Slovene-English Dual Text: Striček Google Ve Veliko

By , 27 Jan 2018, 14:06 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Striček Google Ve Veliko Pixabay - StartupStockPhotos CC0

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. 

Striček Google ve veliko

Uncle Google knows a lot

Written by Katarina Bulatović and translated by JL Flanner

Računalnik, tablica in telefon niso le za igranje igric in dopisovanje s prijatelji. Ko ni ob tebi učitelja ali starša, lahko s spletnimi brskalniki hitro najdeš odgovor na marsikatero učno zagato.

The computer, tablet and phone are not just about playing games and chatting with friends. When you are not with your teacher or parents, you can quickly find an answer to many learning problems using a browser.

Na podlagi tega sami odločijo, katere novice ti bodo naslednjič predlagali.

Based on this, they [the browsers] then decide which news to show you.

»Tako počasi prejemamo samo še tiste vsebine, za katere drugi menijo, da nam bodo všeč, in čedalje manj novih virov, ki so drugačni,« pravi informacijska pooblaščenka Mojca Prelesnik.

“So slowly we receive only contents that others think we like, and fewer news sources that present something different,” says Information Commissioner Mojca Prelesnik.

Spletni velikani tako pomembno vplivajo na to, kako vidimo svet, do katerih informacij imamo dostop in do katerih ga nimamo.

Online giants thus have a big impact on how we see the world, which information we have access to, and what we don’t get.

Toda obstajajo tudi brskalniki, ponudniki elektronske pošte in družabna omrežja, ki tega ne počnejo.

But there are also browsers, e-mail providers and social networks that do not do this.

Zakaj jih ne uporabljamo? Ene zato, ker jih ne poznamo. Druge zato, ker so morda manj preprosti za uporabo. In tretje zato, ker so naši prijatelji vsi na Facebooku, Instagramu ali Snapchatu.

Why do not we use them? One reason is because we do not know them. Another is that they may be less easy to use. And the third because our friends are all on Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.

Tisti, ki sta jim spletna varnost in anonimnost pomembna, vse pogosteje svetujejo, da pozabimo na udobje in razmislimo o drugih možnostih. Striček Google namreč ni edini, ki nam lahko pomaga pri iskanju odgovorov.

Those for whom Internet security and anonymity are important are thus increasingly advised to forget about such comforts and consider other options. Uncle Google is not the only one who can help us find answers.

Brskalnik ne skladišči naših informacij, je brez oglasov in ne spremlja, kje smo.

The browser does not store our information, it has no ads, and does not monitor where we are.

Dopisovanje s prijatelji bo ostalo skrito s ponudnikom elektronske pošte, saj bodo naša sporočila šifrirana.

Correspondence with friends will remain hidden with email provider, because our messages will be encrypted.

Če pa želite na družabnih omrežjih razpravljati o temah, ki vas zanimajo ali vznemirjajo, na kulturen način, preizkusite

If you want to discuss cultural topics on social networks to discuss topics that are of interest to you or excite you, try

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