Slovene-English Dual Text: Napadi na Šrilanki

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Napadi na Šrilanki

Attacks on Sri Lanka

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Prazniki bi morali biti čas radosti in miru.

Holidays should be a time of joy and peace.

A na velikonočno nedeljo so na otoku Šrilanka odjeknile eksplozije.

And on Easter Sunday, explosions erupted on the island of Sri Lanka.

Med napadi na tamkajšnje cerkve in hotele je umrlo skoraj tristo ljudi. Še veliko več je bilo hudo poškodovanih.

Nearly three hundred people died during attacks on local churches and hotels. Many more were seriously injured.

Mnogi so bili v času napadov pri velikonočni maši. Številni drugi so ravno v tistem času zajtrkovali v hotelskih jedilnicah.

At the time of the attacks many were attending Easter Mass. A number of others were having breakfast in hotel dining rooms at that time.

Šrilanška vlada pravi, da je za napade odgovorna majhna radikalna teroristična skupina NTJ.

The Sri Lankan government says that the small radical terrorist group NTJ is responsible for the attacks.

Po napadih se je izvedelo, da so bili šrilanški policisti opozorjeni na možnost napada.

After the attacks, it was learned that the Sri Lankan police had been warned about the possibility of an attack.

Sedaj pristojni ugotavljajo, zakaj teh opozoril niso upoštevali.

Now, the authorities are investigating why these warnings were not taken seriously.

V državi so razglasili izredne razmere. Zaradi tega bodo lahko policisti in vojaki morebitne osumljence priprli in zaslišali brez posebnega dovoljenja sodišča.

A state of emergency has been declared in the country. As a result, police officers and soldiers will be able to detain and question potential suspects without the special permission of the court.

Na Šrilanki so med državljansko vojno v preteklosti že doživeli podobne izbruhe nasilja. A tokratni napad je zaradi svoje neusmiljenosti in velikega števila žrtev močno pretresel državo. Mnogi napovedujejo, da bodo morala miniti leta, preden se bo rana, ki so jo otoku zadali napadalci, zacelila.

Because of civil war, Sri Lanka has already experienced similar outbreaks of violence in the past. This attack, because of its ruthlessness and the large number of victims, has shaken the country hard. Many predict that it will take years before the wounds that the attackers have made on the island will heal.

Danes je na Šrilanki dan žalovanja.

Today is a day of mourning in Sri Lanka.

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