Ljubljana related

28 Jun 2019, 15:13 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Od ljubezni do nasilja je včasih le majhen korak

It's only a small step from love to violence

V Sloveniji se redkokdaj pripetijo grozljivi dogodki kot iz filmov ali televizijskih nadaljevank.

In Slovenia there rarely happen horrific events like in movies or TV shows.

Toda letos ste celo otroci slišali, da si je neko dekle hotelo odrezati dlan, da bi dobila denar od zavarovalnice.

But this year, even children heard that some girl wanted to cut off her hand to get money from an insurance company. [See details here]


V to naj bi jo prepričal njen fant, Sebastien Abramov, ki se je prej pisal Sebastjan Colarič, a je nato spremenil ime in priimek. Abramov je sicer osumljen tudi, da je marca 2015 umoril svoje prejšnje dekle Saro Veber.

She was persuaded by her boyfriend Sebastian Abramov, who was previously named Sebastjan Colaric, , but then changed his surname. Abramov is also suspected of murdering his previous girlfriend Saro Weber in March 2015.

Zadnje dni pa se je veliko ljudi pogovarjalo o hudem napadu na mariborsko sodnico. Ko je pred dobrimi desetimi dnevi v soboto ob pol enih ponoči prišla domov, so jo napadli in tako zelo pretepli, da je še vedno v bolnišnici.

In recent days, many people have talked about a severe attack on a Maribor judge. When she arrived home on Saturday afternoon, about ten days ago, she was attacked, and she was beaten so badly that she is still in hospital.

Policisti so preiskovali, ali je bil razlog za napad povezan z njeno službo ali z zasebnim življenjem.

The police investigated whether the cause of the attack was linked to her job or private life.

Sodniki namreč sodijo tudi hudim zločincem in že večkrat se je zgodilo, da so jim ti zato grozili.

Specifically, judges often enouncter the worst criminals, and many times they have been threatened.

A policisti so zdaj sporočili, da je bil napad povezan s sodničinim zasebnim življenjem.

But the police have now reported that the attack was linked to a judge's private life.

Sodnica je, poroča mariborski časopis Večer, nameravala zapustiti svojega partnerja.

The judge, according to the Maribor newspaper Večer, intends to leave her partner.

Policisti so zoper domnevnega storilca podali kazensko ovadbo zaradi poskusa umora. Po informacijah novinarjev Večera je domnevni storilec tega hudega napada prav sodničin partner, ki ga sicer policisti še nikoli niso obravnavali zaradi nasilja v družini.

The police have filed a criminal complaint against the alleged perpetrator for attempted murder. According to Večer's reporters, the alleged perpetrator of this serious attack is the judge's partner, whom the police have never dealt with before with regard to domestic violence.

Nasilja v družini je tudi v Sloveniji precej.

Domestic violence is also not rare in Slovenia.

V nevladnih organizacijah večkrat povedo, da se najhujše nasilje nad ženskami običajno zgodi tedaj, ko te partnerju, naj bo to mož ali fant, povedo, da ga bodo zapustile.

In NGOs, they often say that the worst violence against women usually happens when a partner, whether a husband or boyfriend, is told to leave.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Jun 2019, 10:47 AM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Domače Naloge in Prosti Čas

Homework and Free Time

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Šola je že skoraj zaprla vrata za dobra dva meseca.

School is almost over for the next two months.

Marsikje zadnje dneve pouka namenjajo potepanju po domačem kraju ali širši okolici, za tabore ali pa za sproščeno zabavo na šolskem igrišču.

Many of the last days of school are devoted to travelling around the countryside or wider area, going to camps, or having relaxing fun on the school playground.

Domače naloge in popoldansko delo za šolo so že daljna preteklost, saj imate učenci ocene že zaključene.

Homework and afternoon work for school are in the distant past, as students have already completed their grades.

Ali pač? V Zvezi aktivov svetov staršev Slovenije (ZASSS) še niso pozabili na delo za šolo, ki ga otroci opravite doma.

