Slovene-English Dual Text: Igralec Je Postal Predsednik Vlade

By , 20 Aug 2018, 13:58 PM How to Slovenia
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Igralec Je Postal Predsednik Vlade

An Actor Has Become Prime Minister

Written by Katarina Bulatović, translated by JL Flanner and G Translate

Slovenija je po dveh mesecih le dobila mandatarja za sestavo 13. slovenske vlade.

After two months, Slovenia finally got a mandate for the composition of the 13th Slovenian government.

To pomeni, da imamo predsednika vlade, ne pa še tudi ministrov, ki bodo skrbeli za posamezna področja, kot sta šolstvo in zdravstvo.

This means that we have a Prime Minister, but not [yet] the ministers who will take care of certain areas, such as education and health.

Premier je postal predsednik stranke LMŠ Marjan Šarec. Zanj je glasovalo 55 od 90 poslancev iz različnih političnih strank v parlamentu.

The Prime Minister is the leaders of the LMŠ, Marjan Šarec. He got the votes of 55 out of 90 MPs from various political parties in the Parliament.

Te so že junija izvolili tisti odrasli, ki so odšli na volitve.

These MPS were elected in June by those adults who went to the polls.

Volivci so tedaj največkrat obkrožili stranko SDS, ki jo vodi Janez Janša.

Most voters supported the SDS, led by Janez Janša.

Janša ni mogel zbrati dovolj glasov poslancev, da bi lahko dobil mandat za sestavo vlade. Potreboval bi jih 46. Toda večina strank, ki so se uvrstile v parlament, ni želela, da bi SDS vodila državo.

Janša could not collect enough votes from the MPs to get a mandate to form a government. He needed 46. But most of the parties that came to Parliament did not want the SDS to lead the country.

Namesto tega so podprle Marjana Šarca, ki je s svojo listo na volitvah zasedel drugo mesto.

Instead, they supported Marjan Šarec, who took second place with his party in the elections.

Marjan Šarec je nekdanji župan Kamnika. Lani je najprej kandidiral za predsednika države. Uvrstil se je na drugo mesto in se potem odločil, da bo kandidiral še na volitvah za predsednika vlade.

Marjan Šarec is the former Mayor of Kamnik. Last year he ran for President. He came second and then decided to run for Prime Minister in the elections.

Vendar si ni od nekdaj želel postati politik. Najprej se je izšolal za mizarja, priključil se je prostovoljnim gasilcem in zaključil študij dramske igre.

But he did not always want to become a politician. He first studied to be a carpenter, joined the volunteer firefighters, and completed his studies in drama.

Njegova izvolitev dokazuje, da lahko z najpomembnejšimi zadevami v državi upravlja tudi nekdo, ki nima veliko političnih izkušenj.

His election proves that the most important issues in the country can also be managed by someone who does not have much political experience.

To omogoča politični sistem, ki se imenuje parlamentarna demokracija. V njej lahko vsak polnoletni državljan ustanovi stranko in kandidira na volitvah.

This is allowed by a political system called parliamentary democracy. In this, any adult citizen can establish a party and run for election.

Marjan Šarec je napovedal, da bo najprej poskrbel za skrajšanje čakalnih vrst pri zdravnikih. Če mu bo to uspelo, bomo na marsikateri zdravniški pregled čakali manj časa kot zdaj.

Marjan Šarec announced that he would first take care of shortening waiting times for doctors. If he succeeds, we will wait less time for many medical examinations.

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