Slovene-English Dual Text: Novo Vlado Bo Najverjetneje Vodil Janez Janša

By , 03 Mar 2020, 17:23 PM How to Slovenia
Borut Pahor and Janez Janša, 10 February 2012 Borut Pahor and Janez Janša, 10 February 2012

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Novo vlado bo najverjetneje vodil Janez Janša

The new government is likely to be led by Janez Janša

Written by Katarina Bulatović translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Ali kdaj prelomiš obljubo staršem, učiteljem, prijatelju?

Do you ever break a promise to your parents, teachers, friend?

Nikar se ne zgleduj po politikih, pri katerih ni to nič nenavadnega.

Do not look up to politicians, as this is not uncommon among them.

Stranki SMC in DeSUS sta pred parlamentarnimi volitvami leta 2018 zagotavljali, da ju sodelovanje z največjo stranko SDS ne zanima.

Before the 2018 parliamentary elections, the SMC and DeSUS parties promised they were not interested in working with the largest party, the SDS.

A ko je predsednik vlade Marjan Šarec januarja letos odstopil s položaja, sta si premislili. S stranko NSi in stranko SDS sta se začeli pogovarjati, ali bi lahko sestavili novo vlado pod vodstvom predsednika SDS Janeza Janše.

But when Prime Minister Marjan Šarec stepped down in January, they changed their minds. They discussed with the NSi party and the SDS party whether they could form a new government under the leadership of SDS President Janez Janša.

Kaj si želijo doseči v naslednjih dveh letih, so nazadnje zapisali v dokument, ki mu rečemo koalicijska pogodba. Dogovorili so se tudi, kdo predvidoma bi vodil katero od ministrstev.

What they want to achieve in the next two years they finally wrote down in a document called the Coalition Treaty. They also agreed on who would lead which of the ministries.

Sprva je kazalo, da bi lahko ljudje še letos znova šli na volitve. Vsi člani strank SMC, Desus in NSi se namreč niso strinjali s sodelovanjem. Nazadnje so popustili in tako verjetno preprečili predčasne volitve.

Initially, it appeared that people would go to the polls again this year. Indeed, not all SMC, DeSUS, and NSi party members agreed to participate. Finally, they relented and thus probably prevented early elections.

Predsednik republike Borut Pahor se bo predvidoma danes uradno sestal z Janezom Janšo. Nato ga bo poslancem v državnem zboru najbrž predlagal kot kandidata za predsednika vlade.

The President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor is expected to formally meet with Janez Janša today. Then he will probably propose him to the National Assembly as a candidate for the Prime Minister.

Ti bodo o njem glasovali prihodnji teden.

They will vote on it next week.

Če želi Janez Janša postati predsednik vlade, potrebuje vsaj 46 glasov.

If Janez Janša wants to become Prime Minister, he needs at least 46 votes.

To ne bi smelo biti ovira, saj ima SDS skupaj z ostalimi tremi strankami SMC, NSi, in DeSUS zagotovljenih predvidoma 48 glasov.

This should not be an obstacle, as the SDS together with the other three parties, the SMC, NSi, and DeSUS, has an estimated 48 votes.

Borut Pahor lahko državni zbor obvesti tudi, da ga ne bo predlagal. Potem ima dva dni časa, da poišče novega kandidata. Če ga ne najde, bi lahko šli na predčasne volitve.

Borut Pahor may also tell the National Assembly that he will not propose this. Then he has two days to find a new candidate. If he doesn't find one, he could go for an early election.

Svojo odločitev mora sporočiti najpozneje do petka.

He must report his decision by Friday at the latest.

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