Slovene-English Dual Text: Primož Roglič Najboljši Slovenec na Dirki po Franciji

By , 03 Aug 2018, 16:44 PM How to Slovenia
Slovene-English Dual Text: Primož Roglič Najboljši Slovenec na Dirki po Franciji Screenshot from YouTube

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Časoris is an online newspaper aimed at children. Each week we’ll take an article and post it here, along with a translation.  

Primož Roglič najboljši Slovenec na Dirki po Franciji

Primož Roglič is the best Slovenian in the Tour de France

Written by Mojca Štruc, translated by JL Flanner

Poleti marsikdo rad kolesari. Če je seveda sončno, ni prevroče in ni treba predaleč.

In the summer many people like cycling. If, of course, it is sunny, not too hot and not too far.

Vsako leto julija pa kolesarijo tudi najboljši profesionalni kolesarji. Tri tedne vozijo na Dirki po Franciji ne glede na to, ali je sončno ali prevroče. In med tem naredijo zelo veliko kilometrov.

Every year in July the best professional riders are also cycling. For three weeks they race across France, whether it's sunny or too hot. And in doing so they cover very many kilometres.

Tour de France, kot dirki pravijo, je najbolj znana cestna kolesarska dirka na svetu. Na njej sodelujejo le najbolje pripravljeni kolesarji. Vsi pridejo v Francijo s svojimi ekipami, ki skrbijo zanje in za njihova kolesa.

The Tour de France, as the race is called, is the world's best known road biking race. Only the best prepared cyclists participate in it. They all go to France with their teams that take care of them and their bikes.

Tekmovalci na vsaki etapi dirke prevozijo približno 200 kilometrov, in to po zelo razgibanem terenu. Včasih kolesarijo tudi več kot pet ur na dan.

At each stage of the race the competitors travel about 200 kilometres, covering very diverse terrain. Sometimes they cycle for more than five hours a day.

Vsaka etapa je tekmovanje zase, čas vseh pa se sešteva za končno skupno zmago.

Each stage is a competition in itself, and the time needed for all the stages in added up to find the final winner.

Najboljši Slovenec Primož Roglič, ki kolesari za nizozemsko ekipo LotoNL-Jumbo, je minuli petek navdušil navijače, saj je bil znova na eni etapi najhitrejši. Tokrat je ostale premagal v Pirenejih.

The best Slovenian, Primož Roglič, who rides for the Dutch team LotoNL-Jumbo, impressed the fans last Friday as he was again the fastest in one stage. This time he beat the others in the Pyrenees.

Ob podelitvi je na stopnički spet naredil telemark. Tako je navijače spomnil, da je bil nekoč smučarski skakalec.

At the ceremony he made a telemark on the podium, so the fans were reminded that he was once a ski jumper.

V skupnem seštevku tekmovanja je bil uspešnejši kot kdajkoli prej. Čeprav je še v petek kazalo, da bi lahko bil celo tretji, je v nedeljo Primož v cilj v Parizu pripeljal četrti.

In overall result of the competition he was more successful than ever. Although on Friday it looked like he could even be third, on Sunday Primož ended in fourth place in Paris.

To je najboljša slovenska uvrstitev v zgodovini te dirke. Doslej je za najboljšo uvrstitev štelo 9. mesto Janija Brajkoviča in Tadeja Valjavca.

This is the best Slovenian result in the history of the race. Previously the best placing was 9th place for Jani Brajkovič and Tadej Valjavec.

Primož pravi, da ni razočaran, in poudarja, da se je boril od starta do cilja.

Primož says that he is not disappointed, and emphasizes that he fought from start to finish.

Nekateri Primožu že pripravljajo sprejem ob prihodu v Slovenijo. Nanj bomo morali še malo počakati, saj Primoža v tem tednu čaka še eno kolesarsko tekmovanje.

Some Primož fans are already preparing their reception for his arrival in Slovenia. We will have to wait for him a bit longer, as Primož is still waiting for another cycling competition this week.

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