Slovene-English Dual Text: Izberi Svojo Prihodnost

By , 30 Apr 2019, 18:39 PM How to Slovenia
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Izberi svojo prihodnost

Choose your future

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

 Mesec dni pred evropskimi volitvami, ki bodo v Sloveniji 26. maja, se je začela predvolilna kampanja.

A month before the European elections that will be held in Slovenia on 26 May, the pre-election campaign began.

Vsi, ki kandidirajo za poslance v Evropski parlament, lahko začnejo nagovarjati volivce, naj glasujejo ravno zanje.

All those who will run to become Members of the European Parliament can begin to encourage voters to vote for them.

To lahko dosežejo z nastopi na javnih prireditvah, s plakati in oglasi. Vse pogosteje volivce nagovarjajo tudi po družbenih omrežij.

They can do this by having public events, posters and ads. More and more voters are also getting information from social networks.

Svoje liste so že vložili Slovenska nacionalna stranka, Dobra država, Slovenska demokratska stranka in Slovenska ljudska stranka, Stranka Alenke Bratušek, Nova Slovenija – krščanski demokrati, Socialni demokrati, DOM – Domovinska liga, Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije, Lista Marijana Šarca, Gibanje Zedinjena Slovenija, Stranka modernega centra, Povežimo se in Levica.

The following parties have already submitted their lists [of candidates] The Slovenian National Party, the Good State, the Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and the Slovenian People's Party, the Alenka Bratušek Party, Nova Slovenija - Christian Democrats (NSi), the Social Democrats, DOM - the Homeland League, the Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (DeSUS), the List of Marijana Šarec, the Movement of the United Slovenia , Modern Centre Party (SMC), Connect and Levica (the Left).

Rok za vložitev kandidatnih list se izteče nocoj ob polnoči.

The deadline for filing the candidates’ papers expires at midnight tonight.

K udeležbi na volitvah spodbujajo tudi v Evropskem parlamentu. Pripravili so kratek film Izberi svojo prihodnost (film je v angleščini, a je opremljen s slovenskimi podnapisi, ki jih lahko vklopiš v nastavitvah). Gledalce nagovarja k premisleku o prihodnjih generacijah, ki bodo čutile posledice teh volitev.

Participation in the elections for the European Parliament is also being promoted. A short film has been prepared, Choose Your Future (the film is in English, but it has Slovenian subtitles that you can turn on in the settings). It encourages viewers to reflect on the fact that future generations will feel the consequences of these elections.

Kakšna bo torej podoba Evrope v prihodnosti? Odločitev je v rokah tistih, ki se bodo konec maja odpravili na volitve.

What will be the image of Europe in the future? The decision is in the hands of those who will go to the polls at the end of May.

Po podatkih iz raziskave Eurobarometer je približno tretjina državljanov EU (35 odstotkov) prepričana, da bodo maja oddali svoj glas, tretjina jih je še neodločena (32 odstotkov).

According to a Eurobarometer survey, about a third of EU citizens (35 percent) are certain that they will vote in May, with a third being still undecided (32 percent).

Med mladimi z volilno pravico jih je kljub temu, da so najbolj naklonjeni EU (75 odstotkov), zgolj 21 odstotkov dejalo, da bodo zagotovo šli na volitve. 34 odstotkov pa jih je še neodločenih, so sporočili iz pisarne Evropskega parlamenta v Sloveniji.

Among young people with voting rights, despite the most in favour of the EU (75 percent), only 21 percent said they would definitely go to the polls. Thirty-four percent are still undecided, the European Parliament office in Slovenia said.

 Read more stories and improve your Slovene at Časoris, while all our dual texts can be found here.


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