Slovene-English Dual Text: Avstralija Gori

By , 07 Jan 2020, 16:39 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Avstralija Gori Wikimedia - 80 trading 24 CC-by-SA-3.0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here as a Slovene-English dual text.

Avstralija gori

Australia is burning

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Požari, ki od septembra divjajo po Avstraliji, postajajo vse hujši.

The fires that have been spreading across Australia since September are growing.

V njih je do sedaj umrlo več kot dvajset ljudi in okoli pol milijarde živali.

Today, more than twenty people have died and around half a billion animals.

Med njimi so tudi koale in kenguruji, ki živijo samo na tej celini.

 Among these are also kangaroos, which only live on this continent.

Mnogi po svetu spremljajo dogajanje v Avstraliji. Sprašujejo se, ali bo ta zaradi uničujočih požarov postala bolj glasna v boju proti podnebnim spremembam.

Many around the world are following events in Australia. They think maybe the devastating fires will it become more active in fighting climate change.

Za zdaj ne kaže tako, saj predsednik vlade Scott Morrison in nekateri lokalni mediji ne želijo prikazati vseh posledic divjanja ognja.

So far, it doesn’t seem so, as the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and some of the local media don’t want to show all the consequences of the raging fire.

»Vlada je šele zdaj uradno zaprosila za mednarodno pomoč. Ogromno se govori o načrtnem požiganju gozdov, da bi ti lahko postali zazidljive površine. Umirajo živali, ki so že tako ogrožene. Avstralci so požarov vajeni, ampak tako obsežnih še niso doživeli. Zanje je povsem običajno, da imajo en avto parkiran pred hišo in drugega na plaži, kjer bi lahko, če bi bilo treba, preživeli nekaj dni,« pripoveduje Slovenka Anja Kovačič, ki že eno leto živi na tej celini.

“The government has now formally invited international assistance. There is a lot of talk about the planned burning of forests so that it can become areas for building. Animals already at risk are dying. Australians are used to fires, but have not yet experienced so vast ones. It is completely common for them to have one car parked in front of their house and another one on the beach, where they could spend a few days if necessary, ”said Slovenian Anja Kovačič, who has been living on this continent for a year.

Temperature se bodo naslednja dva meseca samo še dvigale, kar verjetno pomeni še večjo katastrofo.

The temperature will only continue to rise over the next two months, which means more disasters.

»Trenutno so v Avstraliji poletne počitnice. Mnogi zato niso bili v službi, ampak doma in so lahko reševali svoje domove ali bežali pred zublji. Sicer bi bilo najverjetneje ogroženih še več življenj.«

“Currently it’s the summer holidays in Australia. Many people were therefore not at work, but at home and and so were able to save their property or run away from the flames. Otherwise even more lives would be endangered.”

V Avstraliji, ki je najbolj suha poseljena celina na svetu, so požari običajni.

In Australia, which is the driest continent in the world, fires are common.

»Toda okoljevarstveniki so napovedovali, da bodo vse pogostejši in da bodo njihove posledice hujše kot v preteklosti,« dodaja pisateljica Carolyne Lee iz Melbourna.

"But environmentalists have predicted that they will increasingly have worse consequences than in the past," added Melbourne-based writer Carolyne Lee.

»Večina ljudi upa, da bo ta katastrofa vlado prisilila v ukrepanje proti podnebnim spremembam. Dosedaj je namrež zgorelo območje, dvakrat večje od Slovenije.«

“Most people are hoping that this disaster will force the government to take action on climate change. To date, an area twice the size of Slovenia has been burned.”

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