Slovene-English Dual Text: Brexit Znova Odložen

By , 08 Apr 2019, 11:49 AM How to Slovenia
Banksy does Brexit (detail) Banksy does Brexit (detail) Flickr - Duncan Hull, CC-by-2.0

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Brexit znova odložen

Brexit postponed again

Written by Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Se spomniš brexita?

Do you remember Brexit?

To je tisti referendum, na katerem so volivci v Veliki Britaniji odločili, da ne želijo biti več del Evropske unije.

This is the referendum in which voters in the UK decided that they did not want to be part of the European Union anymore.

Takrat je veljalo, da bodo Evropsko unijo zapustili 29. marca letos. Toda bolj ko se je bližal ta datum, bolj je kazalo, da iz te moke ne bo kruha.

Then it was said that the UK would leave the European Union on March 29 this year. But the closer it came to this date, the more it seemed that there would be “no bread from this flour”. [Idiom: nothing would come from this].

Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnjih dneh z britanskim izstopom iz Evropske unije, ne ve nihče. Poslanci so doslej zavrnili še vse predloge britanske vlade.

Nobody knows what will happen in the coming days with Britain’s exit from the European Union. [British] MPs have so far rejected all proposals by the British government.

Brexit naj bi se namesto 29. marca zgodil 12. aprila.

Brexit is due to happen on April 29th instead of March 29th.

A premierka Theresa May je znova zaprosila za podaljšanje časa za izstop.

Prime Minister Theresa May again asked for an extension of the exit date.

Če Britanci ne bodo želeli sodelovati na evropskih volitvah, ki bodo med 23. in 26. majem, bodo morali poslanci sporazum o ločitvi Velike Britanije in Evropske unije potrditi še pred 22. majem.

If the British do not want to participate in the European elections of May 23-26, MPs will have to confirm the agreement on the separation of Great Britain and the European Union before May 22.

V zadnjem mesecu je sicer šest milijonov Britancev podpisalo peticijo, s katero želijo preklicati brexit.

In the past month, six million Britons signed a petition calling for Brexit to be cancelled.

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