Or have they? The Association of Parents of the Parents of Slovenia (ZASSS) has not yet forgotten the work for the school that you take home.

Predstavili so izsledke raziskave, ki so jo opravili med starši osnovnošolcev.

The results of research carried out by parents of elementary school students have been presented.

In kaj so ugotovili?

And what did they find?

»Anketa je pokazala, da le dobra petina učencev opravi vse domače naloge, učenje in drugo delo za šolo, v manj kot eni uri. Četrtina jih potrebuje za to uro do dve, slaba petina dve do tri ure. Približno petnajst odstotkov otrok potrebuje kar tri do štiri ure, preostala petina pa celo več kot štiri ure,« pravi dr. Anton Meden, predsednik ZASSS.

"The survey showed that only just over a fifth of students do all homework, learning and other work for the school in less than an hour. A quarter of them need up to two hours for this, one-fifth between two to three hours. Approximately fifteen percent of children need about three to four hours, while the remaining fifth even more than four hours," says Dr. Anton Meden, President of ZASSS.

slovene english dual text homework.JPG

Šolsko delo doma v urah. Vir: ZASSS /  School work at home in hours. Source: ZASSS

Domače naloge so namenjene ponavljanju snovi, kar je za učenje koristno, meni Meden, saj možgani s ponavljanjem znanje utrdijo.

Homework is intended for repetition of content, and this is useful for learning, says Meden, since the brain gains knowledge by repeating it.

»A razlike v obsegu domačega dela so velike. Družinam, kjer otroci za to porabijo veliko časa, zmanjka časa za druge dejavnosti. V veliki večini primerov za pomoč šolarjem poskrbijo družinski člani. Iz nekaterih povezav med podatki pa lahko sklepamo, da imajo učenci, ki jim starši doma ne morejo pomagati, slabše ocene.«

"And the differences with regard to homework are great. Families where children spend a lot of time for this run out of time for other activities. In the vast majority of cases, family members help schoolchildren. By examining the data we can conclude that pupils whose parents cannot help them parents have worse grades. "

Anketa, ki so jo med osnovnošolci opravili v Zavodu za šolstvo, je pokazala nekoliko drugačne podatke.

A survey, which was carried out among primary school students by the Institute of Education, showed slightly different data.

Po njihovih podatkih za domače naloge porabi večina (55,9 odstotka) učencev do 30 minut, nadaljnjih 29,3 odstotka pa do ene ure. Za učenje porabi 64,3 odstotka učencev do ene ure dnevno, izjema je učenje pred testi, ko se učijo dlje.

According to their data for homework, the majority (55.9 percent) of pupils spend up to 30 minutes, followed by 29.3 percent up to one hour. With regard to studying, 64.3 percent of pupils spend up to 1 hour a day, except for before tests when they study more.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 Jun 2019, 17:46 PM

Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Roglič na zgodovinskih stopničkah

Roglic on the historic podium

V nedeljo se je po nešteto klancih, padcih, odrgninah, okvarah koles ter krčih v utrujenih nogah sklenila peklenska tritedenska kolesarska dirka po Italiji.

On Sunday after a countless hills, falls, abrasions, bruises and bumps in tired legs, a thrilling three-week cycling race was concluded in Italy.

Zadnja, 21. etapa je že močno izžete kolesarje pripeljala v Verono, kjer jih je čakala še zadnja 17-kilometrska vožnja na čas.

The final 21st stage brought the already exhausted riders to Verona, where they were waiting to start the last 17-kilometer ride on time.

Slovenski kolesar Primož Roglič, ki je predtem dobil oba kronometra, je bil na njej deseti.

The Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič, who had previously won both time trials, was starting in tenth place.

Primož je vso dirko optimistično zrl proti rožnati majici in verjel, da bi si jo kot zmagovalec lahko nadel.

Primož was optimistic about the pink t-shirt and hoped that he could be the winner.

