Slovene-English Dual Text: Za Dinozavre Je Bil Usoden Kot, Pod Katerim Je Asteroid Treščil Na Zemljo

By , 17 Jun 2020, 15:58 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Za Dinozavre Je Bil Usoden Kot, Pod Katerim Je Asteroid Treščil Na Zemljo pixabay _freakwave_ CC-by-0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Za dinozavre je bil usoden kot, pod katerim je asteroid treščil na Zemljo

For the dinosaurs, the angle at which the asteroid crashed to Earth was fatal

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Številni raziskovalci se sprašujejo, zakaj so izumrli dinozavri.

Many researchers wonder why dinosaurs became extinct.

Vedo, da se je to zgodilo pred petinšestdesetimi milijoni let zaradi globalne zime, ki je nastala zaradi padca kometa ali asteroida.

They know that this happened sixty-five million years ago due to a global winter caused by the fall of a comet or asteroid.

V nedavno objavljeni raziskavi pa so raziskovalci s pomočjo računalniške simulacije pokazali, da razlog za izumrtje ni bil sam trk, ampak predvsem kot, pod katerim je asteroid treščil na Zemljo. Ta je znašal približno 60 stopinj.

In a recently published study, however, researchers used a computer simulation to show that the cause of the extinction was not the collision itself, but primarily the angle at which the asteroid crashed into Earth. This was about 60 degrees.

»Dinozavri so imeli smolo, da jih je doletel najbolj črn scenarij. Asteroid je na Zemljo priletel pod najbolj smrtonosnim kotom. Tako je nastalo največ plinov, to pa je sprožilo zaporedje dogodkov, ki so vodili do njihovega izumrtja,« je pojasnil vodja raziskave Gareth Collins iz Imperial College of London.

“The dinosaurs were unlucky to be hit by the worst scenario. The asteroid landed on Earth at the most deadly angle. This created the most gases, which triggered a series of events that led to their extinction,” explained study leader Gareth Collins of the Imperial College of London.

Ogromna količina žvepla, ki se je sprostila, je prekrila Sonce. Tedaj je poleg dinozavrov izumrlo 75 odstotkov vseh živečih vrst.

A huge amount of sulphur was released that covered the Sun. At that time, in addition to dinosaurs, 75 percent of all living species became extinct.

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