Slovene-English Dual Text: Slovenija Začenja Predsedovanje Svetu EU

By , 05 Jul 2021, 15:54 PM How to Slovenia
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Slovenija Začenja Predsedovanje Svetu EU

Slovenia Begins Presidency of the EU Council

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Poletje je ponavadi čas kislih kumaric. A letos, vsaj v Sloveniji, ni tako.

Summer is usually the “time for pickles” [idiom – doing nothing]. But this year, at least in Slovenia, this is not the case.

Naša država danes uradno prevzema polletno predsedovanje Svetu EU. Zaradi tega jo bodo, kot narekuje tradicija, obiskali predsednica Evropske komisije Ursula von der Leyen in kolegij Evropske komisije.

Today, our country officially takes over the six-month presidency of the Council of the EU. For this reason, as tradition dictates, it will be visited by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the College of the European Commission.

Skupaj s predsednikom vlade Janezom Janšo in ministri bodo govorili o programu in prednostnih izzivih našega predsedovanja.

Together with Prime Minister Janez Janša and ministers, they will discuss the program and priority challenges of our presidency.

Ti so, med drugim: Evropska unija po epidemiji koronavirusa, gospodarska obnova, migracije, zeleni in digitalni prehod, konferenca o prihodnosti Evrope ter širitev EU.

These include: the European Union after the coronavirus epidemic, economic recovery, migration, the green and digital transition, the conference on the future of Europe and EU enlargement.

Nekatere naloge smo podedovali od Portugalske, od katere prevzemamo predsedovanje. Tako bo treba potrditi še smernice za pogajanje s Severno Makedonijo in Albanijo za vstop v Evropsko unijo. S Srbijo in Črno goro so bile že potrjene.

We have inherited some tasks from Portugal, from which we are taking over the presidency. Thus, the guidelines for negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania for accession to the European Union will have to be confirmed. They have already been confirmed with Serbia and Montenegro.

Večina dogodkov bo do konca leta potekala na Brdu pri Kranju, otvoritveni dogodek pa na Blejskem otoku.

Most of the events will take place in Brdo near Kranj until the end of the year, and the opening event [will take place] on Bled Island.

Gledališče SNG Maribor bo tam prvič uprizorilo balet Povodni mož. Sloni na pesniški zapuščini Franceta Prešerna in nagovarja k iskanju rešitev za prihodnost v povezani, združeni Evropi.

The SNG Maribor Theater will perform the ballet The Flood Man there for the first time. It is based on the poetic legacy of France Prešeren and addresses the search for solutions for the future in a connected, united Europe.

Brez Prešerna ne bo šlo niti pri protokolarnih darilih, ki jih bodo naši voditelji poklonili voditeljem držav članic in ustanov EU. Med njimi bodo še faksimile njegove Zdravljice pa tudi manšetni gumbi s podobo črnega panterja in pametne stekleničke za vodo.

Without Prešeren there would be no protocol gifts that our leaders will give to those of the Member States and EU institutions. Among them will be facsimiles of his Zdravljice as well as cufflinks with the image of a black panther and a smart water bottle.

Predsedovanje bo stalo približno 80 milijonov evrov, pri njegovi izvedbi pa bo sodelovalo več kot dva tisoč ljudi.

The presidency will cost about 80 million euros, and more than two thousand people will take part in its implementation.

Na sporedu bo predvidoma 200 dogodkov.

There are expected to be 200 events on the schedule.

Če bodo sprostili epidemiološke ukrepe, bi nas lahko obiskalo med 10.000 in 15.000 ljudi.

If epidemiological measures are lifted, between 10,000 and 15,000 people could visit us.

Dogajanje lahko spremljaš na uradni spletni strani, Facebooku, Instagramu in Twitterju.

You can follow the events on the official website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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