Slovene-English Dual Text: Kitajci Vstopajo v Leto Podgane

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Slovene-English Dual Text: Kitajci Vstopajo v Leto Podgane Chen Design 518

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Kitajci vstopajo v leto podgane

The Chinese are entering the Year of the Rat

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Več kot milijarda ljudi bo vstopila v novo leto.

More than a billion people will enter the new year.

Tega bodo poleg tistih, ki sledijo gregorijanskemu koledarju in novo leto praznujejo prvega januarja, pa tudi vseh tistih, ki uporabljajo julijanski koledar in so v novo leto vstopili trinajst dni kasneje, torej 14. januarja, sedaj praznovali še Kitajci.

In addition to those who follow the Gregorian calendar and celebrate the New Year on January 1, as well as all those who use the Julian calendar and who entered the New Year thirteen days later, i.e. January 14, the Chinese will now celebrate.

Kitajci sledijo luninemu koledarju, zato se začetek leta spreminja. Letošnje se začne 25. januarja in bo trajalo do 11. februarja 2021.

The Chinese follow the lunar calendar, so the beginning of the year changes. This year begins on January 25 and will last until February 11, 2021.

Njihov koledar uporabljajo tudi nekatere druge azijske države, denimo Koreja, Vietnam, Laos.

Their calendar is also used by some other Asian countries, such as Korea, Vietnam, Laos.

Kitajci verjamejo, da vsakemu letu vlada ena od dvanajstih živali iz horoskopa. Novo leto bo v znamenju podgane, ki je prvo znamenje horoskopa, zato bo to leto novih začetkov.

The Chinese believe that each year one of the twelve horoscope animals rules. The New Year will be marked by a rat, the first sign of the horoscope, so this will be a year of new beginnings.

Kitajci med praznovanjem uživajo v ognjemetih, obesijo rdeče lampijone in pripravijo tradicionalno hrano. Otrokom podarijo rdeče ovojnice z denarjem. Praznovanja zaznamuje rdeča barva, ki simbolizira srečo in radost.

During the celebration, the Chinese enjoy fireworks, hang red lanterns and prepare traditional food. They give children red envelopes of money. The celebration is marked by red, which symbolizes happiness and joy.

Na ta kitajski najpomembnejši družinski praznik obiščejo tudi sorodnike. Kitajska je po površini tretja NAJvečja država na svetu, zato je potovanje v tem času še posebej težavno.

This is the most important family holiday in China, and when go and visit relatives. China is the third largest country in the world in terms of surface area, so travelling is especially difficult during this time.

Letos bodo morali biti potniki še posebno pazljivi. Decembra se je po državi začel širiti skrivnostni virus. Po podatkih svetovne zdravstvene organizacije je do sedaj zaradi koronavirusa umrlo več ljudi, še veliko več pa je okuženih.

This year, travellers will have to be extra careful. In December, a mysterious virus began spreading across the country. According to the World Health Organization, some people have been killed and many more infected by coronavirus so far.

Virus naj bi se začel širiti z ene od tržnic v Vuhanu, na kateri so prodajali ribe in divjačino.

The virus is thought to have spread from one of the markets in Wuhan selling fish and game.

Podoben je nevarnemu virusu sars, ki se prav tako širi prek dihalnih poti.

It is similar to the dangerous SARS virus, which also spreads through the respiratory tract.

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