Slovene-English Dual Text: Računalnik Razkril Notranjost Živalskih Mumij

By , 03 Sep 2020, 09:45 AM How to Slovenia
Cat mummies in the British Museum Cat mummies in the British Museum Mario Sánchez CC-by-SA-2.0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Računalnik Razkril Notranjost Živalskih Mumij

Computer Reveals Inside of Animal Mummies

Written by Urša Adamič translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Poznaš mumije iz starega Egipta? Seveda, le kdo jih ne?! A malokdo ve, da stari Egipčani niso mumificirali le ljudi, pač pa tudi živali.

Do you know mummies from Ancient Egypt? Of course, who doesn’t?! But few know that the Ancient Egyptians not only mummified humans but also animals.

Skupini znanstvenikov je uspelo s posebno metodo računalniške simulacije združiti na tisoče rentgenskih slik in tako pogledati v notranjost treh mumificiranih živali.

A group of scientists managed to combine thousands of X-ray images with a special method of computer simulation and thus look inside three mummified animals.

Na računalniškem zaslonu so zagledali okostje mačke, kače in ptice. Ob natančnejši analizi kosti so opazili številne podrobnosti, ki govorijo zgodbo o življenju in smrti teh živali pa tudi ljudi, ki so jih mumificirali.

They saw the skeletons of a cat, snake and bird on the computer screen. Upon closer analysis of the bones, many details were noticed that tell the story of the life and death of these animals as well as the people who mummified them.

Na podlagi mlečnih zob mačke so sklepali, da je šlo za mladiča, mlajšega od petih mesecev. Lega hrbtenice nakazuje, da je imela zlomljen vrat.

Based on the cat's milk teeth, it was concluded that it was a kitten younger than five months. The position of her spine indicates that she had a broken neck.

Po obliki okostja ptice in kače so lahko določili živalsko vrsto. Ptico so uvrstili med postovke, kača pa je mlada egipčanska kobra.

They were able to determine the species by the shape of the skeleton of the bird and snake. The bird has been classified as a kestrel, and the snake is a young Egyptian cobra.

Egipčanska kobra je imela zelo poškodovane ledvice, kar kaže, da ji je v času življenja primanjkovalo vode. Prav tako je imela vidne znake žrtvovanja v verskem obredu.

The Egyptian cobra had severely damaged kidneys, indicating that it lacked water during its lifetime. She also had visible signs of sacrifice in a religious ceremony.

Pogled v notranjost mumificiranih živali razkriva nove podatke o življenju in verovanju starih Egipčanov. Verjeli so, da s tem, ko truplo živali ali človeka spremenijo v mumijo, omogočijo prehod v posmrtno življenje.

A look inside the mummified animals reveals new information about the life and beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians. They believed that by turning the corpse of an animal or human into a mummy, they made the transition to the afterlife possible.

Mumificirane živali so na ta način pošiljali bogovom, omogočili so jim prehod v večnost. Premožni faraoni so mumificirali tudi svoje domače živali, da bi jim delale družbo tudi v posmrtnem življenju.

Mummified animals were sent to the gods in this way, allowing them to pass into eternity. Wealthy pharaohs also mummified their domestic animals to keep them company even in the afterlife.

»Uporabili smo najsodobnejšo znanstveno tehnologijo,« je rezultate komentiral vodja raziskave Richard Johnston. »S temi novimi orodji lahko na drugačen način pogledamo v življenje in smrt živali pred 2000 leti.«

“We used state-of-the-art scientific technology,” commented research leader Richard Johnston. "With these new tools, we can look at the life and death of animals 2,000 years ago in a different way."

Razvoj novih tehnologij in možnost pogleda v notranjost mumij na nek način že dokazujeta njihovo uspešno pot v večnost.

The development of new technologies and the possibility of looking inside mummies in a way already proves their successful path to eternity.

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