Slovene-English Dual Text: Voda in Milo, Nedosegljivo Razkošje

By , 19 Oct 2020, 13:08 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Voda in Milo, Nedosegljivo Razkošje Flickr - US Dept of Agriculture, public domain

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Voda in milo, nedosegljivo razkošje

Water and soap, unattainable luxury

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Umivanje rok je skupaj z vzdrževanjem varne razdalje in kihanjem in kašljanjem v robček ali rokav najbolj učinkovit ukrep proti širjenju novega koronavirusa. Toda za milijone otrok po vsem svetu sta voda in milo nedosegljivo razkošje, na svetovni dan umivanja rok opozarja Unicef.

Washing hands, along with maintaining a safe distance and sneezing and coughing into a handkerchief or sleeve, is the most effective measure against the spread of the new coronavirus. But for millions of children around the world, water and soap are unattainable luxuries, warns UNICEF ​​on World Handwashing Day.

Če si temeljito umijemo roke z milom, se s tem zaščitimo pred številnimi nalezljivimi boleznimi, ne samo pred covidom-19. Preprosto, kajne? Žal ne. Mi, ki imamo čisto tekočo vodo na voljo na vsakem koraku, težko razumemo, da si milijoni ljudi po svetu nimajo možnosti umiti rok.

If we wash our hands thoroughly with soap, we protect ourselves from many infectious diseases, not just covid-19. Simple, right? Unfortunately, no. We, who have clean running water available at every turn, find it hard to understand that millions of people around the world do not have the opportunity to wash their hands.

»Pandemija koronavirusa je znova osvetlila ključno vlogo higiene rok pri preprečevanju širjenja bolezni. Obenem je izpostavila globalni izziv – umivanje rok z milom ostaja nedosegljivo milijonom otrok po svetu, tako v domačem okolju, v šoli, na begu,« je dejala Kelly Ann Naylor, namestnica vodje Unicefovih programov za vodo, higieno in sanitarije.

“The coronavirus pandemic has once again highlighted the key role of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of the disease. At the same time, it highlighted a global challenge - washing hands with soap remains out of reach for millions of children around the world, at home, at school, on the go, ”said Kelly Ann Naylor, Deputy Head of UNICEF's Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Programs.

»Nesprejemljivo je, da najbolj ranljive skupnosti ne morejo uporabiti najpreprostejših in hkrati najučinkovitejših ukrepov za zaščito sebe in svojih najdražjih pred boleznimi. Potrebno je takojšnje ukrepanje, da omogočimo umivanje rok z milom vsem in vsepovsod.«

“It is unacceptable that the most vulnerable communities cannot use the simplest and at the same time most effective measures to protect themselves and their loved ones from disease. Immediate action is needed to enable everyone to wash their hands with soap. "

Umivanje rok ni le prva obramba pred novim koronavirusom, temveč tudi pred pljučnico, kolero, drisko, grižo, tifusom, hepatitisom A ter številnimi drugimi nevarnimi boleznimi.

Hand washing is not only the first defence against the new coronavirus, but also against pneumonia, cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, typhus, hepatitis A and many other dangerous diseases.

Le trije od petih ljudi na svetu imajo možnost za umivanje rok. To pomeni, da kar tri milijarde Zemljanov doma nima pogojev za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.

Only three out of five people in the world have the option to wash their hands. This means that as many as three billion people on Earth do not have the conditions to wash their hands with soap and water at home.

Skoraj 75 % prebivalcev najmanj razvitih držav doma nima osnovnih pogojev za umivanje rok. Skoraj polovica šol na svetu nima ustreznih prostorov za umivanje rok z vodo in milom.

Almost 75% of the population of the least developed countries do not have the basic conditions for washing their hands at home. Nearlt half of the schools in the world do not have adequate facilities for washing hands with soap and water.

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