Slovene-English Dual Text: Se Bojiš Ognjenih Črvov?

By , 16 Jul 2020, 17:06 PM How to Slovenia
Hermodice carunculata - Bearded fireworm / Gusano de fuego / Ver de feu, Tenerife. Hermodice carunculata - Bearded fireworm / Gusano de fuego / Ver de feu, Tenerife. Philippe Guillaume, CC BY 2.0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Se bojiš ognjenih črvov?

Are you scared of fireworms?

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Medije v poletnih dneh pogosto preplavljajo novice o nevarnih živalih, ki prebivajo v morju.

The media during summer days is often flooded with news about dangerous animals living in the sea.

Bolj ko je novica zastrašujoča in dramatična, hitreje se širi. V naslovih novinarskih prispevkov se zato rade šopirijo besede, ki ljudi prestrašijo. A običajno so pretirane in celo neresnične.

The more frightening and dramatic the news, the faster it spreads. In the headlines of journalists’ articles, therefore, they like to show off words that frighten people. But they are often exaggerated and even untrue.

Te je že srečala novica o invaziji ognjenih črvov, ki na kopalce prežijo v Jadranskem morju? O njih so pisali že lani, ko naj bi eden napadel plavalko, ki je nato potrebovala zdravniško pomoč.

Have you encountered the news about the invasion of fireworms that prey on bathers in the Adriatic Sea? They were written last year when one allegedly attacked a swimmer who then needed medical attention.

Ob natančnem branju in raziskovanju te vrste postane jasno, da ognjeni črvi ne napadajo ljudi. Res pa je, da ni prijetno, če nanje stopimo ali se jih kako drugače dotaknemo.

Upon careful reading and research on this species, it becomes clear that fireworms do not attack humans. It is true, however, that it is not pleasant to step on them or touch them in any other way.

Ognjeni črvi spadajo med mnogoščetince. Ta skupina večinoma morskih živali je ime dobila po številnih ščetinah, ki izraščajo iz njihovega telesa. Premikajo se počasi, veliki so okoli 15 centimetrov in so pod vodo zaradi svoje rdeče barve dobro vidni.

Fire worms are among the polychaetes. This group of mostly marine animals is named after the many bristles that grow out of their bodies. They move slowly, are about 15 centimeters in size and are clearly visible underwater due to their red color.

Prehranjujejo se z drugimi organizmi in rastlinami na morskem dnu, med drugim jedo tudi morske zvezde. Če se počutijo ogrožene, napnejo svoje bele ščetine, ki vsebujejo strup.

They feed on other organisms and plants on the seabed, including starfish. If they feel threatened, they push out their white bristles, which contain poison.

Ščetine lahko predrejo kožo in povzročijo srbečico in pekoč občutek na mestu vboda. Takrat je priporočljivo, da iglice odstranimo z lepljivim trakom in mesto vboda spiramo s hladno morsko vodo. Nato si namestimo v alkohol pomočene obkladke in namažemo s protivnetno kremo.

The bristles can penetrate the skin and cause itching and a burning sensation at the injection site. At that time, it is recommended to remove the needles with adhesive tape and rinse the injection site with cold sea water. Then place compresses soaked in alcohol and apply anti-inflammatory cream.

V nekaterih primerih lahko začutimo tudi slabost in vrtoglavico. Če se po nekaj urah še vedno slabo počutimo, strokovnjaki priporočajo obisk zdravnika.

In some cases, nausea and dizziness may also be felt. If we still feel unwell after a few hours, experts recommend a visit to the doctor.

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