Slovene-English Dual Text: Polarni Mraz Nad Evropo

By , 03 Mar 2018, 13:10 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Polarni Mraz Nad Evropo - christmas cold friends frosty CC by 0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Polarni mraz nad Evropo

Polar Frost Over Europe

by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc and translated by JL Flanner

Upamo, da danes niste pozabili doma kape, šala in rokavic.

We hope that today you havn’t left your hats, scarves and gloves at home.

Če ste, vas bo na poti v šolo in domov pošteno prezeblo.

If you did, you’ll be cold to the bone on your way to school and home.

Evropo je namreč zajel hud mraz. Tako zelo hud je, da mu pravijo kar polarni mraz. Ponoči se je že marsikje shladilo na 15 stopinj pod ničlo.

Europe has suffered severe frost. It's so bad that it’s called the polar frost. At night, it was already 15 degrees below zero.

Polarni mraz je svoje ime dobil zaradi posebnega vremenskega pojava na polarnem območju. Ampak prav lahko bi ga dobil zato, ker bomo zaradi izjemnega mraza in vetra, ki bo pihal z vzhoda, tudi v Sloveniji imeli občutek, kot da smo se nenadoma znašli na severnem tečaju.

The polar frost got its name due to a special weather phenomenon in the polar region. But it could also just get it because because of the extreme cold and wind that blows from the east, so in Slovenia it suddenly feels like we’ve found ourselves at the North Pole.

V Avstriji in Nemčiji ugotavljajo, da so bile minule noči hladnejše kot kdajkoli prej to zimo.

In Austria and Germany, they found that last night was colder than ever before.

Na sneg se pripravljajo v Veliki Britaniji, snežilo pa je celo v Rimu, kjer otroci snega niso videli že šest let. Ker mestu grozi poledica, so šole in vrtci ostali zaprti, otroci pa doma.

They are preparing for snow in Great Britain, and even in Rome, where children have not seen snow for six years. Because the city is threatened by ice, schools and kindergartens have remained closed, and children are at home.

In snežilo je tudi v Makedoniji, ki jo sicer poznamo kot deželo, kjer rasteta južno sadje in zelenjava.

And it's snowing in Macedonia, which we know as a country where southern fruits and vegetables grow.

Vremenoslovci tudi v prihodnjih dneh napovedujejo podobne razmere, temperatura naj bi se že nocoj spustila še nižje kot preteklo noč. V osrednji Sloveniji pa naj bi bila najnižja jutranja temperatura nižja celo od -20 stopinj Celzija.

Weathermen predict similar conditions in the following days, and the temperature is expected to drop even lower tonight than the night before. In central Slovenia, the lowest morning temperature is expected to be less than -20 degrees Celsius.

Kap, šalov in rokavic zato niti jutri nikar ne pozabite.

So don’t forget your hats, scarves and gloves tomorrow.

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