Slovene-English Dual Text: Prvi Človek na Luni Spremenil Svet

By , 23 Jul 2019, 16:56 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Prvi Človek na Luni Spremenil Svet NASA

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Prvi človek na Luni spremenil svet

The first man on the Moon changed the world

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

»Majhen korak za človeka, a velik skok za človeštvo.«

"A small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind."

To so znamenite besede, ki jih je pred 50 leti izrekel ameriški astronavt Neil Armstrong in se za vedno zapisal v zgodovino človeštva.

These are the famous words spoken 50 years ago by American the astronaut Neil Armstrong and forever written in the history of mankind.

Skupaj z Buzzom Aldrinom in Michaelom Collinsom je 16. julija 1969 v misiji Apollo 11 na raketi Saturn 5 poletel v vesolje.

Together with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, on July 16, 1969, in Apollo 11, the Saturn 5 rocket flew into space.

Štiri dni kasneje sta Armstrong in Aldrin kot prva na svetu pristala na površju Lune.

Four days later, Armstrong and Aldrin were the first from Earth to land on the surface of the Moon.

Na Luni sta bili dve uri in pol, nabrala sta vzorce prahu in kamenja, se fotografirala in v njeno površje zapičila ameriško zastavo.

They spent two and a half hours on the Moon, collected dust and stone samples, took photographs, and planted the American flag on its surface.

Odprava Apolla 11 se je na Zemljo vrnila 24. julija. Tedaj so se trije astronavti prvič predstavili javnosti. Sprejeli so jih kot narodne junake.

The Apollo 11 returned to Earth on July 24th. The three astronauts were then first introduced to the public. They were greeted as national heroes.

ZDA in Sovjetska zveza sta tedaj tekmovali, katera bo v osvajanju vesolja prva.

The United States and the Soviet Union were then competing who would be the first in the conquest of space.

Čeprav je bil pristanek na Luni za Američane velika zmaga, je ta dogodek tudi za vedno spremenil družbo. To je bil uspeh za človeštvo, ne le za Američane.

Although landing on the Moon was a great victory for the Americans, this event also changed society forever. It was a success for humanity, not just for Americans.

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