Na koncu si je mladi Zasavec prikolesaril skupno tretje mesto. To je zgodovinski uspeh za slovensko kolesarstvo. Dopolnil ga je še Jan Polanc s 14. mestom.

In the end, the young man from Zasavje made do with third place. This is a historic success for Slovenian cycling. Jan Polanc also got 14th place.

Primoža so na zadnjih etapah dirke bodrili tudi številni slovenski navijači.

Primož, in the last stages of the race, was also supported by a number of Slovenian fans.

Hvaležen jim je bil, čeprav je zaradi nespametne poteze enega od njih izgubil nekaj dragocenih sekund. Navijač ga je nekaj sekund potiskal v klanec, a mu je s tem naredil medvedjo uslugo, saj so Primožu za kazen zaostanek povečali za dodatnih deset sekund.

He was grateful to them, even though one of them made him lose valuable seconds because of an unwise move. The cheerleader pushed him to the slaughter for a few seconds, but he did so with a “bear’s favour” [idiom: a well-intentioned action that causes harm], as Primož got a ten-second penalty.

Primož je v Verono prispel na četrtem mestu v skupnem seštevku. Za tretjim mestom je zaostajal 23 sekund.

Primoz arrived in Verona in fourth place. He was 23 seconds behind the person in third.

Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

03 Jun 2019, 16:22 PM

Pajek, ki je hitrejši od rakete

A spider that's faster than a rocket

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pajki raziskovalce vedno znova presenečajo s svojimi metodami preživetja.

Spider researchers are always surprised by their survival methods.

Z mišicami v zadku nit preplete v zaporedne zanke, te pa ga nato kot nekakšna frača izstrelijo proti središču njegove trikotne mreže.

With muscles in its back, [the triangle weaver  spider] weaves thread into successive loops, and then, like a kind of catapult, shoots itself toward the centre of its triangular web.

Proti plenu leti s pospeškom, ki je približno šestindvajsetkrat večji od pospeška vesoljske rakete.

It flies towards its prey with an acceleration about twenty-six times that of a space rocket.

Plen ob tem še zavije v pajčevino, zato ta nima nobenih možnosti za pobeg.

In addition, the prey moves towards the web, so it has no chance of escaping.

Poleg človeka je ta pajek edina živalska vrsta, pri kateri so opisali in posneli tako spretno kopičenje oziroma povečanje energije.  

Other than humans, this spider is the only animal species that is able to obtain such a skilful accumulation or increase of energy.

A tudi druge živali zmorejo podobno neverjetne podvige.

And other animals can have similar incredible achievements.

Rak bogomolčar recimo z ogromno močjo razbije lupine školjk in polžev, s katerimi se prehranjuje. Moč njegovega udarca je glede na njegovo velikost primerljiva z močjo, ki bi jo potreboval človek, da bi zalučal teniško žogico v orbito Zemlje.

A mantis shrimp, for example, breaks the shells of the shellfish and snails on which it feeds using enormous power. For its size, the strength of its strike can be compared to that a person would need in order to throw a tennis ball into the orbit of the Earth.

Bolhe pa imajo v svojem telesu poseben mehanizem, kot nekakšno vzmet, ki shranjuje mehansko energijo in jim omogoča izredno hitre premike. Po potrebi to vzmet sunkovito sprostijo, zato se njihove zadnje noge v milisekundi iztegnejo.

Fleas have a special mechanism in the body, like a kind of spring that stores mechanical energy and that allows them to move extremely quickly. If necessary, this spring is released, so their back legs are extended in milliseconds.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

02 Jun 2019, 11:55 AM

Kmetija (The Farm) is a reality show / competition set on a farm, with attractive contestents and beautiful scenary, but for our purposes there's added appeal - relatively simple, everyday Slovenian with good, clear subtitles, hosted the singer Saša Lendero. Enjoy it.

The Farm Slovenia 2015 from DRG on Vimeo.

