Slovene-English Dual Text: Kako Narisati Totora

By , 20 May 2020, 12:19 PM How to Slovenia
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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kako narisati Totora

How to draw Totoro

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ti gre risanje dobro od rok? Ali pa si med tistimi, ki le s težavo narišejo obraz, avto ali zajčka?

Are you good at drawing? Or are you among those who have a hard time drawing a face, a car, or a rabbit?

Če si med slednjimi in ti je obenem všeč japonski anime, te bo verjetno zanimalo, da si lahko ogledaš, kako narisati Totora.

If you’re among the latter and you like Japanese anime at the same time, you’ll probably be interested to see how to draw Totoro.

Ne poznaš Totora?

You don’t know Totoro?

To je gozdni duhec iz celovečerne risanke Moj sosed Totoro, ki po videzu spominja na zajca, malo pa tudi na mačko, sovo in rakuna.

This is a forest ghost from the feature-length cartoon My Neighbour Totoro, which looks like a rabbit, but also a bit like a cat, an owl and a raccoon.

Video z napotki za risanje je posnel producent filma Tošio Suzuki.

The video with drawing instructions was shot by the film’s producer, Toshio Suzuki.

V njem počasi in po korakih pojasni, kako začeti z risanjem in na kaj je treba biti posebej pozoren.

In it, slowly and step by step, he explains how to start drawing and what to pay special attention to.

Namenil ga je otrokom, ki morajo v teh koronačasih ostati doma. Če se bodo zamotili z risanjem, jim ne bo tako dolgčas.

He intended it for children who have to stay at home in these corona times. If they get distracted by drawing, they won’t be so bored.

Za japonske risane like je značilno, da imajo oči zelo narazen.

It is characteristic of Japanese cartoon characters that they have their eyes very apart.

Suzuki v videu poudari, da je to najpomembnejše navodilo tudi za risanje Totora.

Suzuki points out in the video that this is the most important instruction for drawing Totoro as well.

»Kot vidite, je med očmi veliko prostora,« pravi. »Na koncu je treba dodati samo še smrček in brčice, pa je.«

“As you can see, there’s a lot of space between the eyes,” he says. "In the end, you just need to add a snout and whiskers, and there it is."

Tak Totoro je zelo preprost, a še vedno tako simpatičen kot tisti iz risanke.

Such a Totoro is very simple, but still as likable as the one in the cartoon.

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