Slovene-English Dual Text: Miro Cerar Je Odstopil

By , 18 Mar 2018, 16:26 PM How to Slovenia
Miro Cerar in 2016 Miro Cerar in 2016 Flickr - EU2016 SK

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Miro Cerar je odstopil, volitve bodo morda že maja

Miro Cerar resigned, maybe the election will be held in May

By Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc and translated by JL Flanner

Ta sreda pa je bila res pestra.

This Wednesday was really eventful.

Najprej je odpadel pouk, ker so učitelji nadaljevali s stavko. Zvečer pa je odjeknila novica, da je odstopil predsednik vlade dr. Miro Cerar.

First, schools were cancelled because the teachers continued with their strike. Then in the evening, the news was leaked that Prime Minister Dr. Miro Cerar had resigned.

Kaj to sploh pomeni?

What does that mean?

To pomeni, da bodo zdaj volivci najbrž že maja izbirali, kdo bo naslednja štiri leta vodil državo.

This means that now the election will probably be in May, which will decide who will lead the country for the next four years.

Miro Cerar je odstopil, potem ko je vrhovno sodišče presodilo, da je njegova vlada ravnala napačno. V kampanji pred referendumom za drugi tir naj bi namreč javna sredstva porabili zgolj za informacije, ki so podpirale odločitev za gradnjo drugega tira.

Miro Cerar resigned after the Supreme Court ruled that his government acted incorrectly. Namely, that during the campaign for the referendum on the second rail track public funds were used to promote information that supported the decision to build it.

»Danes se je prelila kaplja čez rob, projekt drugi tir je doživel nov udarec, ki so ga povzročili tisti, ki želijo ustaviti pozitivni razvoj Slovenije. V takšnih zgodbah ne želim sodelovati.« Dejal je še, da oblast vrača v roke državljanov.

[Cerar said] "Today was the last straw, and the second track has experienced a new blow, caused by those who want to stop the positive development of Slovenia. I do not want to participate in such stories." He also said that the government is now returning to the hands of citizens.

Vlada bo do volitev opravljala tekoče posle. To pomeni, da bodo ministri nujne stvari še izpeljali, ne bodo pa več sprejemali pomembnih odločitev za prihodnost države.

The government will carry out its ongoing business until the elections. This means that ministers will continue to work on urgent matters, but will not make any important decisions about the future of the country.

In to tudi pomeni, da do konca šolskega leta pouk zaradi stavke ne bo več odpadel.

And this also means that you won’t have another day off school because of strikes this year.

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