If you're learning Slovenian then you can find all our dual texts here

21 May 2019, 11:08 AM

Google, Huawei in Jaz

Goofle, Huawei and Me

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Imaš pametni telefon Huawei, na njem gledaš videe na YouTubu in te skrbi, da odslej to ne bo več mogoče?

Do you have a Huawei smartphone, watch videos on YouTube, and worry that this will not be possible anymore?

Kar brez skrbi. Na tvoji napravi tudi v prihodnje ne bo nič drugače kot doslej.

But no worries. Your device won’t be anything like this in the future.

Kaj se je zgodilo, da je mnoge lastnike telefona znamke Huawei začelo skrbeti?

What happened to make many Huawei owners start to worry?

Ameriški predsednik Donald Trump je prejšnji teden odločil, da ameriška podjetja ne smejo več uporabljati tujih telekomunikacijskih sistemov, ki bi lahko ogrozila nacionalno varnost Združenih držav Amerike.

The US President Donald Trump decided last week that US companies should no longer use foreign telecommunication systems that could jeopardize the national security of the United States.

Nekaj dni kasneje so v podjetju Google, ki je lastnik YouTuba, prekinili sodelovanje s podjetjem Huawei. Temu namreč očitajo, da uporablja svojo tehnologijo za vohunjenje.

A few days later, Google's owner, which also owns YouTube, discontinued cooperation with Huawei. They are accused of using spying technology.

Kaj to pomeni za lastnike njihovih telefonov?

What does this mean for the owners of their phones?

Tisti, ki že imate telefon, boste lahko še naprej uporabljali YouTube ali denimo Gmail.

Those who already have a phone will be able to continue to use YouTube or Gmail.

Vse naprave, ki so jih že prodali ali so na zalogi v trgovinah, bodo delovale kot doslej. V podjetju Huawei bodo zanje še naprej zagotavljali tudi varnostne posodobitve.

All devices that have already been sold or stocked in stores will operate as before. Huawei will continue to provide security updates to them.

Drugo vprašanje pa je, kako bo odločitev Googla vplivala na naslednje serije pametnih telefonov.

Another question is how Google's decision will affect the next series of smartphones.

Doslej se je namreč pokazalo, da morajo proizvajalci pametnih telefonov uporabljati operacijski sistem android, ki so ga razvili v Googlu, če želijo preživeti.

So far, it has been shown that smartphone manufacturers must use the Android operating system, developed by Google, in order to survive.

V podjetju Nokia so denimo poskusili z operacijskim sistemom Microsofta, a se njihova odločitev ni obnesla.

Nokis tried the Microsoft operating system, but their decision did not work out.

Android uporablja osemdeset odstotkov pametnih telefonov. Izjema so telefoni znamke iPhone, ki uporabljajo sistem iOS.

Android is used in eighty percent of smartphones. The exception is iPhones, which use the iOS system.

V Huaweiju bi sicer lahko uporabljali odprtokodni android, a bi ta bil zelo okleščen, saj ne bi vključeval izdelkov podjetja Google.

In Huawei it would be possible for Huawei to use open-source Android, but this would be a very closed system, as it would not include Google products.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

09 May 2019, 15:00 PM

Kdaj bo javnosti predstavljen dojenček Susseški?

When will the Sussexes’ baby be presented to the public?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Britanci, pa tudi vsi, ki spremljajo dogajanje na britanskem dvoru, so dočakali rojstvo novega kraljevega dojenčka.

The British, as well as everyone who watches events in the British court, awaited the birth of a new royal baby.

Meghan Markle, žena princa Harryja, je v ponedeljek rodila zdravega fantiča.

Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry, gave birth to a healthy boy on Monday.

Britanci zdaj nestrpno čakajo, kdaj ga bodo lahko videli. Ob tem pa še pobirajo stave, kako mu bo ime.

The British are now eagerly waiting to see him. At the same time, they are still putting bets on his name.

Po prvih informacijah naj bi vojvoda in vojvodinja Susseška svojega sina predstavila prav danes.

According to the first information, the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex will present their son today.

