Slovene-English Dual Text: Oskarja za Najboljši Film Prejel Film v Tujem Jeziku

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Slovene-English Dual Text: Oskarja za Najboljši Film Prejel Film v Tujem Jeziku Screenshot

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Prvič v zgodovini je oskarja za najboljši film prejel film v tujem jeziku

For the first time in history, the Academy Award for Best Picture was received by a film in a foreign language

Written by Jelka Šutej Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Zadnja, 92. podelitev oskarjev je bila prelomna.

The last, the 92nd Academy Awards were groundbreaking.

Obe najbolj cenjeni nagradi, za najboljši film in najboljšo režijo, je namreč prejel film Parazit.

The two most prized awards, for Best Picture and Best Director, went to Parasite.

To je prvič, da so ju podelili filmu, v katerem igralci ne govorijo angleško.

This is the first time they have been awarded to a movie in which the actors do not speak English.

Dosedaj je bilo le deset filmov v tujem, ne angeškem jeziku nominiranih za najbolj pomembno nagrado – nagrado za najboljši film. A nobenemu še ni uspelo, da bi jo prejel.

So far, only ten films in a non-English language have been nominated for the most important award - the Best Picture Award. But none of them was successful and received it.

Parazit južnokorejskega režiserja Bong Joon Hoja pripoveduje o dveh družinah, ena je zelo revna, druga pa zelo bogata, in o tem, kaj se zgodi, ko se njihova življenja prepletejo.

South Korean director Bong Joon Ho's Parasite tells the story of two families, one very poor and the other very rich, and what happens when their lives intertwine.

Film je prejel še dve priznanji – za mednarodni (do lani tujejezični) film in za izvirni scenarij.

The film received two other awards - for international (until last year, foreign-language) film and for the Original Screenplay.

Za glavno moško in žensko vlogo sta oskarja prejela Joaquin Phoenix (za vlogo v filmu Joker) ter Renee Zellweger (za vlogo v filmu Judy).

The Oscars went to Joaquin Phoenix (for his role in the movie Joker) and Renee Zellweger (for her role in the movie Judy).

Brad Pitt je dobil svojega prvega oskarja za igro, in sicer v stranski igralski kategoriji (Bilo je nekoč … v Hollywoodu). Za stransko vlogo ga je prejela še Laura Dern (v filmu Zakonska zgodba).

Brad Pitt won his first Oscar in the Supporting Actor actor category (Once Upon a Timein Hollywood). The supporting actor [Oscar] was also received by Laura Dern (for the movie Marriage Story).

Oskarja za najboljši prirejeni scenarij so podelili ustvarjalcem filma Zajec Jojo, satiri o fantiču in njegovem namišljenem prijatelju Hitlerju.

The Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay was awarded to the makers of Jojo Rabbit, a satire about a boy and his imaginary friend, Hitler.

Kot najboljši kratki film pa je slavil film The Neighbors’ Window. Med drugimi so oskarja za kostumografijo namenili filmu Čas deklištva, za scenografijo pa Tarantinovemu Bilo je nekoč … v Hollywoodu.

The best short film was The Neighbors' Window. Among others, the Oscars for costume design were given to the film Little Women, and for the set for Tarantino's Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood.

Morda so bili najbolj razočarani ustvarjalci filma Irec (režiser Martin Scorsese), ki je imel deset nominacij, toda nobenega ni osvojil

Perhaps the most disappointed were the makers of the movie The Irishman (directed by Martin Scorsese), which had ten nominations, but won none.

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