pomagaš, tako da jim ponudiš primerno hrano, in jih nato od blizu opazuješ in spoznavaš.

In winter, you can help the birds by offering them suitable food, and then observe and get to know them closely.

Kako to početi, da jim ne škodiš?

How do you do that so you don't hurt them?

Ptice stalnice, ki pozimi ostanejo pri nas, lahko zaradi manjše količine hrane v naravi začnemo hraniti že pozno jeseni, najbolje pa takrat, ko zapade sneg.

Due to the small amount of food in the wild, you can start feeding birds that stay with us in winter in late autumn, and preferably when the snow falls.

V ptičjo krmilnico jim nasujemo mešanico sončničnih in konopljinih semen ter proso.

We can pour a mixture of sunflower and hemp seeds and millet into a bird feeder.

Sinice prav tako zelo rade uživajo v lojnih pogačah.

Titmouses also love to enjoy sebaceous cakes.

Nekatere vrste ptic imajo najraje jabolka in rozine.

Some species of birds prefer apples and raisins.

Da pa bi privabili velikega detla, mu lahko nastavimo orehe in arašide.

But to attract the great woodpecker, we can put out nuts and peanuts.

Ptic nikoli ne hranimo z ostanki človeške hrane, saj je preslana in premastna.

Birds are never fed leftover human food, as it is too salty and fatty.

Ščinkavci in vrabci se najpogosteje hranijo na tleh.

Finches and sparrows most often feed on the ground.

Hrano jim lahko nastavimo kar tja, dobro pa je, da jo zaščitimo pred dežjem in snegom.

We can set their food right there, but it’s good to protect it from rain and snow.

To lahko storimo tako, da nad krmiščem postavimo manjšo streho.

This can be done by placing a smaller roof over the feeding area.

Ptičja krmilnica lahko visi na žici. Paziti moramo le, da je čvrsto pritrjena.

The bird feeder can hang on a wire. We just have to make sure it is firmly attached.

Najbolje je, da jo obesimo na drevo ali postavimo v bližino grmovja.

It is best to hang it on a tree or place it near a bush.

Tako se ji lahko ptice postopoma približajo, obenem pa imajo varno zavetje pred plenilci, kot so mačke.

In this way, birds can gradually approach it, while at the same time having a safe shelter from predators such as cats.

Na krmiščih se zbira veliko ptic, zato se tam prenašajo različne bolezni, med njimi tudi ptičja gripa.

Many birds gather on feeding grounds, so various diseases are transmitted there, including bird flu.

Z njo se je okužilo več labodov v okolici Slovenske Bistrice. Tam so zato do danes veljali posebni zaščitni ukrepi.

Several swans in the vicinity of Slovenska Bistrica once became infected with this. To this day, special protective measures remain in place there.

Zelo pomembno je, da krmilnico temeljito očistimo vsak dan. Z zaščitnimi rokavicami moramo odstraniti vse ostanke hrane in iztrebke.

It is very important to clean the bird feeder thoroughly every day. We must remove all food debris and excrement with protective gloves.

Vedno poskrbimo še, da imajo ptice na voljo dovolj sveže hrane.

We always make sure that the birds have enough fresh food available.

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