S tem sta prekinila tradicijo, po kateri člani kraljeve družine novorojenčke javnosti pokažejo že nekaj ur po rojstvu.

With this, they have broken the tradition that newborn members of the royal family are shown to the public a few hours after their birth.

A porod lahko mlade mame zelo utrudi, zato je odločitev, da se vojvodinja Susseška z dojenčkom javnosti pokaže nekaj dni kasneje, smiselna in razumljiva. Tako bosta oba že dovolj spočita.

But giving birth can be very tiring for young mothers, so the decision to show the Duchess of Sussex with the baby to the public a few days later is sensible and understandable. So that both of them have had enough rest.

Dojenček je sedmi v vrsti za kraljevi prestol. Pred njim je njegov oče princ Harry.

The baby is the seventh in line to the throne. In front of him in his father, Prince Harry.

Svoje občutke ob rojstvu prvorojenca je novopečeni očka opisal v čustvenem pogovoru z novinarji.

He described his feelings as a new father at the birth of his first-born in an emotional conversation with reporters.

»Zelo sem vesel, da lahko naznanim, da sva z Meghan zgodaj zjutraj dobila otroka, in sicer zdravega sina. Mama in otrok se počutita zelo dobro. To je bila neverjetna izkušnja, bolj posebna, kot sem si lahko kdaj koli zamišljal,« je med drugim dejal.

"I'm very happy to announce that Meghan and myself had a baby early this morning, a very healthy boy. Mother and baby are doing incredibly well. It's been the most amazing experience I could ever possibly imagine, "he said, among other things.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

30 Apr 2019, 18:39 PM

Izberi svojo prihodnost

Choose your future

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

 Mesec dni pred evropskimi volitvami, ki bodo v Sloveniji 26. maja, se je začela predvolilna kampanja.

A month before the European elections that will be held in Slovenia on 26 May, the pre-election campaign began.

Vsi, ki kandidirajo za poslance v Evropski parlament, lahko začnejo nagovarjati volivce, naj glasujejo ravno zanje.

All those who will run to become Members of the European Parliament can begin to encourage voters to vote for them.

To lahko dosežejo z nastopi na javnih prireditvah, s plakati in oglasi. Vse pogosteje volivce nagovarjajo tudi po družbenih omrežij.

They can do this by having public events, posters and ads. More and more voters are also getting information from social networks.

Svoje liste so že vložili Slovenska nacionalna stranka, Dobra država, Slovenska demokratska stranka in Slovenska ljudska stranka, Stranka Alenke Bratušek, Nova Slovenija – krščanski demokrati, Socialni demokrati, DOM – Domovinska liga, Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije, Lista Marijana Šarca, Gibanje Zedinjena Slovenija, Stranka modernega centra, Povežimo se in Levica.

The following parties have already submitted their lists [of candidates] The Slovenian National Party, the Good State, the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Slovenian People's Party, the Alenka Bratušek Party, Nova Slovenija - Christian Democrats (NSi), the Social Democrats, DOM - the Homeland League, the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS), the List of Marijana Šarec, the Movement of the United Slovenia , Modern Centre Party (SMC), Connect and Levica (the Left).

Rok za vložitev kandidatnih list se izteče nocoj ob polnoči.

The deadline for filing the candidates’ papers expires at midnight tonight.

K udeležbi na volitvah spodbujajo tudi v Evropskem parlamentu. Pripravili so kratek film Izberi svojo prihodnost (film je v angleščini, a je opremljen s slovenskimi podnapisi, ki jih lahko vklopiš v nastavitvah). Gledalce nagovarja k premisleku o prihodnjih generacijah, ki bodo čutile posledice teh volitev.

Participation in the elections for the European Parliament is also being promoted. A short film has been prepared, Choose Your Future (the film is in English, but it has Slovenian subtitles that you can turn on in the settings). It encourages viewers to reflect on the fact that future generations will feel the consequences of these elections.

Kakšna bo torej podoba Evrope v prihodnosti? Odločitev je v rokah tistih, ki se bodo konec maja odpravili na volitve.

