Slovene-English Dual Text: Od Ljubezni do Nasilja

By , 28 Jun 2019, 15:13 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Od Ljubezni do Nasilja Tam Tam

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Od ljubezni do nasilja je včasih le majhen korak

It's only a small step from love to violence

V Sloveniji se redkokdaj pripetijo grozljivi dogodki kot iz filmov ali televizijskih nadaljevank.

In Slovenia there rarely happen horrific events like in movies or TV shows.

Toda letos ste celo otroci slišali, da si je neko dekle hotelo odrezati dlan, da bi dobila denar od zavarovalnice.

But this year, even children heard that some girl wanted to cut off her hand to get money from an insurance company. [See details here]

V to naj bi jo prepričal njen fant, Sebastien Abramov, ki se je prej pisal Sebastjan Colarič, a je nato spremenil ime in priimek. Abramov je sicer osumljen tudi, da je marca 2015 umoril svoje prejšnje dekle Saro Veber.

She was persuaded by her boyfriend Sebastian Abramov, who was previously named Sebastjan Colaric, , but then changed his surname. Abramov is also suspected of murdering his previous girlfriend Saro Weber in March 2015.

Zadnje dni pa se je veliko ljudi pogovarjalo o hudem napadu na mariborsko sodnico. Ko je pred dobrimi desetimi dnevi v soboto ob pol enih ponoči prišla domov, so jo napadli in tako zelo pretepli, da je še vedno v bolnišnici.

In recent days, many people have talked about a severe attack on a Maribor judge. When she arrived home on Saturday afternoon, about ten days ago, she was attacked, and she was beaten so badly that she is still in hospital.

Policisti so preiskovali, ali je bil razlog za napad povezan z njeno službo ali z zasebnim življenjem.

The police investigated whether the cause of the attack was linked to her job or private life.

Sodniki namreč sodijo tudi hudim zločincem in že večkrat se je zgodilo, da so jim ti zato grozili.

Specifically, judges often enouncter the worst criminals, and many times they have been threatened.

A policisti so zdaj sporočili, da je bil napad povezan s sodničinim zasebnim življenjem.

But the police have now reported that the attack was linked to a judge's private life.

Sodnica je, poroča mariborski časopis Večer, nameravala zapustiti svojega partnerja.

The judge, according to the Maribor newspaper Večer, intends to leave her partner.

Policisti so zoper domnevnega storilca podali kazensko ovadbo zaradi poskusa umora. Po informacijah novinarjev Večera je domnevni storilec tega hudega napada prav sodničin partner, ki ga sicer policisti še nikoli niso obravnavali zaradi nasilja v družini.

The police have filed a criminal complaint against the alleged perpetrator for attempted murder. According to Večer's reporters, the alleged perpetrator of this serious attack is the judge's partner, whom the police have never dealt with before with regard to domestic violence.

Nasilja v družini je tudi v Sloveniji precej.

Domestic violence is also not rare in Slovenia.

V nevladnih organizacijah večkrat povedo, da se najhujše nasilje nad ženskami običajno zgodi tedaj, ko te partnerju, naj bo to mož ali fant, povedo, da ga bodo zapustile.

In NGOs, they often say that the worst violence against women usually happens when a partner, whether a husband or boyfriend, is told to leave.

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