Slovene-English Dual Text: Pajek, Ki Je Hitrejši Od Rakete

By , 03 Jun 2019, 16:22 PM How to Slovenia
Triangle-web Spider  (Hyptiotes cavatus) Triangle-web Spider (Hyptiotes cavatus) Wikimedia - Judy Gallagher CC-by-2.0

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Pajek, ki je hitrejši od rakete

A spider that's faster than a rocket

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pajki raziskovalce vedno znova presenečajo s svojimi metodami preživetja.

Spider researchers are always surprised by their survival methods.

Z mišicami v zadku nit preplete v zaporedne zanke, te pa ga nato kot nekakšna frača izstrelijo proti središču njegove trikotne mreže.

With muscles in its back, [the triangle weaver  spider] weaves thread into successive loops, and then, like a kind of catapult, shoots itself toward the centre of its triangular web.

Proti plenu leti s pospeškom, ki je približno šestindvajsetkrat večji od pospeška vesoljske rakete.

It flies towards its prey with an acceleration about twenty-six times that of a space rocket.

Plen ob tem še zavije v pajčevino, zato ta nima nobenih možnosti za pobeg.

In addition, the prey moves towards the web, so it has no chance of escaping.

Poleg človeka je ta pajek edina živalska vrsta, pri kateri so opisali in posneli tako spretno kopičenje oziroma povečanje energije.  

Other than humans, this spider is the only animal species that is able to obtain such a skilful accumulation or increase of energy.

A tudi druge živali zmorejo podobno neverjetne podvige.

And other animals can have similar incredible achievements.

Rak bogomolčar recimo z ogromno močjo razbije lupine školjk in polžev, s katerimi se prehranjuje. Moč njegovega udarca je glede na njegovo velikost primerljiva z močjo, ki bi jo potreboval človek, da bi zalučal teniško žogico v orbito Zemlje.

A mantis shrimp, for example, breaks the shells of the shellfish and snails on which it feeds using enormous power. For its size, the strength of its strike can be compared to that a person would need in order to throw a tennis ball into the orbit of the Earth.

Bolhe pa imajo v svojem telesu poseben mehanizem, kot nekakšno vzmet, ki shranjuje mehansko energijo in jim omogoča izredno hitre premike. Po potrebi to vzmet sunkovito sprostijo, zato se njihove zadnje noge v milisekundi iztegnejo.

Fleas have a special mechanism in the body, like a kind of spring that stores mechanical energy and that allows them to move extremely quickly. If necessary, this spring is released, so their back legs are extended in milliseconds.

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