Slovene-English Dual Text: Pijani od Števila Pi

By , 18 Mar 2019, 12:06 PM How to Slovenia

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Pijani od števila pi

Drunk from the number pi

Written by Urša Adamič, translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Malokatero število je tako uporabno, kot je število pi.

Pi is a small number that’s very useful.

Brez njega ne moremo izračunati ploščine kroga ali elipse niti prostornine krogle.

Without it, we cannot calculate the circumference of the circle or ellipse or the volume of a sphere.

Tako pomembno je, da ima celo svoj dan. In to danes. Današnji datum je 14. 3., v obrnjenem zapisu pa je to začetek števila pi.

It is so important that it has even its own day. And that’s today. Today's date is 14 March [14 3], but in reverse this is the beginning of the number pi.

Neskončno število decimalk števila pi je izziv za preizkus učenja na pamet. Vsako leto zato po vsem svetu na današnji dan potekajo tekmovanja v recitiranju števila pi.

As a series of endless decimal places, pi is a challenge to learn. Thus every year competitions are held all over the world to recite pi on this day.

Letos so takšno tekmovanje že trinajstič organizirali na ljubljanski Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko.

This year, for the 13th time, this competition was organized at the Ljubljana Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.

Slovenski rekorder v recitiranju števila pi je Nik Škrlec.

The Slovenian record holder for reciting pi is Nik Škrlec.

»Na 50. ponovitvi predstave Naj gre vse v pi ali kako sem si zapomnil 3141 decimalk smo s pomočjo gledalcev zbrali nekaj sredstev, in tako bo tekmovanje prvič v zgodovini imelo nagradni sklad! Zelo si želim, da bi kdo podrl moj rekord … tudi zato, ker bi se rad še kdaj preizkusil v recitiranju decimalk. Moj naslednji cilj je 31.415 decimalk. Potem pa 314.159, ampak to je bolj načrt za takrat, ko bom v pokoju.«

"At the 50th performance of the show Let everything go into pi or how I remembered 3,141 decimal places we collected some funds with the help of the audience, so the competition will have a prize fund for the first time in history! I very much want someone to break my record ... because I would like to try again in reciting it. My next goal is 31,415 decimal places. Then 314.,159, but that's more a plan for when my retirement. "

Tekmovanja ne potekajo zgolj v recitiranju, pač pa tudi v peki pi-t in pisanju pi-ezije.

Competitions are not only for recitation, but also in baking pi[e] and writing pi-etry.

V vseh treh kategorijah se preizkušajo tudi dijaki Gimnazije Novo mesto.

In all three categories, students of the Novo Mesto Gymnasium are also tested.

»Pri številu pi mi je najbolj všeč, da se nadaljuje v neskončnost, kot domišljija in nepredvidljivost ljudi,« pravi Nika Sara Pavlin, ki se bo preizkusila v pisanju pi-ezije.

"The number pi is my favourites, because it continues to infinity, like the imagination and the unpredictability of people," says Nika Sara Pavlin, who will enter the competition for writing of pi-etry.



Pi-ezija je literarna oblika, lahko proza ali poezija, pri kateri število črk v zaporednih besedah ustreza decimalkam števila pi.

Pi-etry is a literary form, wich can be prose or poetry, in which the number of letters in successive words corresponds to those in the number pi.

Primer: Jan v vodi k očetu hudomušno je zaplul.  

3, 1  4  1  5  9  2  6

Example: Jan in the water to [his] father is madly squandering.

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