What will be the image of Europe in the future? The decision is in the hands of those who will go to the polls at the end of May.

Po podatkih iz raziskave Eurobarometer je približno tretjina državljanov EU (35 odstotkov) prepričana, da bodo maja oddali svoj glas, tretjina jih je še neodločena (32 odstotkov).

According to a Eurobarometer survey, about a third of EU citizens (35 percent) are certain that they will vote in May, with a third being still undecided (32 percent).

Med mladimi z volilno pravico jih je kljub temu, da so najbolj naklonjeni EU (75 odstotkov), zgolj 21 odstotkov dejalo, da bodo zagotovo šli na volitve. 34 odstotkov pa jih je še neodločenih, so sporočili iz pisarne Evropskega parlamenta v Sloveniji.

Among young people with voting rights, despite the most in favour of the EU (75 percent), only 21 percent said they would definitely go to the polls. Thirty-four percent are still undecided, the European Parliament office in Slovenia said.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/R3tErFvAgag" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

23 Apr 2019, 08:36 AM

Napadi na Šrilanki

Attacks on Sri Lanka

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Prazniki bi morali biti čas radosti in miru.

Holidays should be a time of joy and peace.

A na velikonočno nedeljo so na otoku Šrilanka odjeknile eksplozije.

And on Easter Sunday, explosions erupted on the island of Sri Lanka.

Med napadi na tamkajšnje cerkve in hotele je umrlo skoraj tristo ljudi. Še veliko več je bilo hudo poškodovanih.

Nearly three hundred people died during attacks on local churches and hotels. Many more were seriously injured.

Mnogi so bili v času napadov pri velikonočni maši. Številni drugi so ravno v tistem času zajtrkovali v hotelskih jedilnicah.

At the time of the attacks many were attending Easter Mass. A number of others were having breakfast in hotel dining rooms at that time.

Šrilanška vlada pravi, da je za napade odgovorna majhna radikalna teroristična skupina NTJ.

The Sri Lankan government says that the small radical terrorist group NTJ is responsible for the attacks.

Po napadih se je izvedelo, da so bili šrilanški policisti opozorjeni na možnost napada.

After the attacks, it was learned that the Sri Lankan police had been warned about the possibility of an attack.

Sedaj pristojni ugotavljajo, zakaj teh opozoril niso upoštevali.

Now, the authorities are investigating why these warnings were not taken seriously.

V državi so razglasili izredne razmere. Zaradi tega bodo lahko policisti in vojaki morebitne osumljence priprli in zaslišali brez posebnega dovoljenja sodišča.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country. As a result, police officers and soldiers will be able to detain and question potential suspects without the special permission of the court.

Na Šrilanki so med državljansko vojno v preteklosti že doživeli podobne izbruhe nasilja. A tokratni napad je zaradi svoje neusmiljenosti in velikega števila žrtev močno pretresel državo. Mnogi napovedujejo, da bodo morala miniti leta, preden se bo rana, ki so jo otoku zadali napadalci, zacelila.

Because of civil war, Sri Lanka has already experienced similar outbreaks of violence in the past. This attack, because of its ruthlessness and the large number of victims, has shaken the country hard. Many predict that it will take years before the wounds that the attackers have made on the island will heal.

Danes je na Šrilanki dan žalovanja.

Today is a day of mourning in Sri Lanka.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.

19 Apr 2019, 15:16 PM

I’m always on the hunt for interesting videos related to Slovenia, and – as someone who’s learning the language – also looking out anything that can help in this regard. One thing that seems to work well is Slovenian subtitles, so I can read along while hearing the English, pausing to make notes when needed.

Related: Slovene with Subtitles: Watching TV for Fun and Profit

Because April 20th is once more upon us, and thus a cannabis-themed post seems in order, the time has come to share these three travel documentaries that focus on the cultivaction and use of this widely valued, and widely demonised, plant.

All our posts on learning Slovene are here

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