Slovene-English Dual Text: Poslanci Izvolili Roberta Goloba Za Predsednika Vlade

By , 30 May 2022, 15:37 PM How to Slovenia
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Poslanci izvolili Roberta Goloba za predsednika vlade

Deputies elect Robert Golob as Prime Minister

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

Dobili smo novega predsednika vlade!

We got a new prime minister!

Po Janezu Janši (SDS) je to mesto sinoči prevzel Robert Golob, predsednik Gibanja Svoboda.

According to Janez Janša (SDS), Robert Golob, president of the Svoboda Movement, took over this position last night.

Na to mesto ga je po pogovoru s strankami predlagal predsednik republike Borut Pahor.

After talks with the parties, he was nominated for the post by the President of the Republic, Borut Pahor.

Po tajni izvolitvi je zaprisegel pred državnim zborom. S tem je postal mandatar.

After the secret ballot, he was sworn in before the National Assembly. With that, he became prime minister.

Zahvalil se je za podporo ter dobronamerne in tudi manj dobronamerne besede, ki so v peturni razpravi prihajale večinoma iz vrst opozicije.

He thanked people for their support and good wishes, as well as for some less kind words, which in the five-hour debate came mostly from the opposition.

Golob, ki je napovedal, da bo vlado vodil dva mandata, je poudaril, da morajo do javnega zdravstvenega sistema imeti dostop prav vsi državljani.

Golob, who announced that he would lead the government for two terms, emphasised that all citizens must have access to the public health system.

Imamo tri prioritete: socialno pravičnost, solidarnost in na znanju temelječo družbo. – Robert Golob

We have three priorities: social justice, solidarity and a knowledge-based society. – Robert Golob

Prav tako je povedal, da bodo energetsko in prehransko draginjo omejili že do letošnje jeseni. Ne želijo namreč, da bi ljudje zaradi podražitev bili predolgo v negotovosti.

He also said that energy and food costs would be limited by this autumn. They do not want people to be living in uncertainty for too long because of price increases.

Posvetili se bodo še digitalizaciji.

They will also focus on digitization.

Golob zaradi svoje izvolitve na mesto predsednika vlade ne more več delati kot poslanec. Zdaj bo morala državna volilna komisija sporočiti, kdo je na listi Gibanja Svoboda za njim osvojil največ glasov.

Due to his election as Prime Minister, Golob can no longer work as an MP. Now the state election commission will have to announce who won the most votes on the list of the Freedom Movement behind him.

Ta oseba bo tako prevzela njegov sedež v državnem zboru. Predvidoma bo to Bojan Čebela.

This person will thus take over his seat in the National Assembly. It is expected to be Bojan Čebela.

Poslanci so sinoči izvolili še drugo podpredsednico državnega zbora. To je s 52 glasovi postala Nataša Sukič (Levica).

Last night, the deputies elected another vice-president of the National Assembly. Nataša Sukič (Levica / Left) won with 52 votes.

Obenem so oblikovali še preostalih 19 delovnih teles, ki delujejo v državnem zboru. Od tega je 6 komisij in 13 odborov.

At the same time, they formed the remaining 19 working bodies operating in the National Assembly. Of these, six are commissions and 13 committees.

Golob je že sinoči v državni zbor vložil listo ministrskih kandidatov.

Last night, Golob submitted a list of ministerial candidates to the National Assembly.

Nekatere od njih bodo poslanci na posameznih odborih najverjetneje zaslišali že jutri.

Some of them will most likely be heard by members of individual committees tomorrow.

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