Slovene-English Dual Text: Roglič Na Zgodovinskih Stopničkah

By , 09 Jun 2019, 17:46 PM How to Slovenia
Roglič being pushed by a fan Roglič being pushed by a fan YouTube screenshot

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Written by Sabina Lavrič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Roglič na zgodovinskih stopničkah

Roglic on the historic podium

V nedeljo se je po nešteto klancih, padcih, odrgninah, okvarah koles ter krčih v utrujenih nogah sklenila peklenska tritedenska kolesarska dirka po Italiji.

On Sunday after a countless hills, falls, abrasions, bruises and bumps in tired legs, a thrilling three-week cycling race was concluded in Italy.

Zadnja, 21. etapa je že močno izžete kolesarje pripeljala v Verono, kjer jih je čakala še zadnja 17-kilometrska vožnja na čas.

The final 21st stage brought the already exhausted riders to Verona, where they were waiting to start the last 17-kilometer ride on time.

Slovenski kolesar Primož Roglič, ki je predtem dobil oba kronometra, je bil na njej deseti.

The Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič, who had previously won both time trials, was starting in tenth place.

Primož je vso dirko optimistično zrl proti rožnati majici in verjel, da bi si jo kot zmagovalec lahko nadel.

Primož was optimistic about the pink t-shirt and hoped that he could be the winner.

Na koncu si je mladi Zasavec prikolesaril skupno tretje mesto. To je zgodovinski uspeh za slovensko kolesarstvo. Dopolnil ga je še Jan Polanc s 14. mestom.

In the end, the young man from Zasavje made do with third place. This is a historic success for Slovenian cycling. Jan Polanc also got 14th place.

Primoža so na zadnjih etapah dirke bodrili tudi številni slovenski navijači.

Primož, in the last stages of the race, was also supported by a number of Slovenian fans.

Hvaležen jim je bil, čeprav je zaradi nespametne poteze enega od njih izgubil nekaj dragocenih sekund. Navijač ga je nekaj sekund potiskal v klanec, a mu je s tem naredil medvedjo uslugo, saj so Primožu za kazen zaostanek povečali za dodatnih deset sekund.

He was grateful to them, even though one of them made him lose valuable seconds because of an unwise move. The cheerleader pushed him to the slaughter for a few seconds, but he did so with a “bear’s favour” [idiom: a well-intentioned action that causes harm], as Primož got a ten-second penalty.

Primož je v Verono prispel na četrtem mestu v skupnem seštevku. Za tretjim mestom je zaostajal 23 sekund.

Primoz arrived in Verona in fourth place. He was 23 seconds behind the person in third.

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