STA, 14 June 2021 - Police Commissioner Anton Olaj has filed a criminal complaint against the opposition Left for suspicion of making false accusations against him in response to the party pressing charges against him for suspicion of abuse of office.
"The police will continue to act in an unbiased manner and under the legal principle of equality before the law. I will continue to defend freedom of expression under the framework of respectful discourse," said Olaj, highlighting that he had never urged an investigation against any political party.
The Left accused Olaj last week of abuse of office. It alleges Olaj used a fake manifesto that has been attributed to the Left, which the party denies, to launch an investigation against the party on suspicion of inciting a forceful re-writing of the Constitution.
The party also filed criminal complaints against the ruling Democrats (SDS) and "its media network" on suspicion of a systemic spread of non-truths, and against an unknown perpetrator for allegations of forging the manifesto to discredit the party and incite politically-motivated hatred in society.
The manifesto had been circulated on social media and reported on by media with close ties to the SDS.
Olaj dismissed the allegations already last week, saying that the work of the police was based only on tasks assigned to them by the current legislation.
To press charges based on false accusations is punishable by an imprisonment of maximum two years.