Slovene-English Dual Text: Kdaj Bo Javnosti Predstavljen Dojenček Susseški?

By , 09 May 2019, 15:00 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Kdaj Bo Javnosti Predstavljen Dojenček Susseški? Photo: Chris Allerton, from the Royal Instagram

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Kdaj bo javnosti predstavljen dojenček Susseški?

When will the Sussexes’ baby be presented to the public?

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Britanci, pa tudi vsi, ki spremljajo dogajanje na britanskem dvoru, so dočakali rojstvo novega kraljevega dojenčka.

The British, as well as everyone who watches events in the British court, awaited the birth of a new royal baby.

Meghan Markle, žena princa Harryja, je v ponedeljek rodila zdravega fantiča.

Meghan Markle, wife of Prince Harry, gave birth to a healthy boy on Monday.

Britanci zdaj nestrpno čakajo, kdaj ga bodo lahko videli. Ob tem pa še pobirajo stave, kako mu bo ime.

The British are now eagerly waiting to see him. At the same time, they are still putting bets on his name.

Po prvih informacijah naj bi vojvoda in vojvodinja Susseška svojega sina predstavila prav danes.

According to the first information, the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex will present their son today.

S tem sta prekinila tradicijo, po kateri člani kraljeve družine novorojenčke javnosti pokažejo že nekaj ur po rojstvu.

With this, they have broken the tradition that newborn members of the royal family are shown to the public a few hours after their birth.

A porod lahko mlade mame zelo utrudi, zato je odločitev, da se vojvodinja Susseška z dojenčkom javnosti pokaže nekaj dni kasneje, smiselna in razumljiva. Tako bosta oba že dovolj spočita.

But giving birth can be very tiring for young mothers, so the decision to show the Duchess of Sussex with the baby to the public a few days later is sensible and understandable. So that both of them have had enough rest.

Dojenček je sedmi v vrsti za kraljevi prestol. Pred njim je njegov oče princ Harry.

The baby is the seventh in line to the throne. In front of him in his father, Prince Harry.

Svoje občutke ob rojstvu prvorojenca je novopečeni očka opisal v čustvenem pogovoru z novinarji.

He described his feelings as a new father at the birth of his first-born in an emotional conversation with reporters.

»Zelo sem vesel, da lahko naznanim, da sva z Meghan zgodaj zjutraj dobila otroka, in sicer zdravega sina. Mama in otrok se počutita zelo dobro. To je bila neverjetna izkušnja, bolj posebna, kot sem si lahko kdaj koli zamišljal,« je med drugim dejal.

"I'm very happy to announce that Meghan and myself had a baby early this morning, a very healthy boy. Mother and baby are doing incredibly well. It's been the most amazing experience I could ever possibly imagine, "he said, among other things.

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