Slovene-English Dual Text: Nazaj v Šolske Klopi Morda že 11. Maja

By , 29 Apr 2020, 19:08 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Nazaj v Šolske Klopi Morda že 11. Maja U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Randall Moose - Released, public domain

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Nazaj v šolske klopi morda že 11. Maja

Maybe back to school May 11th

Written by Romana Dobnikar Šeruga, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Pogrešaš šolo?

Do you miss school?

Ministrica za izobraževanje Simona Kustec je včeraj namignila, da bi šole in vrtce morda odprli že 11. maja.

Education Minister Simone Kustec yesterday hinted that schools and kindergartens might be open as early as May 11th.

A ne veseli se prezgodaj! To je samo »prvi možni datum«.

But don't get happy too soon! This is only the "first possible date".

Preden šole znova odprejo svoja vrata, morajo pripraviti zaščitne ukrepe. Ti bodo tako učence kot učitelje varovali pred novim koronavirusom.

Before schools open their doors again they need to put safeguards in place. These will protect both students and teachers from the new coronavirus.

Bo treba v šoli nositi zaščitne maske? Tega še ne vemo. Verjetno pa zaščitni ukrepi v šolah ne bodo dosti drugačni od tistih, ki že veljajo v trgovinah, pisarnah in drugod, kjer prihaja v stik več ljudi.

Will we have to wear protective masks at school? We don't know yet. Most likely the safeguards in schools will not be much different from those already in place in shops, offices and elsewhere where more people come into contact.

To pa so:

These are:

Stroga pravila čiščenja in razkuževanja šolskih prostorov.

Strict rules for cleaning and disinfecting school premises.

Temeljito in pravilno umivanje rok: militi si jih moraš eno minuto in jih nato sprati s toplo vodo.

Wash your hands thoroughly and properly: wash them for one minute and then rinse them with warm water.

Pravilno kašljanje: kašljamo v robček, ki ga nato zavržemo, ali pa v komolec.

Proper coughing: cough in a handkerchief, which is then discarded, or in the elbow.

Z rokami se ne dotikamo oči, da ne prenesemo morebitne okužbe.

We do not touch our eyes with our hands to avoid any possible infection.

Primerna oddaljenost od drugih ljudi – najmanj meter in pol! To pomeni, da v šoli ne boš več sedela skupaj s svojo najboljšo prijateljico, saj bo najverjetneje vsak sedel v svoji klopi in v primerni oddaljenosti od sošolca spredaj in zadaj. Tudi med odmori in v šolski jedilnici bo druženje strogo omejeno.

Keep an adequate distance from other people - at least a metre and a half! This means that you will no longer sit with your best friend at school, since everyone is likely to be sitting on their own seat and at an appropriate distance from their classmates front and back. Even during breaks and in the school cafeteria, socialising will be strictly limited.

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