Slovene-English Dual Text: Slovenija Danes Dobila Novo Vlado

By , 14 Sep 2018, 18:30 PM How to Slovenia
The new Prime Minister The new Prime Minister Facebook

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation. Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation.  

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Slovenija danes dobila novo vlado.

Slovenia gets a new government today.

To pomeni, da se bodo predsedniku vlade Marjanu Šarcu končno pridružili ministri, ki bodo skrbeli za posamezna področja, na primer izobraževanje in zdravje.

This means that the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Slovenia, Marjan Šarec, will finally be joined by the ministers who will take care of particular areas, such as education and health.

Vlado bo v državnem zboru najverjetneje potrdila večina navzočih poslancev, ki so jih junija izbrali volivci.

The government will most probably be confirmed by the majority of the deputies present, who were elected by voters in June.

Po imenovanju vlade bodo njeni člani prisegli, da bodo spoštovali zakone. Ta postopek določa najbolj pomemben dokument v državi, ki ga imenujemo ustava.

After the appointment of the government, its members will swear to respect the [country’s] laws. This procedure follows the most important document in a country, that we call the constitution.

Vlada je izvršilni državni organ.

The government is an executive state body.

Pomembna je, ker usmerja najbolj pomembne stvari v državi. Prav tako predlaga, koliko denarja bo namenjenega za posamezno področje, denimo za šolstvo in zdravstvo.

It is important because it directs the most important things in the country. It also suggests how much money will be allocated to an individual area, such as education and health.

V vladi Marjana Šarca bo 16 ministrov. To so ponavadi politiki iz različnih političnih strank, lahko pa so tudi strokovnjaki, ki jih predlagajo te stranke.

There will be 16 ministers in the government of Marjan Sarac. These are usually politicians from different political parties, but they can also be experts suggested by these parties.

S strankami, ki sodelujejo v vladi, je Marjan Šarec sklenil zavezništvo. Temu zavezništvu rečemo koalicija. Zunaj tega zavezništva so tiste stranke, ki so tudi bile izvoljene v državni zbor, a ne sodelujejo v vladi. Tem strankam rečemo opozicija.

Marjan Šarec formed an alliance with the parties participating in the government,. We call this alliance a coalition. Outside of this alliance, there are those parties who were also elected to the National Assembly but who do not participate in the government. We call these parties the opposition.

Cilj koalicije in opozicije je izboljšanje razmer v državi. Vendar koalicija in opozicija ponavadi nimata enakega pogleda na to, kako to narediti, zato se pogosto sporečeta.

The aim of the coalition and the opposition is to improve the situation in the country. However, the coalition and opposition usually do not have the same view of how to do this, so they often disagree.

V vladi Marjana Šarca bo kar pet strank. To je zelo veliko. Tudi posamezne stranke imajo namreč lahko različne poglede na to, kaj je dobro za državo. Vodenje vlade bo zato za Marjana Šarca posebna preizkušnja.

There will be five parties in the government of Marjan Šarec. This is a lot. Moreover, the individual parties may have different views on what is good for the country. The government will thus be an important test for Marjan Šarec.

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