Slovene-English Dual Text: Testi za Samotestiranje na Voljo v Lekarnah

By , 30 Aug 2021, 14:05 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Testi za Samotestiranje na Voljo v Lekarnah CC-by-0

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Testi za samotestiranje na voljo v lekarnah

Self-test tests available in pharmacies

Written by Sandra Hanžič,  translated by JL Flanner & G Translate

V teh dneh potekajo še zadnje priprave na novo šolsko leto.

These days, the last preparations for the new school year are underway.

Učenci sedmih, osmih in devetih razredov ter dijaki bodo tudi tokrat imeli možnost samotestiranja na novi koronavirus.

Seventh, eighth and ninth grade students as well as high school students will once again have the opportunity to self-test for the new coronavirus.

Brezplačne teste bodo lahko prevzeli v lekarnah, in sicer s svojo kartico obveznega zdravstvenega zavarovanja, izjemoma pa s potrdilom o vpisu v šolo. Predvidoma bodo na voljo od danes naprej, je napovedal državni sekretar na ministrstvu za zdravje Robert Cugelj.

They will be able to take the free tests in pharmacies, with their compulsory health insurance card and, exceptionally, with a certificate of enrolment in school. They are expected to be available from today, announced State Secretary at the Ministry of Health Robert Cugelj.

Ob testih bodo dobili tudi navodila za uporabo.

They will also receive instructions for use during the tests.

Samotestirali se bodo enkrat na teden, bodisi doma bodisi v dijaškem domu. Vsak bo upravičen do petih testov na mesec.

They will self-test once a week, either at home or in the dorm. Each will be eligible for five tests per month.

Kaj se zgodi, če bo test pozitiven?

What happens if the test is positive?

O tem morajo takoj obvestiti osebnega zdravnika, ki jih usmeri na dodatno potrditev s testom PCR. Dokler niso znani rezultati, morajo ostati doma v samoizolaciji. Če so pozitivni tudi na testu PCR, morajo to sporočiti ravnatelju svoje šole.

They should immediately inform their personal physician, who will direct them for further confirmation by PCR test. Until the results are known, they should stay home in self-isolation. If they are also positive on the PCR test, they must report this to their school principal.

Če je test PCR negativen, gredo lahko v šolo in na druge dejavnosti.

If the PCR test is negative, they can go to school and other activities.

Posebno skrb je treba nameniti ravnanju z odpadki, ki nastanejo pri samotestiranju, je poudaril Cugelj. Odložiti jih je treba v vrečko, jo zavezati, nanjo napisati, da gre za odpadke od samotestiranja, jo hraniti ločeno od drugih odpadkov vsaj 72 ur in nato dati v zabojnik z odpadki.

Special attention should be paid to the management of waste generated during self-testing, Cugelj emphasized. They must be placed in a bag, tied, labelled as self-testing waste, kept separate from other waste for at least 72 hours and then placed in a waste container.

Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje bo za dijake pripravil anketo, v kateri jih bodo spraševali, kako učinkovit je ta ukrep.

The National Institute of Public Health will prepare a survey for students asking how effective this measure is.

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