Slovene-English Dual Text: Memi in Gifi Ostajajo Vsem na Voljo

By , 01 Apr 2019, 16:54 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Memi in Gifi Ostajajo Vsem na Voljo JL Flanner, with the aid of

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Memi in gifi ostajajo vsem na voljo

Memes and gifs remain available to everyone

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Evropski poslanci so znova odločali o zelo pomembnem dokumentu.

MEPs decided again on a very important document.

Tega so eni željno pričakovali, drugi pa so menili, da bo zaradi njega virtualni svet drugačen, kot je bil doslej.

Some were happy to accept it, while others thought that it would make the virtual world very different to before.

In znova so ga podprli.

And they [the MEPs] supported it once again.

Velika tehnološka podjetja, kot sta Google in Facebook, so direktivi nasprotovala. Na njihovi strani so bili tudi vsi tisti, ki so prepričani, da zaradi direktive ne bodo več mogli dostopati do informacij na enak način kot doslej.

Large tech companies, such as Google and Facebook, opposed the directive. On their side were also all those who are convinced that because of the directive they will no longer be able to access information in the same way as before.

Večina glasbenikov, igralcev, pisateljev in novinarjev pa jo je težko pričakovala.

Most musicians, actors, writers and journalists were really looking forward to it.

Tehnološka podjetja, ki na spletnih platformah, kot je na primer YouTube, ponujajo pesmi ali videoposnetke, bodo morala njihovim ustvarjalcem plačati nadomestilo za uporabo.

Technology companies that offer songs or videos on online platforms, such as YouTube, will have to pay their creators compensation for their use.

Tega doslej niso počela, čeprav zaradi teh vsebin, ob katerih objavljajo oglase, zaslužijo veliko denarja.

Until now, they did not do this, although they show ads earn a lot of money with this content

Po drugi strani pa marsikateri glasbenik ali pisec komaj živi od svojega dela.

On the other hand, many musicians or writers can barely live from their work.

Tehnološka podjetja so podprli tudi številni posamezniki, ki so se bali, da ne bodo mogli več ustvarjati memov ali gifov.

Technology companies have also [financially] supported many individuals who feared that they would no longer be able to create memes or gifs.

Bali so se, da bodo s tem kršili avtorske pravice denimo fotografa in da bodo zato kaznovani.

They feared that if they violated the copyright of a photographer they would be punished.

Poslanci so prav zato izrecno zapisali, da lahko avtorska dela še naprej uporabljamo za citiranje ali za ustvarjanje memov.

For this reason, MEPs have explicitly stated that copyright works can continue to be used for citations or the creation of memes.

Tudi ti lahko torej še naprej svoje videoposnetke objavljaš na YouTubu, prijatelju pa brez skrbi pošlješ gif ali se nasmeješ novem memu. 

So, you can continue to post your videos on YouTube, can send your gifs without worrying, or smile at the new meme.

Direktivo morajo države članice EU prenesti v svojo zakonodajo, zato ne bo začela veljati še vsaj tri leta.

The directive still needs to be transposed by the EU Member States into their legislation, and therefore it will not enter into force for at least three years.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here, while you can study with some Slovenian memes here

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